HELP! Touch Ups and Tangles


New Member
Hey ladies,

This week I'll be having my first post LHCF touch up. (I relaxed my hair in Jan for the first time in 2 years).

My hair has all of these spots where the hair has twisted up. I have tried not to comb these areas during the past 15 weeks. It's not heavily knotted like it would be if I'd had braids, but it definitely has ares where the hair has twisted around itself.

What can I do to detangle rough parts of it?

I'm doing the relaxer on Thursday night. Would I be able to wet (not wash) my hair tonight to better detangle?
Personally I would try to detangle as soon as possible so you can give your hair at least a 2 day rest. So sure, getting the hair wet and detangling now or tuesday would be ok, after that you probably shouldn't if you can help it( or maybe back you relax day off until you do)


I use Neturogena Triple Moisture Leave In to detangle when I dont comb my hair for two weeks, use a large tooth comb and be patient and detangle in small sections. If you choose to wet it, be careful that it doesnt matt together.
Just a suggestion: A silicone based conditioner that is watered down should help detangle a little easier. Im not a big Pantene fan but if you put a dab on those rough spots, the silicone should give it some slip. I wouldnt add any oil to the conditioner because it would take longer to dry. HTH.