Help!!!! Please


New Member
Hello everyone,

After being natural for 3 years, i decided to relax again with Affirm. No problems!!! Fast forward, I decided to try PHYTO... My last 3 relaxers have been with phyto and let me tell you, my hair is shedding something terrible and it is sooooo dry. The stylist has been using index 1. Should i use index 2 or should i just go back to affirm? Do i have to cut off my hair to switch back to affirm?
Send a PM to Sareca. She has lots of knowledge about Phyto. She used it for a long time. Hopefully she can help.

If her PM box is full then go to her album and leave a message there. I'm sure she will need to know more about your hair type too.

The more info you can provide, the easier it is to figure out what is wrong.
I think Phyto is No-Lye and Affrim is Lye.

I use Affirm and will be sticking to it.

I think if i were you i'd stretch for as long as possible and go back to Affirm.