Help! Split Ends 4a/4b Natural


New Member
Hey guys, i need a little advice. My mom has 4a/4b natural hair and she hs been having alot of splint ends, does any one know how she can fix this without trimming too much, any product sugegsttions? She came to me becasue everyone in my house thinks i'm a hair guru and i had no idea what to tell her, she really doesn't want to cut her hair, she's looking to repair it, or at least PREVENT it. Any suggestions?
From everything I've read, there is no way to "fix" split ends. They must be cut. Maybe she would enjoy her hair more if she went ahead and got a decent trim...she could start off with maybe 1/2 inch and then see how her hair feels then. Sorry, I don't know what else to tell you. Once she has a fresh head of hair with no splits, she can prevent them by keeping the ends moisturized at all times.
i agree. splits cant be mended. Deep conditioning just temporarily glues the splits together but by doing that all your doing is prolonging inevitable breakage. Its best to trim away the splits and start over with fresh new ends and keeping them moisturized to prevent further splitting.
Unfortunately there is no way to repair split ends. I too find that my natural hair is prone to split ends because of the texture. I agree with Hairlove she should start off with a small trim. When washing her hair first coat the ends with a light conditioner like one of the VO5 conditioners and shampoo only the scalp, squeezing the lather down the length as you rinse. Apply your deep conditioner, ends first and then the remainder of the hair. Apply a leave in that detangles and strengthens the hair, this is important to keep the strands from snapping. Last moisturize and apply an ends only conditioner, like Provitamin Split-Ends Mender, etc.