Help! To Weave or Not to Weave...That the is the Question!!!


New Member
So, here's the situation.

I was a weave addict back in the day. For 4 to 5 years straight, I wore hair weave and would NEVER wear my real hair.

Fast forward to present day. I've been weave free for 2 years. My real hair is healthy, full APL. I've got about 2 more inches before it will be full BSL (so, probably by the end of the year or early next year with proper care). And I think my real hair is great. I've got my routine down and it's going and growing.

However, recently, I've been feeling this urge to have some extra "oomph" with my look, in terms of style, dress, and yes, my hair. The fact is, I look freakin' HOT with hair that comes right to my bra strap, and I'd love to enjoy that look again.

But part of me is afraid that by getting the weave, I'm somehow saying that my real hair isn't "good enough" again.

So, ladies, what do you think? Have any of you experienced this before? To weave, or not to weave...
But part of me is afraid that by getting the weave, I'm somehow saying that my real hair isn't "good enough" again.

I have been going through this exact same thing in the last couple of weeks. And some lovely ladies beat some sense into me and reminded me that of course I love my hair and wearing a weave doesn't change that.

I say if you want a weave, go right ahead and enjoy yourself. That's what I'm about to do:yep:.
of course your hair is good enough! I think the weave would just compliment what you already have! Its not a bad thing to have options. As long as you love your hair and are comfortable with the style, It will allways be good enough!!!
Weave it up girl!!!

You are full APL and almost BSL. You worked hard for that, right?.....give your hair a break and have FUN!
I am on the same page as you. The only weave I have had in my head is when I got braids. Now, I want to play around with having long hair, so I really really really want to get a sew-in. I am just really scared.
Well, u could always play with clip-ins vs sew-in. I've been debating that as well. The convenience to continue with my normal regimen and luxury of a long hair style too!
Do it! I’ve been wearing weaves since I was 12. My hair is now a healthy SL and I’m still rocking them. I don’t see anything wrong with weaves. for me, it protects my hair from the harmful UV rays, the heat from the flat iron and blow dryer and all the other ish I would be doing to my real hair. I can change the color, cut it, wear curly one week, and straight another. I love the versatility!!!!
Maybe you can try clip in, half wigs before you get a weave. But there's nothing wrong with getting a weave if you choose to.

Your hair is beautiful though!