
New Member
Ok I rinsed the Elucence out that felt like butter all while rinsing, but once it was all out, I was back to this dry (drier than I am used to) Clarified feeling hair! I dont like it ya'll , It was cool because I probably needed it, but I was expecting to get my moisture right back......NOT! So Now I have Aveda Briliant in my hair and yes I used alot , again another Conditioner I Havent used before, somebody tell me this 'foaming and frothing' is not from the Salt Still???????? Two questions! Does Aveda Brilliant look like this? (ya'll said the elucence can be foamy) is that the case for this one too? I aint neva seen no ish like this, I CANT possibly still have salt in my hair! Second question for those that swam in the ocean and needed your moisture back WHAT DID YOU DO? I WANT MY MOISTURE BACK!!!!



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OK OK *DEEP BREATHS* people swim in the ocean and get their hair back right? help me ya'll! my hair cant stay in this clarified state I NEED MY MOISTURE BACK!
These are like the best Conditioners why are they foaming like this? geesh!

Someone tell me what to get to put moisture back pleassseeeeee:wallbash:
It took a few days for the salt feeling to leave my hair... about 3 days.

I really don't think there was still salt in my hair afterwards though. You did rinse the salted conditioner out really well, didn't you?

I never used that conditioner before... I dunno if it foams :(
It took a few days for the salt feeling to leave my hair... about 3 days.

I really don't think there was still salt in my hair afterwards though. You did rinse the salted conditioner out really well, didn't you?

yes mama, this is the second thorough rinse! geesh! I wasnt expecting this, glad your awake , 3 days? and did you do anything that helped get your moisture back exactly

I want to leave this conditioner in to get the most out of it, but if this froth is salt still, dang girl I didnt even use but half a tsp
guess I will be goin to work on my hair for a while, right now I just want to do anything to get it back , but I gotta let this conditoner do what it do first:wallbash:

I have urges to go pour some oil over my head too
yes mama, this is the second thorough rinse! geesh! I wasnt expecting this, glad your awake , 3 days? and did you do anything that helped get your moisture back exactly

I want to leave this conditioner in to get the most out of it, but if this froth is salt still, dang girl I didnt even use but half a tsp

It wasn't dry... it just didn't feel like my normal hair for 3 days.

Nope, nothing made it feel like my normal hair, I put in a lot of leave in twice the first day, it didn't help. I put more gel in too...

My normal hair feels a little coated. The salted hair just feels really clean. It tricks you... feels funny, but pretty good at the same time.

Maybe it's the conditioner? Some conditioners do froth... didn't someone say that if you don't apply it exactly the right way it gets frothy in the other thread?
guess I will be goin to work on my hair for a while, right now I just want to do anything to get it back , but I gotta let this conditoner do what it do first:wallbash:

I have urges to go pour some oil over my head too

Iris and her love for oil.......:grin:!!! I hope you get your moisture back though!!!
Yeah, try a hot oil treatment or just put a lot in... your hair seems to love oil (:lol: shame that I should know that).

Maybe the oils will give it a good conditioning and coating to counteract the "clarified" feeling :yep:

OK , my memory served me well, my nightmare clarifying experience in the past, no conditioner worked, theY helped, but did not fix it, it was years ago, i was using the best ones then too, my beloved CPR, Butter Treat, and Heavy Cream, they all just helped but did nothing to correct it, I remember it was OIL that got me through, Avocado to be exact

so me, I just went in there and worked some oil in with this froth and combed it all through, lots of oil, I'm just mad because I knocked over my bottle of oil and alot spilled, big bottle and not cheap! sigh!

I will do this every single day untill I GET MY HAIR BACK if I have to

ok my hair might need clarifying, but I cant stand the dryness, I just cant. It just aint for me, and although this isnt the 'driest' its been, I think it was worse with the clarifying, I still just aint feeling this! I need moisture!!!!

any suggestions to get it back Quick? after say, swimming in the ocean or something like that?
Yeah, try a hot oil treatment or just put a lot in... your hair seems to love oil (:lol: shame that I should know that).

Maybe the oils will give it a good conditioning and coating to counteract the "clarified" feeling :yep:

errbody from here to timbuktu knows about my oil , I dont play when it comes to that! :lachen:
It wasn't dry... it just didn't feel like my normal hair for 3 days.

Nope, nothing made it feel like my normal hair, I put in a lot of leave in twice the first day, it didn't help. I put more gel in too...

My normal hair feels a little coated. The salted hair just feels really clean. It tricks you... feels funny, but pretty good at the same time.

Maybe it's the conditioner? Some conditioners do froth... didn't someone say that if you don't apply it exactly the right way it gets frothy in the other thread?
yeah that was elucence, but this is Aveda, this cant be coincidence, two foaming frothing conditioners? lol

yeah it does feel funny, weird, I LIKED IT , but now I just want my hair back :cry:
Salt is a mineral that bonds to the hair and regardless of how little you use it can result in dryness and sometimes damage. Your hair may temporarily feel soft, but that is only because the salt rubs the cuticles and creates artificial weathering- in other word: a stone left in a river becomes smooth, but over time the river wears it down to nothing. The salt does the same thing to the hair. Because salt forms a bond to the hair on a molecular level, regular shampooing, clarifying, and rinsing will not get rid of it.

In order to break the chemical bonds you will need to use a chelating (not clarifying) shampoo and follow it up with a deep conditioning treatment.
Salt is a mineral that bonds to the hair and regardless of how little you use it can result in dryness and sometimes damage. Your hair may temporarily feel soft, but that is only because the salt rubs the cuticles and creates artificial weathering- in other word: a stone left in a river becomes smooth, but over time the river wears it down to nothing. The salt does the same thing to the hair. Because salt forms a bond to the hair on a molecular level, regular shampooing, clarifying, and rinsing will not get rid of it.

In order to break the chemical bonds you will need to use a chelating (not clarifying) shampoo and follow it up with a deep conditioning treatment.


even in 10 or 15 minutes?
Salt is a mineral that bonds to the hair and regardless of how little you use it can result in dryness and sometimes damage. Your hair may temporarily feel soft, but that is only because the salt rubs the cuticles and creates artificial weathering- in other word: a stone left in a river becomes smooth, but over time the river wears it down to nothing. The salt does the same thing to the hair. Because salt forms a bond to the hair on a molecular level, regular shampooing, clarifying, and rinsing will not get rid of it.

In order to break the chemical bonds you will need to use a chelating (not clarifying) shampoo and follow it up with a deep conditioning treatment.

I don't agree...

Someone, probably gymfreak schooled me on sodium depositing in hair a little while ago.

It's the reason that it's important to chelate hair that is relaxed using Calcium Hydroxide... but you don't have to chelate hair that is relaxed with Sodium Hydroxide.

I'll go see exactly what was said...
I don't agree...

Someone, probably gymfreak schooled me on sodium depositing in hair a little while ago.

It's the reason that it's important to chelate hair that is relaxed using Calcium Hydroxide... but you don't have to chelate hair that is relaxed with Sodium Hydroxide.

I'll go see exactly what was said...
*taking deep slow breaths*

Yay! Good answer :)

So your hair should definitely be fine with neutralizing and chelating on the day of relaxer... with regular chelating (instead of clarifying) every month or so.

Another question:

Why would sodium be easier to remove than calcium?

Sodium is a metal, isn't it? Is it just because it's more soluble in water? Because of the sodium ion's charge?

Again, I'm SO not a chemist

Ok, think of it this way:

You know when you have salt (sodium chloride - NaCl) and dissolve it in water, the bonds holding the sodium and the chloride break apart, so what you really have is sodium ions and chloride ions floating around in the water. That's what happens when you have sodium hydroxide in water, the sodium ions and hydroxide ions aren't connected anymore and float around. Plus sodium ions are relatively small compared to other molecules.

Now think about calcium carbonate. First, its a much larger molecule than sodium hydroxide, because carbonate is CO^3, meaning 1 carbon atom and three oxygen atoms. When you put calcium carbonate in water, it doesn't dissolve well, so the entire molecule wants to stay together. That's why you get the buildup on your hair, because the calcium carbonate isn't attracted to the water, it would rather stay on your hair. And that's why you need to chelate, because chelating is a process which binds molecules to the metals so that they can be removed.

Sodium is an alkali metal, but its much smaller than calcium. But the real reason why you don't need to chelate after using a lye relaxer goes back to the fact that no-lye relaxers use a secondary reaction which leaves calcium carbonate as a by-product, and calcium carbonate is not very soluble in water.

No, it was Determined22!

Basically sodium is very small, disolves in water and is pretty easily rinsed away.

Here is the link to the thread:
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Salt is a mineral that bonds to the hair and regardless of how little you use it can result in dryness and sometimes damage. Your hair may temporarily feel soft, but that is only because the salt rubs the cuticles and creates artificial weathering- in other word: a stone left in a river becomes smooth, but over time the river wears it down to nothing. The salt does the same thing to the hair. Because salt forms a bond to the hair on a molecular level, regular shampooing, clarifying, and rinsing will not get rid of it.

In order to break the chemical bonds you will need to use a chelating (not clarifying) shampoo and follow it up with a deep conditioning treatment.

if this is true, then i'm ever so glad that i did not try the salt in my hair. i was wondering b/c i've read where if you go swimming in the ocean, what you should do to combat the dryness from the salt water.....
yeah that was elucence, but this is Aveda, this cant be coincidence, two foaming frothing conditioners? lol

yeah it does feel funny, weird, I LIKED IT , but now I just want my hair back :cry:
elucence is not the only conditioner that i've used that foams/froths i honestly don't think the frothing is from salt. but regardless, you are trying to get moisture back. maybe leave your hair alone and let it adjust itself. i'm guessing but before man made all these products, hair had to do its thing on its own. i'm sure you've tried oils and hot oils and such right?

maybe, well i can only suggest what i've used. jane carter? perhaps? i don't know much from jane carter, elucence, and coconut oil. i sometimes use neurotgena body oil as a hair oil and i don't rinse it out.

man, iris, i hope your hair gets better. you've made me NOT want to try the salt in my hair.
i did a Google search and it seems like salt water (sea salt) is recommended for hair (Caucasian) bumble & bumble make a product to spritz. maybe it was not the salt that made your hair dry???? i dunno. we're trying to help you, girl!
elucence is not the only conditioner that i've used that foams/froths i honestly don't think the frothing is from salt. but regardless, you are trying to get moisture back. maybe leave your hair alone and let it adjust itself. i'm guessing but before man made all these products, hair had to do its thing on its own. i'm sure you've tried oils and hot oils and such right?

maybe, well i can only suggest what i've used. jane carter? perhaps? i don't know much from jane carter, elucence, and coconut oil. i sometimes use neurotgena body oil as a hair oil and i don't rinse it out.

man, iris, i hope your hair gets better. you've made me NOT want to try the salt in my hair.

I just did the oil thing just now with the conditioner! :yep:

girl this was no different than clarifying and I was crying then too, but just think who lost a whole head of hair from a dip in the ocean, nobody I know of......erm I can get your hair back, errm I mean I can get my hair moisture back......I CAN I CAN I CAN! I better!

I dont blame anyone for not trying this, it really isnt that bad, I just like my build up I guess :lachen:

I dont like my hair stripped of everything and although this wasnt totally stripped, its still removed everything and I just want it back, I will pour oils over my head daily if I have to :wallbash:

ETA , totally stripped, well it was, just not sqeaky stripped, but still stripped
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i did a Google search and it seems like salt water (sea salt) is recommended for hair (Caucasian) bumble & bumble make a product to spritz. maybe it was not the salt that made your hair dry???? i dunno. we're trying to help you, girl!

its the only thing I used different girl, it was definitely the salt

I know many reported good effects and trust me this wasnt 'bad' per say, I just want my 'ole feeling' of my hair back thats all

a lil worried after one attempt with a conditioner (a really good one too) failed......thats alll , yeah a lil worried *bites off nails*
I just did the oil thing just now with the conditioner! :yep:

girl this was no different than clarifying and I was crying then too, but just think who lost a whole head of hair from a dip in the ocean, nobody I know of......erm I can get your hair back, errm I mean I can get my hair moisture back......I CAN I CAN I CAN! I better!

I dont blame anyone for not trying this, it really isnt that bad, I just like my build up I guess :lachen:

I dont like my hair stripped of everything and although this wasnt totally stripped, its still removed everything and I just want it back, I will pour oils over my head daily if I have to :wallbash:

I know how you feel.

It just felt weird to me, but I kinda liked the softness.

Just so that I don't discourage people... it doesn't leave your hair dry or breaking or anything like that! It leaves it soft and moisturized, but feeling as it was almost clarified... no build up on your strands... the feeling of not much product on your hair.

Some people might like that feeling. I feel that it would work for helping to get the hair straighter and silkier :yep:
Irresistible, stop badmouthing my elucence! LOL J/K i just thought of something else. you said "build-up" so maybe that is exactly it; the salt did strip your hair of the process you do. It may take a minute to get that feeling back. hug.
I know how you feel.

It just felt weird to me, but I kinda liked the softness.

Just so that I don't discourage people... it doesn't leave your hair dry or breaking or anything like that! It leaves it soft and moisturized, but feeling as it was almost clarified... no build up on your strands... the feeling of not much product on your hair.

Some people might like that feeling. I feel that it would work for helping to get the hair straighter and silkier :yep:

thats exactly what it is, clarified! its not tangly , breaking , dry , well more than I'm used to, but not like tragedy dry , My hair has seen worse, from clarifying and protein, its not that bad ya'll, I'm just a lil worried that my moisture didnt come right back after Elucence like I expected

I probably needed the clarifying but I just always hate the feeling, and Neith is right some might like it, I Have a deep aversion to it
Irresistible, stop badmouthing my elucence! LOL J/K i just thought of something else. you said "build-up" so maybe that is exactly it; the salt did strip your hair of the process you do. It may take a minute to get that feeling back. hug.

ohhh I LOVED the Elucence , it felt soooo good, just when I rinsed it out my hair wasnt back yet :cry:

so I'm just a lil panicky I am going to work on it girl and am as we type. I want that feeling back! just got lil worried THAT I WILL get it back , pray people! :grin:
my hair is going to be just fine , I am speaking that and claiming it, just need to keep the moisture coming at it to get it back, there is no way salt could actually keep moisture out for good, so I'm gonna win this battle to put it back in!

dont mind me ya'll , I do not like stripped hair! I like moisture all up in my mix:yep: