HELP! Need Sensitive Scalp Relaxer Suggestions


New Member
I took out a full head sewn in weave on Saturday and I need a touch badly. I want to attempt to do it myself this weekend but I am afraid. The last relaxer I did burned me something awful. Some of you may remember that episode. Took me days to heal and feel relief. I used Affirm no lye that time but it was after lots of slicking my hair back, brushing combing and sunburn to my scalp from being in Florida, not to mention the constant washing of my hair because I went swimming everyday. I am sure my head was in no shape to do a relaxer because of all those factors. This time I want to go gentle. I don't want a Kiddie perm, they do nothing for me. No texturizer because I want to do another weave in 2 weeks or so I need it to be straight. I would do the oh so raved about Phyto but don't have the cash for that right now. If any of you have any bbs brands you can recommend I would appreciate it.
kitten73 said:
I took out a full head sewn in weave on Saturday and I need a touch badly. I want to attempt to do it myself this weekend but I am afraid. The last relaxer I did burned me something awful. Some of you may remember that episode. Took me days to heal and feel relief. I used Affirm no lye that time but it was after lots of slicking my hair back, brushing combing and sunburn to my scalp from being in Florida, not to mention the constant washing of my hair because I went swimming everyday. I am sure my head was in no shape to do a relaxer because of all those factors. This time I want to go gentle. I don't want a Kiddie perm, they do nothing for me. No texturizer because I want to do another weave in 2 weeks or so I need it to be straight. I would do the oh so raved about Phyto but don't have the cash for that right now. If any of you have any bbs brands you can recommend I would appreciate it.

I use Elucence Normal. I have used Gentle (very very mild as a texturizer). You can also use Vitale Sensitive Scalp.


I was thinking Vitale. They have a bunch of new formulations and new packaging though. I have to go and check them out. Anyone tried ORS Olive Oil realxer? Everytime I see this in the store I think about trying it along with the Profectiv relaxer. A little nervous since they are new to the market, well they have been around for a minute but not like the tried and true Revlon Realistic or Optimum. Those were used in my youth and I don't want to go back.
Phyto!! I used index 2
just read ur last part, i feel u though, i cry when i think of how much it all cost but my hair right now is thanking me.
kitten73 said:
I was thinking Vitale. They have a bunch of new formulations and new packaging though. I have to go and check them out. Anyone tried ORS Olive Oil realxer? Everytime I see this in the store I think about trying it along with the Profectiv relaxer. A little nervous since they are new to the market, well they have been around for a minute but not like the tried and true Revlon Realistic or Optimum. Those were used in my youth and I don't want to go back.

I have used the ORS Olive Oil relaxer....I really liked it..If I wasn't transitioning, I would used it again. I have a sensitive scalp too, and my scalp was fine after using it.
I have done Mizani and the past and it is great on my hair the first time but after that, blah! Teerama, btw I cut off all my hair! I am starting over trying to get it back to where it was in High School girl. I look at pictures from McCauley and I cringe.

The ORS is under $10 and will fit into my budget right now. I hate kits but since my hair is short rigth now a kit will be fine. I will compare the ORS to the Profectiv. They both sound promising, i read a few threads about them.

I did a Penetraitt this weekend and 10 en 1 along with some MTG on the scalp. I am wearing a wig to work this week so my hair can rest and my scalp can be prepared. I hate to base but I will make sure I do it this time.

Thank you all for your advice!