I feel so foolish saying this, but I am actually afraid /images/graemlins/nono.gifto part with my braids. I'm so anxious/images/graemlins/grin.gif to wear my own hair out and show people I do have some hair under these braids. My addiction is so bad that my boyfriend of 6 years has only seen me without braids the 1st year of our relationship. I'm afraid without braids I'll look a mess since people are so used to seeing me with them. I mean how sad is this, they've become my security blanket. /images/graemlins/cry3.gif. I'm proud of my accomplishment of being the girl who went from having mid-ear length hair to an inch past my shoulders on the sides and 5 inches past the base of my neck in the back. I literally start getting stressed when I think about the whole transition. Is this normal?