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As many of you may know, I recently had a very unfortunate experience with a lye relaxer and scalp burns. Well the burns have healed, but my scalp is very very dry, no matter what oils I use, whow much distilled water i use, nothing. I cannot keep my scalp dry and non peeling/cruddy. Is this still part of the healing process? Do scalp burns dry the skin out? I'm worried because I have increased shedding and my head is just uncomfortable..any suggestions???
Yes your scalp is healing and its going to flake, feel tight, etc.. If your burns were as bad as you said they were its going to take a while before your scalp is in normal condition. Just pamper it.

Next time, the moment you feel a tingle rinse the relaxer out. Never risk burning your scalp. If it means going a few more weeks with a head full of underprocessed hair, so be it. I can't remember exactly what your situation was, but I do know a lot of stylists will persuade you to keep a relaxer in as long as possible even if you are seriously burning for the sake of making sure the hair is relaxed.
i heard seabreeze works for scalp burns. I never used it, I just leave my scalp burns alone and dont worry about them. they eventually go away. For your scalp, just use that good ol' grease until your burns are totally gone. Wash your hair more too! HTH
You should put vitamin A on your scalp burns, they will heal quick usually in a couple days or more.