Help! Is it ok to touch up after 1 mth?


New Member
I had a 'hairdresser from hell' experience at my last touch up. she was rough and pulled out a lot of my hair by using a fine tooth comb to apply the relaxer. apart from doing a lot of damage, my hair is seriously underprocessed, it feels last 4 weeks post and it's only 1. stretching has not been working for me as i get too much breakage. How soon can i relax? i have fine hair that was in pretty good condition before that witch :witch:did her damage. my hair which has good density now feels thin and i have lots of short broken pieces all through out:cry:. Advice please.

BTW -the upside - i'll now be self-relaxing.
Even before LHCF, I never relaxed prior to 6 weeks (now I go 8 because like you my hair starts to break if I wait too long). My advice is to wash and deep condition twice a week and roller set to minimize heat damage. It's only two more weeks and your hair will thank you for waiting later.
I don't know if this would be a touch-up. It seems more like a corrective relaxer is what you may need, and you might want to find a stylist who does corrective relaxers and have her fix the mess the stylist created.
aww, i'm sorry this happened to you.

i think a corrective touch-up would be fine after a month, provided that during that month, you baby the mess out of your hair, and when you do it, only hit the underprocessed parts, and not the whole head. stay away from direct heat, and deep condition every time you wash, plus a protein treatment the week before; then you should be in pretty okay shape.
Thank you everyone, i really appreciate the responses. the consensus is not before 6 weeks - so I'll do that. I've read about corrective relaxers here on the board but don't really know about it so i have to do some research here. I will certainly be babying it. My first wash i used Adeda DR and it felt pretty good. I read a post about red palm butter really detangling natural hair, so i will order some and try that on my new growth /underprocessed hair.