Help!- Question about tangles/knots


Well-Known Member
Ok so I just tried to untangle my hair after a co wash and DC and got stuck on a knot which resulted in a chunk of hair being ripped out.:wallbash: Its been 9 weeks since my last relaxer and I would like to stretch for 2-3 more months. (first time stretching) however, Im having a difficult time detangling. My question is- Have you ever ripped out ALOT of hair trying to detangle? and if so Was it very obvious that the hair is missing once your hair dried?
Thanks in advance for your responses
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I just posted a thread on this. I haven't ripped out my hair but it was starting to matte up. Try getting a Denman brush. I tried it for the first time last night and it works wonders. Next time try it dry and with some oil and conditioner. Let it marinate for a while before you try it and remember- TAKE YOUR TIME. Even if you can't do it all in one session, seriously take the time so you don't have setbacks. I usually stretch 4 months.
I am texlaxed and I strecth out my relaxers every six months. So I say take your time and put alot of conditioner or detangler in your hair and let it sit for about 5 to 10 minutes then comb in sections. But if you want to do it a littler easier and faster detangle your hair with conditioner on it under running water in the shower in sections. Also you can finger comb your hair before you use a wide tooth comb to locate the tangles and try to take them out with your hands first and always start at the ends of your hair and go up to the roots.
i suggest detangling in sections and making sure you start from the ends and work you way up; and like Zen said, take your time. it is going to require more patience to detangle the longer you stretch but eventually you will find a method that works for you.
You should wash with your hair in braids like crown and glory and try the Rusk Scensories smoothers leave-in to detangle.
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bumping ....for more responses...I am seven months posts (now in braids) but was struggling with tangles on month six ..I'm dreading the wash after I take down my braids...
Thanks for all the responses! Does anyone use the C&G method (washing in braids) using baking soda? I am currently co-washing with cheapie conditioner and BS.