HELP ME!!! I do not want a setback


Okay so I'm currently 9 weeks post, around week seven I flat ironed with my new FHI (which I am in love with). After flatironing I started noticing slight breakage at the ends (small pieces, not a lot but I don't usually have breakage since my HHJ) and what I think may be breakage at the demarcation line.

Small pieces of hair I usually see when I'm sealing with castor oil.
Breakage at demarcation I usually see when I'm trying to prevent knots and pulling the loose hair from the ends. They're long pieces but I can't really tell if there's a bulb all the time.

Prior to two weeks ago, I hadn't used a flatiron since July, I think. So that is the only change in my routine, and I switched to AOHSR.

Wash (AOHSR), protein (Aphogee2m) and DC (SE) once a week. Co-wash (AOHSR) when I feel like it. Seal twice a day, PS just about everyday.

Like I said, it's not a lot of breakage I'm just not used to seeing any. I'm not sure I should try Aphogee 2-step (I'm scared of that stuff :nono:). Or relax now, I usually try to go at least 12 weeks. Over the past few days I've started moisturizing and sealing my NG with Jojoba, it's softer than usual, which basically means I can part it with my fingers, not that I can comb through it, which I only did when I flatironed. My NG is really giving me problems, it's coming in so thick that it's almost unmanageable.

I may be overreacting, but my hair has come a long way from EL, so you know I'm not trying to go back.
What is SE?

Ends breaking is due to splits since open ends cannot hold moisture so dry up and also splits leave partials hairs that are not strong enough to withstand styling so they break off.

As far as breakage a demarcation, I don't have a solution for that. I have been so far removed from info on relaxed hair that I honestly don't have a clue what people do for that.

And yes, heat can be damaging so who knows what it could have done. If your hair was moisturized when you flat ironed, bubble hair could have led to mid-strand splits.

I'm not good with products, so can't shed any light on what you're using but if you're using Aphogee as the only conditioner after your shampooing, maybe you're getting too much protein that is making your hair brittle. I've never used the line so know very little about it so I apologize if I'm wrong about it.
Was your hair clean when you flat ironed?
What temp did you set it to? Relaxed hair really doesn't need a high temp at all.
When was your last trim and were all of your weathered ends removed?

It really doesn't sound bad enough to warrant Aphogee 2 Step. Pulling the hair from the ends with your fingers can cause tangles if not done carefully. That method doesn't work for me because the shed hair can snap before I pull it out or can tangle around other strands. I use a paddle brush to thoroughly remove shed hair.
Pertaining to breakage at line of demarcation, you say you seal with castor oil, but what do you moisturize with? Do you moisturize your new growth?

I don't seal with castor oil because its Too heavy for my relaxed hair. Deep in my stretch, I moisturize with scurl and I have NO issues with breakage.

I really hope you find what works for you. Oh and I DO NOT brush my new growth. That's just mean. LOL!
I agree that Aphogee 2 Step is overkill.

I would suggest applying your conditioner and Aphogee 2 Minute more like relaxer, to make sure that you're really getting the demarcation line properly moisturized and proteinated. Yeah, I made up that word.

And I'm not sure how often you comb or brush your hair, but I would also suggest maybe cutting back. The deeper into my stretches I get, the more important it is for me to touch my hair as little as humanly possible.
SE is silk elements dc I use megasilk. Before I flatironed I had washed with aubrey, aphoghee 2m, and dc with silk elements. I always dc after aphogee. To be honest I never really moisturized my ng up until a few days ago. I thought the dc and cowashes would be enough, I think ill keep that up for awhile. For moisture I've been using motions leave in, I haven't found anything else that I really like. I might try scurl on my new growth, I don't really like it on my relaxed ends.

My flatiron was on 370, ill probably try to lower it next time. I've been dusting, which is why I flatironed in the first place, but haven't had a good trim in a year.

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^^^ I think you'll be just fine between everything you mentioned you'll change. And kudos to you for being proactive about breakage. It's much better than being reactive after a setback. :yep: Let us know what you did that helped!