Help!!!! My Pibbs 514 is!


New Member
This is so painful....

When I was moving my Pibbs down the stairs, I carried it as is down the stairs. On the last step as I turned the corner, the bulky head flew off the pole and crashed to the ground. Yeah. :( The entire visor broke off and splinter on the ground in pieces. Then the white part separating the fan from the interior came apart. I was almost in tears. :(

Now my hair looks like a hot mess and I have no pibbs. I don't want to spend another $300 to get another one. Where can I get it fixed? Or get a new visor? Any ideas?

I know, I know....I should have taken it apart before moving it. NOW I know. :(
Ugh! I know you are hurt--I would cry! Anyway, don't blame yourself. You were just taking it downstairs. It's not like you were moving it to a new house or something! I probably wouldn't have taken it apart either just to move it down a flight of steps in my home.

Anyway, my guess like Longilox said, is that you may be able to get some replacement parts and/or repair info. directly from the company. I hope it works out. :)
Update (and a word to the wise):

I took the dryer to Pibbs. They told me to go to the beauty suppy store around the corner to get it fixed...... get this....the plastic part with the visor....costs $60!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup. Pricey. The visor alone costs $30. I had to cough it up to get it fixed but I will be handling my bad boy with the UTMOST care from now on.

Happy to have Pibby back again and working :)
Go ahead and cry ... I feel for you. If my black beauty breaks I would totally be in tears. I'm very careful with him. I hope they are able to fix it.

Update: I'm just seeing you got it fix ... I'm so happy for you.