Help! - Relaxing After My First 12 Week Stretch


Active Member
I am so glad I came to this forum and learned about stretching out relaxers. I have insane ng. My first stretch, I decided to shoot for 12 weeks. I was going to try to go longer (16 weeks), but I don't want to push it this first time around. Maybe next time. My hair seems to have REALLY thrived from the relaxer break.

Saturday will mark 12 weeks and I am absolutely terrified to relax. I've been self relaxing for years and have never felt nervous like this. I just don't want to screw up. LOL

Is there anything I should (or shouldn't) do to my hair on Friday night to prep it?

please advise!!!

I used LondonDiva's method (Lonei has a method as well) to self relax in 2 halves after I stretched 11 weeks. Not everyone detangles their hair before hand, but I thoroughly detangle with a medium tooth comb and protect my scalp w/ WGO. Good luck, it should not be too different from your regular relaxing sessions.

ETA: I wrote about self-relaxing in my fotki journal. You can check it out if you want.
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I don't self-relax, so I think since you have the experience you'll be fine. Check out the other self-relaxing albums (Lonei, SouthernGirl) and just make sure you're fully detangled so you can get through your hair. That's the one thing I know to do come touch up time, make sure the hairdresser can part and apply and see where the new growth ends.

Don't be nervous!
thanks OneInAMillion.....:)

I'm sure I'll pull it together. Maybe I'll detangle really good Friday night seeing as I've been doing braid/twist outs for last 4-5 weeks and apply a conditioner/oil mixture to my relaxed hair and oil to my scalp as CAPlush suggested. All of my hair is so drawn up at this point it's hard to tell what's relaxed and what's not. lol :lol: But you guys are right, there shouldn't be much difference. The biggest difference is me....I've learned so much on this site, that I've become slightly paranoid about my hair.:perplexed
Girl I totally understand, I almost started crying before I put my relaxer in. I am 3 weeks post now but I just completed my first 12 week relaxer before that I always relaxed at 6-8 weeks. I was genuinely worried I would mess up. I probably read the instructions 4 or 5 times.

I wanted to try relaxing in two halves but I need to practice more. I ended up doing it the conventioal method and it turned out nice. I also thought my hair would look bad because I had some breakage learning the best method for me to stretch. The result were wonderful and I will stretch for at least 12 weeks from now on.

I waited till my husband left so I wouldn't be disturbed. Make sure you use a timer or clock in the bathroom so you don't go over. I put a ton of petroleum jelly on my ends to protect them but is seems like they are still straighter than before. Maybe from relaxer run off when I rinsed. Your going to do fine. Don't forget to shampoo/rinse and then lather more shampoo in your hair and let it set for about 10 minutes to make sure it neutalizes all the way into your hair shaft. I shampood again after I let it sit. I made my daughter hold a big mirror up while I applied the relaxer, so I could see the back of my head.:lol: She's got to learn how to apply them so I don't feel bad. Your going to be so shocked when you see how much longer your hair has gotten. Can't wait to hear about your results!
Girl she's right trying to separate for the relaxer was hard. I had a jungle up there. I ended up greasing the tips and twisting the ends then using big clamps to hold the hair tight enought to see where the parts were and stay separated.
Thanks EbonyHairedPrincess....

It's nice to know that I'm not alone on this one. I think what's freaking me out is that I have NEVER had ng this thick before. It must be the vitamins I've been taking.

I've never tried letting the neutralizing shamppo sit. I'll have to remember to do that. In the past, I only neutralized twice (BIG MISTAKE!!). :perplexed I'm also going to do a 1 minute porosity control treatment after I neutralize. Do you think this will be beneficial? Also, do you think the petroleum jelly on the relaxed hair would be better than conditioner and oil?
I don't have much advice to give, you have already gotten a lot of good advice. I just want to say good luck and try not to scratch your scalp a few days before:)
Choklatekiss79 said:
Thanks EbonyHairedPrincess....

It's nice to know that I'm not alone on this one. I think what's freaking me out is that I have NEVER had ng this thick before. It must be the vitamins I've been taking.

I've never tried letting the neutralizing shamppo sit. I'll have to remember to do that. In the past, I only neutralized twice (BIG MISTAKE!!). :perplexed I'm also going to do a 1 minute porosity control treatment after I neutralize. Do you think this will be beneficial? Also, do you think the petroleum jelly on the relaxed hair would be better than conditioner and oil?
Hello Choklatekiss79! :) IMO, relaxing after stretching is much easier. I usually stretch 13 weeks and sometimes as long as 16 or 17 weeks. I find it easy to see my newgrowth, especially once I get started.

I always base my scalp with a petrolatum product (like B&B) and put a oil I like on my length (not the newgrowth) to protect it, just in case some relaxer falls on it by accident. I haven't tried using Vaseline on my length. I usually use an oil like Keracare Essential Oil or plain vegetable oil and I do make sure my length is well coated with oil (not dripping though).

I always relax my hair in around 5 sections, keeping the unrelaxed hair dry under a baggie until I get to it. It takes longer but gives me more "time" to work with the newgrowth and it gives me peace of mind. ;) I texlax so I'm doing 10 min. total application and smoothing time per section.

When I used to relax the old way every 6 to 8 weeks (according to the directions), that's when I worried about overlapping, overprocessing, etc. Now it's much easier knowing that won't happen.:)
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Choklatekiss79 said:
bump...I know there is someone out there who can help.:D

I just relaxed my 12 week stretch on Monday....the night b4 and day of...don't put anything in your hair except for just moisturizing your ends. No scratching and DON"T GET UR HAIR WET. Just relax your new growth and you don't have to keep it on for the whole time if you want. After you straighten your a CROSS-WRAP before you go to sleep and when you wake up and comb it'll be so suprised.
Thank you angie10, Isis, and WillyGWifey for all of your advice and support:D You ladies are awesome!....I'm so anxious to see what kind of growth I've achieved. I'll post pics of the results this weekend. Wish me luck.:)

Thanks again!