Help!!! Permanently straight natural hair


Is there anything that I can do for a patch of hair that seems to be permanently pressed straight? I got my hair pressed to see how much growth I had gotten and I now have a two inch patch of straight hair. When I wear my hair out, it sticks out like a sore thumb. I have tried everything from deep conditioning, to protein treatment treatments, to trying to braid my hair to just let it be… and nothing:mad:

What do I do??? The hair patch of hair is too long for me to just cut out. Has anyone heard of anything to help natural texture hair that has been pressed too straight to come back to its natural texture???
I have been pressing my hair consistently for the past 5 years and I just stopped in February.. The only thing that is "nappy" is my new growth the rest of my hair never reverted completely back to it's natural state. When you press your hair it's almost like wearing a relaxer, they call it thermal texturizing, and the more you do it, eventually you break down the bonds in your hair. The main thing is to keep that pressed hair healthy, by giving it the proper moisture.:D hope that helps.
^^^ITA with ms-tyler...

there is actually a process that is called japanese thermal hair straightening, where instead of a relaxer, they use a flat iron to permanently straighten the hair, piece by piece.

Well, I will tell you my expereice as a natural being pressed. At one point, I started freaking out because part of my hair was straight for a long time. Even when I washed it it was still straight. I went to a stylist and she washed my hair sooooooo well, my hair matted up back to the top of my head.. LMAO.

Either all you need is a gooooooood wash, or it *is* just permanently changed:( . A lot of women have this and just deal with it.
I really do hate to be the one to break it you... but the *thermal straightening* is actually heat damage :( Many, many, many natural ladies have encountered this problem. Like Ms-Tyler mentioned, heat styling can actually break down the bonds within your hair... Unfortunately, (as with all damage) the only real solution is to deal with the damaged straight hair and begin to properly nurture the new growth. For further research, there's tons of info and examples of these type issues on natural hair boards. HTH :)
If you've repeatedly deep conditioned, it's probably not going to revert.
You're either going to have to do a braid/twist out on this section before wearing your hair out so that it blends better or cut it.

I promise I'm not lecturing you, but if you are going to straighten your hair you have to invest in a heat protectant and really watch how hot you let the comb/flat iron get.