Help! Split ends or Dry Hair?


Well-Known Member
Hello! This is my first post, so bear with me. I have been natural for 22 months. When I was relaxed I always had really bad ends. Now I'm natural with really bad ends. They make every hairstyle look bad because they are bushy, rough, and dry. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my ends. I cant tell if its split ends or just dry. If If I twist my hair I can still see hairs sticking out of the twists. I've moisturized. They soften a little but are very unsightly. I haven't had good trim in a while but I have been trimming pieces here and there. But that seems to make no difference. I don't want to cut off any more hair. What can I do? I'm tired of wearing ponytails. Thank you. PICS included!:sad:


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sweetie172008 - I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I'm relaxed but will bump this thread for you. It would help if you post your regi so the ladies can help guide you on what might be causing the issue.
sweetie172008 I'm natural as well and had a similar problem. What helped me was getting a good trim, weekly deep conditioning, twice daily m/s with a good moisturizer and oil and keeping my ends protected. How often do you deep condition?
It looks like you have a combination of breakage & porous/frayed ends. That's almost exactly how my ends looked. I bet if you examined a small section piece by piece, you would discover the extent of your damage. I suggest a good strong weekly deep conditioner like Aubrey Organics gpb and a good rinsing/sealing oil. You should see your hair improve in moisture/protein balance each week, the more you use. The affects of this deep conditioner last about a week, so you have to continue until your hair undoubtedly responds. Also, step away from shampoos or dilute them, they are very stripping to already dry hair. The rest of your work is internal (sleep, exercise, vitamins through food or supplement). You will probably want to slowly trim away those ends. Eventhough its been 22mo you are still learning your hair so please don't be discouraged. It took me a very long time; but since you are asking questions, you will get answers-- some that will apply to your hair and help you if you stay consistent. Also, what do you mean when you say you've "moisturized"? What is your regimen?
I'm relaxed but I had the same problem as well. But if you've always dealt with this relaxed or natural then it might be something your routine is missing. For me it's been all about moisture. I moisturize and seal EVERY night before I tie up my hair and my ends are SOOOO much better! You need a good water based moisturizer and a good sealing oil. I'm using Mizani Coconut souffle which is light enough to apply twice daily if needed, it also is petroleum and mineral oil free.

But I hate to say that if you have splits, you must have them trimmed off first. I learned this the hard way. Your hair will thrive so much better once you get the bad ends off and M&S daily.
LexaKing said:
I'm relaxed but I had the same problem as well. But if you've always dealt with this relaxed or natural then it might be something your routine is missing. For me it's been all about moisture. I moisturize and seal EVERY night before I tie up my hair and my ends are SOOOO much better! You need a good water based moisturizer and a good sealing oil. I'm using Mizani Coconut souffle which is light enough to apply twice daily if needed, it also is petroleum and mineral oil free.

But I hate to say that if you have splits, you must have them trimmed off first. I learned this the hard way. Your hair will thrive so much better once you get the bad ends off and M&S daily.

I might try that mizani because I moisturize twice too, thinking.... And I love coconut :)
Lilmama1011 The Mizani smells amazing! It was $15 but it's deff a staple for me! I focus on my ends and add a little through my hair. If you would like to see it it's one of my product reviews on my YouTube channel : LadyLexaRae Also this stuff will seriously last you months! . HTH
LexaKing said:
Lilmama1011 The Mizani smells amazing! It was $15 but it's deff a staple for me! I focus on my ends and add a little through my hair. If you would like to see it it's one of my product reviews on my YouTube channel : LadyLexaRae HTH

Ok, thanks I will watch later