Help! How can I slow up my relaxer?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,
I am putting an Affirm lye (normal) relaxer in my hair this weekend. I was wondering if there is anything I can add to the relaxer to stop the relaxer from burning my scalp so I can take longer putting it in. I do not want to dilute the straigtening strength or potency of the relaxer, I just need more time with the application. I like my roots straight.
Any suggestions????
You should base your scalp. Spraying the burning area with oil sheen also helps.
I agree with ^^^ base the scalp or put oil on your scalp and hair so that you can slow the relaxing down but not adding it to the actual jar of relax
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Thanks ladies for your responses. But I am thinking if I put a base on my scalp wouldn't that stop or slow the relaxer from working at the roots?
OH my goodness, just putting it on my scalp is going to be hard to do. I wanted a mild or sensitive relaxer but was afraid it wouldn't get my hair as straight as I like it. Oh well, thanks ladies. I will try that and work as fast as I can when putting it on this weekend...
OH my goodness, just putting it on my scalp is going to be hard to do. I wanted a mild or sensitive relaxer but was afraid it wouldn't get my hair as straight as I like it. Oh well, thanks ladies. I will try that and work as fast as I can when putting it on this weekend...

Yes you have to put it on the scalp only. The hair very close to the scalp may get a little bit but that's OK because the hair closer to the scalp process faster because of body heat.
Im not sure that oil will slow the process. It just conditions the hair and scalp. Its okay if you get some on the roots. The main thing is to protect your scalp cuz lye is hard on the scalp. It used to give me constant big dry flakes. Only now do I realize it was the lye. This happened to my dd and sister too
I'm glad no one suggested that she put oil/conditioner in the relaxer because I did that and confused the hell out of me. I couldn't figure out how long to leave the relaxer so my hair came out under-processed. Just apply vaseline to your scalp, your already relaxed hair, smooth it in quickly and you should be fine.