Help me please.....I dont know what to do


New Member
I recently joined LHCF (finaly got a subscription) and I was excited to join in and test all the tips I found from Mega-Tek to Alma etc I thought after 5+ years of having my hair in extension braids it was time to let my hair breath, well to be honest I did not realize how damaged my hair actually was...

Whenever I take it down, to rebraid straight away... tons of little ends sometimes up to an inch snaps off my hair! :'-( im so sad, my hair should be longer than it is now, the longest part is only 7 inches!

when I do my hair I find lots of tiny bits of 1 inch strands sticking out of my scalp, as if i never done my hair in the first place..... some of my ends fan at the end or down the middle.

Please help me help my hair, i am natural and cant relax becuase my hair cant take it.

I think I am a 4a/3b, my hair is like wool, but ther is lots of not sure if its like that due to damage.

I remember my mother telling me I had beautiful hair when I was young... but then my grandmother relaxed my hair when I was 3... I know dont want to go down that road..

But please please please all of you who have healthy hair please respond and give me advice, I am planning to stop wearing braids at the end of July so I need to figure out a routine, what to do day in day out.

I want length and health...its so hard to stay motivated everytime I look at my own hair I wanna cry its so depressing. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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I recently joined LHCF (finaly got a subscription) and I was excited to join in and test all the tips I found from Mega-Tek to Alma etc I thought after 5+ years of having my hair in extension braids it was time to let my hair breath, well to be honest I did not realize how damaged my hair actually was...

Whenever I take it down, to rebraid straight away... tons of little ends sometimes up to an inch snaps off my hair! :'-( im so sad, my hair should be longer than it is now, the longest part is only 7 inches!

when I do my hair I find lots of tiny bits of 1 inch strands sticking out of my scalp, as if i never done my hair in the first place..... some of my ends fan at the end or down the middle.

Please help me help my hair, i am natural and cant relax becuase my hair cant take it.

I think I am a 4a/3b, my hair is like wool, but ther is lots of not sure if its like that due to damage.

I remember my mother telling me I had beautiful hair when I was young... but then my grandmother relaxed my hair when I was 3... I know dont want to go down that road..

But please please please all of you who have healthy hair please respond and give me advice, I am planning to stop wearing braids at the end of July so I need to figure out a routine, what to do day in day out.

I want length and health...its so hard to stay motivated everytime I look at my own hair I wanna cry its so depressing. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Welcome to LHCF!!! Dry your've found the right place to get the help you need if you are willing to learn and be very, very patient with your hair.

Can you tell us more about your regimen, and how you have been caring (...or NOT caring...) for your braids? It may help in determining the source of your breakage?
I am sorry to hear about this issue. However I can relate. I would wear my hair in braids constantly, I was/am relaxed. It wasn't until I came here and found that I was doing this improperly. What I have learned is to deep condition more often (like twice a week) and co-wash once or twice a week to get the hair stronger and more pliable to prevent the breakage and help the split ends. I would try to find conditioners and moisturizers w/out alcohol or at least very small amount. Also for the conditioners, I alternated between a protein and moisturizing conditioner, followed up w/a creamy leave in condtioner (I really like Giavonni) and seal w/ oil.

Although I have a recurring bald spot at the top the rest of my hair is progressing nicely. I think this spot is due to stress. But anyway I have stopped wearing micro braids because my hair strands were too fine/fragile. I also went 8 months w/out relaxing and my hair really got thick and split ends mended. During this time I work french braids w/ added weave for a better look, my hair was too short. While I had these in I would constantly moisturize my hair. This is what worked for me.

Don't get discouraged! Your hair can be fixed and grow healthy :yep:

First, cut off the bad ends. Depending on the angle of the split, they can travel up the shaft. Then do protein treatments. LOTS of them.

Use the strong Aphogee every 2-3 months followed by a moisturizing conditioner. But NOT the Aphogee conditioner. It sucks and isn't moisturizing at ALL! Use Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor and deep condition once a week.

You can also try Redken's entire Anti-Snap line. It's made specifically for damaged hair, it's full of proteins to mend and repair the damage.

Try co washing frequently and cover your hair with wigs or half wigs. No more braids or weaves. If looking at your hair upsets you, just throw a wig on. You can even deep condition during the day! Put on your conditioner, cover with a shower cap, put the wig over it and rinse it out when you get home :yep:
wait... the OP natural!! I wouldnt be advising reconstructors & Aphogee hard protein treatments for natural hair

the OP says her hair is like wool.... sounds like it needs MOISTURE and DETANGLING....
Have you tried a reconstructor and deep conditioning?

Not really tried a recosntructor, trying to keep all my products natural...but maybe I should try it, do you recomend any?

Can you tell us more about your regimen, and how you have been caring (...or NOT caring...) for your braids? It may help in determining the source of your breakage?

Well to be honest I only recently started to wash my hair at least once a week, I tried doing conditioner washes but I just got bad build up on my scalp to the point that when I scratch my scalp, when my hair is sttill wet, the coniditoner is under my nails. I used Pantene damage conditioner.

But otherwise I spray infusium 23, braid spray concoction on my hair contains rosemary and castpr oil too.

I try to deep condition my hait, it seems as though I get easy build up but them very dry hair?

wait... the OP natural!! I wouldnt be advising reconstructors & Aphogee hard protein treatments for natural hair

the OP says her hair is like wool.... sounds like it needs MOISTURE and DETANGLING....

That's what I thought, becuase my hair just seems dry and just snaps, I dont understand?

First, cut off the bad ends. Depending on the angle of the split, they can travel up the shaft. Then do protein treatments. LOTS of them.

Use the strong Aphogee every 2-3 months followed by a moisturizing conditioner. But NOT the Aphogee conditioner. It sucks and isn't moisturizing at ALL! Use Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor and deep condition once a week.

You can also try Redken's entire Anti-Snap line. It's made specifically for damaged hair, it's full of proteins to mend and repair the damage.

Try co washing frequently and cover your hair with wigs or half wigs. No more braids or weaves. If looking at your hair upsets you, just throw a wig on. You can even deep condition during the day! Put on your conditioner, cover with a shower cap, put the wig over it and rinse it out when you get home

Thanks but I dont like the idea of wigs, makes me self conscience... I know...I was considering doing bun styles? like coming my hair back an placing some artificial hir to create a bun, its supposed to be the best protective style...

I dont know- I really appreciate your advice.

Could i hear from more naturals like me please? or ladies who use natural products...

im in the UK too so alot of the things you guys have over there I dont here.
I would advise the OP to clarify then do deep moisturizing conditioners... then do leave in moisturizers followed by sealing.... I wouldnt mess with any proteins in dry brittle natural hair

Im big on the Nexxus Phyto Organics line... Im sure other naturals can help the OP with brands/products they use
We have alot in common. I just subscribed also this week and I have had my hair in a weave for 4 yrs. I took them out last week and relaxed 2 days ago. I did protein treatments first and it was 5 days of agony watching all of my hair in its natural state as it was like half relaxed and half natural. I thought for sure it would all come off when i relaxed! It didn't and it isn't really that bad. Since you are dealing with your natural hair you are a better person than I can ever

I suggest reading through every single post on this board. I spent 5 hours online (Girl, I am also 9 months pregnant and about to shot myself) researching anything and everything. There is soooo much great helpful info. Good luck with your journey and just think, at least we know what to do now. It is always better late than never.

I recently joined LHCF (finaly got a subscription) and I was excited to join in and test all the tips I found from Mega-Tek to Alma etc I thought after 5+ years of having my hair in extension braids it was time to let my hair breath, well to be honest I did not realize how damaged my hair actually was...

Whenever I take it down, to rebraid straight away... tons of little ends sometimes up to an inch snaps off my hair! :'-( im so sad, my hair should be longer than it is now, the longest part is only 7 inches!

when I do my hair I find lots of tiny bits of 1 inch strands sticking out of my scalp, as if i never done my hair in the first place..... some of my ends fan at the end or down the middle.

Please help me help my hair, i am natural and cant relax becuase my hair cant take it.

I think I am a 4a/3b, my hair is like wool, but ther is lots of not sure if its like that due to damage.

I remember my mother telling me I had beautiful hair when I was young... but then my grandmother relaxed my hair when I was 3... I know dont want to go down that road..

But please please please all of you who have healthy hair please respond and give me advice, I am planning to stop wearing braids at the end of July so I need to figure out a routine, what to do day in day out.

I want length and health...its so hard to stay motivated everytime I look at my own hair I wanna cry its so depressing. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hi Ebony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First........................ Welcome!!!!!!:drunk:
You stumbled onto the perfect - the right place!!!!!!

please don't be discouraged! I think I can speak for 99% of the ladies here - that they have come a long way on this hair journey... and that things got better - not overnight - BUT - pretty fast!

It might be good idea to list the items that you use now..... I know that people will give advice.

Take care!!!!!:grouphug:
I would advise the OP to clarify then do deep moisturizing conditioners... then do leave in moisturizers followed by sealing.... I wouldnt mess with any proteins in dry brittle natural hair

Im big on the Nexxus Phyto Organics line... Im sure other naturals can help the OP with brands/products they use

Sorry what does OP mean?....

so you dont recomend a protien treatment?

I was also thinking of using Mega-tek?!? for faster this advisable?
We have alot in common. I just subscribed also this week and I have had my hair in a weave for 4 yrs. I took them out last week and relaxed 2 days ago. I did protein treatments first and it was 5 days of agony watching all of my hair in its natural state as it was like half relaxed and half natural. I thought for sure it would all come off when i relaxed! It didn't and it isn't really that bad. Since you are dealing with your natural hair you are a better person than I can ever

I suggest reading through every single post on this board. I spent 5 hours online (Girl, I am also 9 months pregnant and about to shot myself) researching anything and everything. There is soooo much great helpful info. Good luck with your journey and just think, at least we know what to do now. It is always better late than never.


Thanks hon- Good luck in your pregnancy x
Hi Ebony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First........................ Welcome!!!!!!:drunk:
You stumbled onto the perfect - the right place!!!!!!

please don't be discouraged! I think I can speak for 99% of the ladies here - that they have come a long way on this hair journey... and that things got better - not overnight - BUT - pretty fast!

It might be good idea to list the items that you use now..... I know that people will give advice.

Take care!!!!!:grouphug:

Thanks hon, well I use All Ways hair range shampoo, conditioner and leave in moisturiser-supposedly has no bad things in it etc

oils- roesmary, olive, wheat germ (got oil happy), peppermint, castor and 6 oil (a combo of oils in one)

Infusium, braid spray

Pantene pro V conditioner (realised its to think for co washes- gives me bad build up)

used to use Shapley's Original M-T-G but that smell was too much

Yeah that's about it really.
Yup!:yep: I am also natural. I'm wearing braids for the next 6months, but I still take down the braids to maintain my natural hair underneath. I am trying to use mainly natural/organic products on my natural 4a/4b hair.

These are the shampoos I use:

These are the moisturizing conditioners I use:

Here are my moisturizers & leave-ins:

And here are some of the creamy moisturizers & oils I use:

I think you need to baby your hair alot, nurse it back to strength. Brittle hair definitely needs moisture. The products listed here are mostly natural and/or organic.....if that is your choice. They make my hair soft and moist, never greasy or oily. I also baggie my ends with carrol oil and sandwich bags. I keeps those ends so soft & moist. Carrot oil is great for breaking/snapping ends and dry hair.

Sounds like you need a CONSISTENT regimen for moisture.:yep:
just my humble suggestions:

trim any split ends
do one clarifying shampoo followed by a deep conditioning treatment.
moisturize your hair with shea butter and seal w/ coconut oil.
try not to manipulate it much

how are you wearing your hair? maybe try braidouts and do a co-wash (with a different conditioner) every other day? be sure to use daily moisturizing leave in and seal w/ coconut oil
Sorry what does OP mean?....

so you dont recomend a protien treatment?

I was also thinking of using Mega-tek?!? for faster this advisable?

OP= original post or original poster, depending on context

NO PROTEIN... rarely is extra protein needed on natural hair

get thee some MOISTURE
This happend to me as well. I had braids for awhile and when I took them out my sides were horribly damaged. One of the women here pointed me to this website It has tips about taking care of braids,natural and relaxed hair. I wish I had this information when i had braids. Anywho,it's been to weeks and a texlax since i took out my braids and my hair is doing MUCH better(thanks to the tips on this site) but i think I'm going to kick the weaves to the curb.

So, get comfy and read as much as you can take notes and come up with a reg. that will work for your hair. If you have any problems the ladies and myself would love to help you.

I think that overnight conditioning will help you as well.

There are lots of products out there.... But you need to condition with a moisturizing condish.... and do it for at least an hour....
Yup!:yep: I am also natural. I'm wearing braids for the next 6months, but I still take down the braids to maintain my natural hair underneath. I am trying to use mainly natural/organic products on my natural 4a/4b hair.

These are the shampoos I use:

These are the moisturizing conditioners I use:

Here are my moisturizers & leave-ins:

And here are some of the creamy moisturizers & oils I use:

I think you need to baby your hair alot, nurse it back to strength. Brittle hair definitely needs moisture. The products listed here are mostly natural and/or organic.....if that is your choice. They make my hair soft and moist, never greasy or oily. I also baggie my ends with carrol oil and sandwich bags. I keeps those ends so soft & moist. Carrot oil is great for breaking/snapping ends and dry hair.

Sounds like you need a CONSISTENT regimen for moisture.:yep:

I think i need that too- thanks alot for that- will check and print when i get home, i need a routine but with all the info on here- I dont know where to start!

But I do think my hair needs the moisture back, when I put water on it or when it comes near moisture it springs back, i need to figure my hair out and create a custom made routine...shoot why dont hairdressers do that eh?!
I think i need that too- thanks alot for that- will check and print when i get home, i need a routine but with all the info on here- I dont know where to start!

But I do think my hair needs the moisture back, when I put water on it or when it comes near moisture it springs back, i need to figure my hair out and create a custom made routine...shoot why dont hairdressers do that eh?!

its easy to get overwhelmed after seeing all the different, routines, regimens, products, new trends, fotki's, styles, old trends etc... but remember you need to focus on YOUR hair and what's best for YOU. Since it sounds like what you really need is moisture, maybe start by simply using whatever moisturizer you currently have on hand daily to start the process, and as you see how your hair responds to it, you can make another hair care change.

keep reading, you'll find your way.
its easy to get overwhelmed after seeing all the different, routines, regimens, products, new trends, fotki's, styles, old trends etc... but remember you need to focus on YOUR hair and what's best for YOU. Since it sounds like what you really need is moisture, maybe start by simply using whatever moisturizer you currently have on hand daily to start the process, and as you see how your hair responds to it, you can make another hair care change.

keep reading, you'll find your way.

Thank you hon- will do I have been hooked on this site since my subscription!
I've only been on my hair journey for six months, but as a newbie, this is what I've learned--The good news is that you have taken the first step on your hair journey. That means that you are aware that your hair needs help, and you are willing to commit to giving your hair the kind of care it needs to grow. You also have goals set, and that's good. I would suggest you start with one reasonable goal first, (after analyzing your trouble spots,) that you would like to work on. For example, if your hair is dry, your first goal could be to increase the moisture in your hair. Now this part is important-Take one goal at a time, and give yourself as much time as necessary to achieve it. You will feel more successful, if you take small steps towards reaching each of your goals.
Once you achieve one goal, then you can take the next step, and move on to the next goal. Your job in this is to monitor your progress, thru note taking, pictures, or however you feel comfortable documenting what you are doing, and how your hair is responding. The bad news is that growing your hair long is not a magic trick that happens overnite. Thru sharing with others, researching and experimenting, tweaking your hair reggie, trying new products, your hair will respond and begin to get healthy. Healthy hair is hair that grows as looooooooong (waist length!) as you want it too!!!!:spinning: Good luck !!
I agree with PassionFruit...NO protein at this point. I am natural and whenever I take my braids out I go straight for a moisturizing conditioner, not protein. In fact I don't ever try to put protein in my hair, if it's in a product then fine, but other than that I don't use it.

Here are some links to articles by a member here that will help get you started. I know they helped me. Sistaslick talks about regimen building, choosing conditioner, etc.

1.) Regimen Building Basics for Newbies

2.) Selecting a Moisturizing Shampoo

3.) Counteracting the Harsh Effects of Drying Sulfate Shampoos

4.) Selecting a Moisturizing Conditioner

Hopefully these will help get you started. Happy Hair Growing!!!
(((HUG))) It'll be ok. Sounds to me like you lack moisture on the ends. We seem to pay more attention to the scalp and don't realize that moisture is needed more on the ends. The ends have been with us the longest so we need to pamper them more.
(((HUG))) It'll be ok. Sounds to me like you lack moisture on the ends. We seem to pay more attention to the scalp and don't realize that moisture is needed more on the ends. The ends have been with us the longest so we need to pamper them more.

Your hair in your siggy looks AMAZING!!!! See if i did that there would be bits of tiny hairs that couldn't go into the braids sticking out!