HELP! Oppinions needed......

My hair is healthy and I am....

  • Relaxed, straight or bone straight

    Votes: 14 66.7%
  • Texlaxed, don't give up

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

I am in the middle of making a tought decision and I need a little help. I started out with straight relaxed hair and then I decided to texlax a several months ago but I am begining to think I made a mistake. Are there any ladies here who have healthy straight or bone straight relaxed hair? I really miss my straight relaxed hair and am thinking about returning to straight hair but I do not want to damage my hair. IMO, I feel that straight hair is easier to manage than texlaxed hair. Maybe I need different products or a new regimen. If you don't mind I would appreciate your help.

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I've decided that since I am relaxing only 2 or 3 times a year, I'm going to relax straight when I do. Not BONE straight, but straight enough. As long as you are stretching, I don't see the harm with straight or bone straight. Sylver2 relaxes twice a year bone straight. If you were relaxing bone straight every 8 weeks or shorter, I'd be concerned.
I've decided that since I am relaxing only 2 or 3 times a year, I'm going to relax straight when I do. Not BONE straight, but straight enough. As long as you are stretching, I don't see the harm with straight or bone straight. Sylver2 relaxes twice a year bone straight. If you were relaxing bone straight every 8 weeks or shorter, I'd be concerned.

Thanks so much for responding. I am leaning more toward going back to straight relaxed hair, but we'll see. A few reasons that are making me want to switch back are: my hair is always dry now, it is always tangly, when I flat iron my hair I have to go over a section more than once or twice and it still does not look smooth. I really do miss my straight relaxed hair. I just wanted to try something different and I stuck with it for a while but now I'm not feeling my texlaxed hair.

Any more oppinions are greatly appreciated.
do whatever is best for you! if you feel like it easier to manage straighter than texlaxed her than go for it:grin:

Thank you,

In my pre LHCF days my hair was a straight relaxed mess so I decided to texlax after disocering LHCF and my hair is the longest it has ever been (SL) and I was convinced that texlaxing was the reason I was retaining legnth but I also started doing many other things with my hair at that time also (co washing, moisturizing, bunning, etc) Maybe I can have straight relaxed healthy hair (if I decide to relax straight) since I have gained so much knowledge from the ladies LHCF. The only reason why this decision is so hard for me is because I don't know how beneficial texlaxing has been for my hair compared to everything else I was doing.

I hope I am making since.
Thank you,

In my pre LHCF days my hair was a straight relaxed mess so I decided to texlax after disocering LHCF and my hair is the longest it has ever been (SL) and I was convinced that texlaxing was the reason I was retaining legnth but I also started doing many other things with my hair at that time also (co washing, moisturizing, bunning, etc) Maybe I can have straight relaxed healthy hair (if I decide to relax straight) since I have gained so much knowledge from the ladies LHCF. The only reason why this decision is so hard for me is because I don't know how beneficial texlaxing has been for my hair compared to everything else I was doing.

I hope I am making since. why do you want str8 hair??:grin:
all i'm saying is, if it aint broke, dont fix it:)
then too, now you are more educated about caring for your hair so maybe you'll be ok
i know this is confusing......:spinning:
Thank you,

In my pre LHCF days my hair was a straight relaxed mess so I decided to texlax after disocering LHCF and my hair is the longest it has ever been (SL) and I was convinced that texlaxing was the reason I was retaining legnth but I also started doing many other things with my hair at that time also (co washing, moisturizing, bunning, etc) Maybe I can have straight relaxed healthy hair (if I decide to relax straight) since I have gained so much knowledge from the ladies LHCF. The only reason why this decision is so hard for me is because I don't know how beneficial texlaxing has been for my hair compared to everything else I was doing.

I hope I am making since.

I was in the same situtation you were in......I decided to relax straight but not bone straight. Its easy to manage (for me at least...) in terms of airdrying...I loved my straight styles and I could never get them when I airdried. I was too scared to put any type of heat in my hair...So i think if you relax straight (not bone straight...I think thats too close to damaging the hair...) you'll be ok if you maintain it... why do you want str8 hair??:grin:
all i'm saying is, if it aint broke, dont fix it:)
then too, now you are more educated about caring for your hair so maybe you'll be ok
i know this is confusing......:spinning:


I sometimes feel like straight relaxed hair would be better now that I have some knowledge and will be able to maintain it but then again I love the thickness my hair has now and I love the texture (when it is wet anyway). I may give myself another month to think about it...I am so confused.
I was in the same situtation you were in......I decided to relax straight but not bone straight. Its easy to manage (for me at least...) in terms of airdrying...I loved my straight styles and I could never get them when I airdried. I was too scared to put any type of heat in my hair...So i think if you relax straight (not bone straight...I think thats too close to damaging the hair...) you'll be ok if you maintain it...

Hi sjprincess182,

I feel the same way you do as far as being scared to use heat often ( I actually want to stop) and even thought I don't wear my hair down often (1-2x/month) I like my ponytails/buns to look straight....hope I'm making since. Thanks for the advice.
Check out Dsylla's hair. She has a head full of thick texlaxed hair. It is beautiful and thick. You can always Maxiglide once in a while when your ready to go straight.
Check out Dsylla's hair. She has a head full of thick texlaxed hair. It is beautiful and thick. You can always Maxiglide once in a while when your ready to go straight.

Thanks mscolwhite, this is so true....o decisions, decisions :spinning:
I've decided that since I am relaxing only 2 or 3 times a year, I'm going to relax straight when I do. Not BONE straight, but straight enough. As long as you are stretching, I don't see the harm with straight or bone straight. Sylver2 relaxes twice a year bone straight. If you were relaxing bone straight every 8 weeks or shorter, I'd be concerned.

I have healthy, straight relaxed hair, and it keeps getting healthier as time goes on. I don't experience any problems with my straightened hair, and it is actually quite elastic and strong now. It's a lot longer and thicker than it used to be. It used to sit a little past my shoulders, now I've reached APL. I live by this rule: Whatever you take out of your hair, you must put back in. Some definite things that have helped me are these:

1. I stopped brushing my hair and only use combs now.

2. I don't relax my hair so frequently (only every three months).

3. Co-washes

4. Deep Conditioners and Leave-in Conditioners

5. Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil

6. Henna

7. Protein

8. Satin scarves

Some of the biggest set backs in my routine was the fact that I was damaging my hair with brushes and not keeping it moisturized. When I started doing healthier things for my hair, it thrived and is still thriving. I can't wait until I get updated pictures of it posted on my Fotki, which will be in December.
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I sometimes feel like straight relaxed hair would be better now that I have some knowledge and will be able to maintain it but then again I love the thickness my hair has now and I love the texture (when it is wet anyway). I may give myself another month to think about it...I am so confused.

i know EXACTLY how you feel! before i texlaxed last month after being natural i was having conflict with the fact that i love love love my natural hair and i didnt want to lose my texture. however, after i decided to do it i totally realized i was doing more harm with my hair being natural than with a chemical in it. i wasnt handling my hair correctly:nono:. i have no regrets whatsoever!!!:yep: when wet, i have texture AND its so so manageable! easy breezy! just take your time and think it thru. :)
Thank you,

In my pre LHCF days my hair was a straight relaxed mess so I decided to texlax after disocering LHCF and my hair is the longest it has ever been (SL) and I was convinced that texlaxing was the reason I was retaining legnth but I also started doing many other things with my hair at that time also (co washing, moisturizing, bunning, etc) Maybe I can have straight relaxed healthy hair (if I decide to relax straight) since I have gained so much knowledge from the ladies LHCF. The only reason why this decision is so hard for me is because I don't know how beneficial texlaxing has been for my hair compared to everything else I was doing.

I hope I am making since.

This is sooo timely, omg!!!!

I am in the EXACT SAME situation, heres my story

I transitioned for about 1 year to become natural then that all got to much for me then I texturised. 7 odd months (see siggy), now I have just got a blow out and i am soo loving the relaxed feel soo much and I'm considering relaxing BUT.... i really don't know if I should because when I was relaxed my hair was stringy horrible, hardly grew, thin and lifeless and now that I am texturised my hair has grown soo much from neck length to past shoulder length in since texturising (this may not be much for most but for me it is MAJOR) my hair is 100% thicker (even when blown out) I think if I relax I will regret it... so i will be glued to this thread to see responses, also I am scared of getting a corrector over my texturised hair as I really don't want to over-process my hair...... sorry to hijack :perplexed
Thanks ladies for responding,

ccmuffingirl, Very informative I do almost everything you listed except henna, I really want to try henna but my hair is always dry and I have been reading that henna would not be a good idea if your hair is dry.
I loves me some EVOO and coconut oil.:yep:

honeybadgirl, thanks for the info/advice and encouraging words.

kisskiss, I see we are going through the same thing and I feel what you are saying especially about not wanting to overprocess your hair. My eyes will be glued to this thread also, even though there is lots of great advice already.