Help me fix my high porosity hair!


Well-Known Member
Ok, my hair went from low porosity when natural to normal-medium porosity when texlaxed to medium-high porosity when I dyed my hair. I would like you to recommend tips, products, whatever so I can nurse my hair back to health although I know they will be temporary fixes. I will be trimming with every relaxer to slowly get rid of this color and I will do henna instead of box dyes starting next year. As far as products go, I am trying to use mostly natural/organic lines but sometimes they take to long to get here and my impatience wants to get something right away and use it (I'm working on that which is how I got in this predicament in the first place) so I would also like recommendations for in store products (target, walmart, sallys, whole foods, and trader joes) that I can go pick up whenever I'm running low or want something new and closer by.

Also, I was looking into Roux Mendex, porosity control, and moisture recovery, are these still a good brand? I don't like aphogee products.

Info about my hair:
I'm just starting to shed a little more than usual, my hair stays dry to the point I have to m/s twice a day and sometimes that doesn't help. I can see the holes in my hair when wet and it takes no time to get wet and less than an hour to dry (my NG takes a lot longer) I did a protein tx and I want to relax on Friday (22wks post which could also be causing the extra shedding). I will be doing one last wash on Tuesday before the relaxer. Other than that I have been putting about 8 cornrows and wigging it. Trying to be thorough just in case this info can help you help me.
I think your should definitely give the Roux Brand a try. I use the Porosity Control after I Texlax and MY HAIR LOVEEEEES IT! Also, you may also benefits from ACV Rinses, Cool Water rinses and maintaining a healthy PH Balance. I have Normal to High Porosity and I found that maintaining proper PH Balance and Cool Water rinses were the most beneficial, however since you are doubled processed (relaxer and color) a different combination of these four options may be best for you.

HTH's! :yep:.
When I first came to the board, I had over, double, triple processed hair that was of course, naturally highly porous.:nono:

To attempt to combat and reverse it, I began using lower ph'ed based products.

I also incorporated Roux PC as my final wash with cool water to close, restrict, flatten lay down cuticles and lock in moisture. I followed the directions.

I moved on (product-wise) and incorporated other Acidifying Conditioners as my final rinse. I use Nexxus Ensure and Hairveda's Ph Phinsing ACV Rinse.

I've also used Bear Fruit Hair's Red Wine and Green Grapeseed Rinse which are Acidifying Rinses as well.

Afroveda and some others have some Pre-Mixed ACV Rinses, but if you get your measurements right and like to "mix it up" You may be able to create your own ACV Rinse.

I noticed at the Salon where I was getting my T/U, they had on my Card: Normal Porosity, so I felt that was another LHCF Victory.:grin:
EnExitStageLeft Ok so I can definitely start doing the cool water final rinse (I used to idk why I stopped). I heard that ACV rinses can dry your hair out which is why I never tried it even more so if your hair is color treated. Is that not true or should I do it before DC'ing?

IDareT'sHair thank you for the product rec's. Its nice to know you've been there and survived so it gives me hope. Seems like hairveda is on point with these products for almost all hair issues! Lol. Do you still use these products or once its under control its okay to stop or just use it for maintenance every now and then?
Should I change my regimen? Or just start tweak it to add the rinses? I like to shampoo 1x/wk, cowash 2x/wk, DC 2x weekly, tea rinses everytime, air dry using LOCO method to M/S. I do think I will have to buy a few and try them out before I make my own but I have a lot of ACV already because I cook with it. Maybe I'll just google and do a LHCF search. Shi naturals has an ACV rinse too right? They all do the same thing don't they?
Babygrowth I use an acidifying conditioner each wash day to close/restrict the cuticle, because I steam.

And since steam or DC'ing with Heat; raises, lifts, opens the hair shaft so in order to close it I use a Porosity Control product as my final rinse.
I have it, but never used it. I was thinking of using it next relaxer day just to see if worked as good as the Roux Porosity Control. I relax next week, so Ill use it then and come back with my results :).
Awesome! I saw that it works better than RPC! I will probably buy both and if I don't like it then I will return it to Sallys!
@Babygrowth, I like french perm stabilizer better than roux pc. For some reason, the roux product leaves my hair feeling hard and tangly, but the french perm stabilizer actually makes it easier to detangle. Btw, I'm a texlaxed 4a/b.

eta: and I have highly porous hair, natural and relaxed. :ohwell:

Yes! I use FSP after my Relaxer and it is a staple for me after the Relaxing process.

I use it on Relaxer Day and the 1st wash after my Relaxer.

There was some discussion a while back (very old thread), where some posters warned about not using it after each wash because the Ph Balance is so low. I think it is a 2.5? And I am unsure what the normal Ph Balance of the hair should be.

What they said made some sense (as I'm not all into the scientific) but I limit my use to right after a relaxer when your Ph Balance goes up to 14-15 or whatever those numbers are.
Babygrowth....i also have hi-po and swear by using something to close the cuticle as a final rinse i use claudie's revitalizer normalizing rinse mixed with cool water leave it in for 5 mins then rinse with more cool water....also avoiding leaving dc's on my hair for hours on end or overnight has helped control my porosity issues...hth
Honey_Bee how often do you use the FPS?

coyacoy thanks for the product rec! I'm trying to leave my DC on for no longer than 3 hours but I ddnt know it could exacerbate the problem.

On Tuesday I'm going to Sallys to get these (hopefully)! And I'm going to use at least one of them after I shampoo.
i use claudie's revitalizer normalizing rinse mixed with cool water leave it in for 5 mins then rinse with more cool water....also avoiding leaving dc's on my hair for hours on end or overnight has helped control my porosity issues...hth


I have this as well, but never used it. I hate mixing stuff.:look: Now you have me wanting to try it.

Thanks for the review. If you hadn't posted this, I'd probably still be giving this one the side-eye.:yep:
Lol IDareT'sHair I knew you had it in that abundant worship worthy stash of yours. I'm scared to try Claudies products because both quinoa and coffee creams didn't really work for my hair but she has sooo many other things I want to try including the normalizing rinse and condish...
Babygrowth, for a while, I was using it every washday. :look: Didn't know I wasn't supposed to. (thanks IDareT'sHair) I think it really worked too bc, working my way through that huge bottle, lol, I can honestly say that I've noticed a huge difference in my hair's porosity. The one sure sign is that it's taking way longer to air dry.
Babygrowth, although I don't patronize Korean bss, I do go in and window shop. :look: They usu carry it, its usu dusty and on the bottom shelf, sometimes near the coloring or perm supplies.
Honey_Bee I found it! The FPS was on the bottom shelf at Sallys! I'm going to try it this wknd and I want to use it weekly but idk now... maybe mix it with condish so its still effective but the pH is higher? Idk... are you still using it frequently?
high porosity is due to the cuticle layer of your hair remaining open. This can be brought upon by a few reasons but in your case, pH. When you dyed your hair, you increased the pH of it (generally around 9-10). Since our hair is naturally acidic due to sebum oil naturally secreting from the scalp, your cuticle remains unsealed which can make it very difficult to retain moisture.

You should try ACV rinses. Mix 2 capfuls of apple cider vinegar with 5 cups of distilled water. After you shampoo and rinse out your deep conditioner (with cold water) pour the mixture through your hair. Do not further rinse your hair after the acv rinse. The only downside is it kinda stinks but the smell does not linger.
^^ Hi! I have done two ACV rinses so far and although I notice my hair is less frizzy and "laid" my hair is drier when I use it. :-(
I have used 1tbs in 1cup of water and I have used 1/2tbs in 1cup water. The latter was better but idk what else to try because if I rinse or DC after the rinse it will negate the effects of the ACV rinse...
@Honey_Bee I found it! The FPS was on the bottom shelf at Sallys! I'm going to try it this wknd and I want to use it weekly but idk now... maybe mix it with condish so its still effective but the pH is higher? Idk... are you still using it frequently?
Babygrowth, :look: I was using it every time I washed, in the summer 2x/wk, in the winter once/wk. However, according to this thread I now realize I was probably using it too much. That said :look:, I think over-use was just what my hair needed. I used it that way for maybe 6 mos to a year and now, I'm pleased to say that my hair is not nearly as porous and retains moisture much better. I suspect I grew out the irreparable bits and I trim about 1/4-1/2" every month (working on my hemline), so that's part of it.

re: acv, I've never used it. I hear good things from naturals, but I feel like my hair is too fragile for alladat. FPS is gentle and I don't have to play with proportions= good enough for me. #ifitaintbroke :lol:
your acv was not dilute properly ... it has to be pH appropriate in order to seal your cuticles... try the consistency I wrote you
bunnie82 Hi! I started with the strand test where I took some clean shed hair and put it in a cup of water. My hair sunk immediately which means high. If it seems like it takes forever to sink its low but if it floats for a bit and then slowly sinks its normal. I also looked at how long or lack there of it takes for my hair to dry and to take in water when washing. My hair gets soaked fast and dries almost as soon as I step out of the shower (high). My NG however takes a while to accept the water and takes a while to dry (normal-low). Also my hair absorbs every moisturizer used versus low porosity where it seems like it just sits on top of you hair because the cuticle is closed almost not accepting moisture. If you need more info just google search but I hope that helped! :-)
Haven't read thru any previous post: a quick I use to use was Roux Porosity Control Mendex. My hair felt like silk after and my ph balance was normal again.