HELP! I need moisture


New Member
My hair is so so so dry. I currently put hot six oil in it every morning, but by the end of the day it's so brittle and dry. What can I do? Also, what should I be doing with my hair at night so that it's not so dry in the morning? Thanks in advance.

Hi there! :wave:

Oil is not a putting it on your hair every morning, it's basically sealing the hair and not letting any moisture in, so your hair will get drier and drier.

You may want to try something like Neutrogena silk touch leave in, or Sunsilk TLC, theyr'e creamy and help moisturize my hair.
Hope that helps!

ETA: and at night, moisturizing and sleeping in a satin cap or scarf will help. I know the other ladiers on the board will have alot more advice for you as well.
Get some Aveda DR quick! Oh and low-poo (i.e., dilute it or don't do it as often). I found most shampoos stripped my hair of moisture and oil.
WomanlyCharm is right--oil is not a moisturizer, so make sure to use an actual moisturizer first and then put the oil on.:)
your hair might be suffocating under the oil. you might want to wash your hair and get a fresh start, and next time apply moisturizer first then oil to seal the moisture in.

Every night, or every other night, apply moisturizer then oil to the hair and sleep on satin bonnet, scarf or pillowcase.
Aveda can be expensive. I am not sure how much you are trying to spend, but I think there are cheaper alternatives to Aveda DR that are just as good.

You could start by giving yourself a moisturizing deep condition. Start with a conditioner that has no protein or silicone (if you can find it). I have no problem with mineral oil or petroleum, in some cases, and I love 'cones, but when my hair is dry, conditioners with those just don't do it for long term sustainable moisture.

Personally, I cannot have moisture without protein. I know protein can dry hair, too, but without my protein treatments, my hair does not accept moisture well.

If you have not done a protein treatment in a while, you may want to do that, as well. There are SO MANY cheap, effective protein treatments out here. I think Aphogee 2 min Keratin is a mild, low cost, one. Joico K-Pak is another great one, but it is more costly.

I can do as many moisturizing deep conditions as I want. apply all the leave-ins and moisturizers that I want and they just don't work until I do my protein right.

And, of course, you want to use you daily moisturizer. I agree that a creamy water based one is good. Actually some of us find that is we put them on our wet hair as leave-ins before we style, we don't have to apply that often as the week goes on.

good luck!
I have that type of dryness at my nape. A really good deep conditioner would help.

I started using a little bit of S-curl sealed with oil and that helped with my dryness. (Hope this helps :) )
sareca said:
Get some Aveda DR quick! Oh and low-poo (i.e., dilute it or don't do it as often). I found most shampoos stripped my hair of moisture and oil.

I don't know about the Aveda DR, Miss Sareca. Dang! You didn't even find out if she was relaxed or not... sheesh! Talk about your shameless product plug.:perplexed:lol: Anyhoo... Sareca is very right...finding the right shampooing regimen and product is KEY. Before we all start running products in your mind, you need to first, figure out your texture. If you are on the 4a/b texture area...YOU'VE BEEN CURSED!!! Just kidding...
But, your texture is drier and more britte than the others. You might want to stick to products that have a little less cone if you are natural( from the advice of the other ladies). I bought shealoe from "From Nature With Love", and it softens my new growth and moisturize my hair so well. I think products with shea butter in them for that reason alone. Everyone raves about Qhemet Biologics Alma and Olive mosturizer... up to you to buy it if you wish. Baggying helps with remoisturizing dry hair and many ladies SWEAR by it. Conditioner washing with a STRONG moisturizing conditioner is a good idea. If you already have a cheapy condish that works for you, but needs a little.... umph! Add maybe a teaspoon of shealoe or shea butter (some might say alvocado butter or mango butter) to it, some AMLA oil (the miracle oil), castor oil, Dabur Jasmine Oil, Jojoba ... you're starting to get the drift. I also LOVE to deep condition with Cholesterol mixed with honey and coconut milk/oil to moisturize and soften. (I'm rambling, i know). Those are my tips. I pre-poo with a not too strong protein (Motions CPR) and cholesterol to make sure i don't break.
man i remembered once upon a time i believed oil was a moisturizer..... i had nothin but broken ends and horrible horrible breakage. it wasn't until lhcf that i learned that the best moisturizer is WATER.

baggy! baggy! baggy!

make sure your leave-ins and any other moisture products you have are water based and not oil...water should be the number one ingredient listed.

girl, do your hair a favor and incorporate water into its life, it will thank you!