
Well-Known Member
I have been transitioning for 15 months and I have decided to relax my hair. I am planning on doing it myself. I have had so many problems with hairstylists and damage in the past that I am frankly afraid to go to another one. I have decided that natural is not for me because my hair frizzes too much and I prefer straight as opposed to natural hairstyles. I have about 6-7 inches of new growth. I plan on relaxing with the elucence mild lye relaxer. Any sugguestions that anyone could give me would be much appreciated. I am a bit nervous about it but with the extreme damage from stylists in the past , I just can't stomach going to another. I am truely terrified. Do you think I should try to find another stylist . If not any helpful hints that you can gve me about relaxer aplication would be really appreciated. thanks.
My suggestion is to find another stylist and let them do it since this is not just a touch up. There may be people in your family or friends/coworkers that you have seen that have nice hair and you may want to ask them where they go to get their hair done. I would think since coming on this site you have learned a lot like I have and you should be able to tell what the stylist may be doing wrong and speak up about it now that you are knowledgable about hair care you should not have another problem with a stylist. Just don't be afraid to speak up. But personally I would be very afraid of relaxing my own hair in its natural state.
I personally wouldn't attempt to relax a virgin afro on my own. (I underprocessed my own touchup last month, and now I'm looking slightly

There must be some LHCF ladies in your state who have raved about their stylists. Search those threads for recommendations, then schedule a consultation.
Before you do anything, look at your hair strands. Are they fine? What is the texture? Maybe this is why you've experienced so much damage. If your hair is fine in diameter, the relaxer may be too much for your hair. What is the longest your hair has been? I have a friend that was in a similar situation, she was very frustrated because her hair always thinned out and never got past her neck. Now she is natural and it is healthy and full. She wears it straight sometimes as well. Some hair does not thrive on chemicals so you should be aware that since you've decided to go back to relaxed, you may experience breakage again. Do some research of salons in your area that focus on healthy relaxed hair and go in for a consultation. Good Luck!