Help thin ends!!!!!


New Member
Ladies Please help me I will do anything at this point! My hair is a little passed my shoulders but it is very thin so thin that I hate putting it in ponytails cause it looks so ugly! Im not sure what to do at this point my hair has never been this thin. Thanks for any help!:mad:
Are you relaxed? You may want to try rollersets. Even if you flatiron your hair, daily dry rollersets are good to keep it curly. That hides the thinner ends and gives you a style that does not need lots of manipulation. Then you can try to trim them a little after each touch up until they even out and get thicker. Also, try to find the reason your ends are thin anyway - too much heat? too much manipulation? etc. HTH
When I am unhappy with the appearance of my hair, I usually just put it in braids for a while and forget about it until it grows out. That way I'm not feeling self-conscious or depressed about my hair. If you choose not to go with braids/weaves, rollersetting should certainly help. Make sure you use a good setting lotion--that makes all the difference. Also, a good protein conditioner or even temporary hair color can help to plumpen your strands. I like Sebastian colourshines--it's my weave in a bottle. But it has been discontinued. Anyhow, don't feel bad about your hair--I'm sure you feel that it looks worse than it really does. Think of your hair as a work in progress. Good luck.
chellkai said:
Ladies Please help me I will do anything at this point! My hair is a little passed my shoulders but it is very thin so thin that I hate putting it in ponytails cause it looks so ugly! Im not sure what to do at this point my hair has never been this thin. Thanks for any help!:mad:

Some ladies, including myself, have reported that using a bit of castor oil on the ends has helped tremendously. I do this every night no matter what, then baggy and wrap with a silk scarf. I also take biotin, which has not only helped my hair to thicken up a bit, but I now have to get my nails done every other week because they are so long and strong. No one believes that my nails are real unless I show them.:lol:

Good luck and I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Keep us posted, though.;)