Help! Help!


Well-Known Member
Ladies I need some advice! Every night I either baggy or wash and deep condition over night. Is there anything I can do to my hair over night where it wouldnt be wet every night. Can I just moisturize, seal, and wrap with my scarf? I am just sick of going to sleep with my hair please!
First off, welcome to the board.

Secondly, of course you can.

Don't feel the need to go to the extremes to get your hair in shape. Deep conditioning every night is not needed. You are probably just wasting product since the hair is only going to absorb but so much. You could actually be doing more harm than good since moisture swells the hair shaft and constant swelling back and forth can weaken the shaft. Plus, while you are sleeping with conditioner on your head at night tossing and turning, you could be stretching some of your strands (already full with moisture) that could lead to future breakage.

Try cutting back on your conditioning. If you are using the right products for your hair, you shouldn't feel that your hair needs to be conditioned every single night like that. HTH
^what she said. Moisturise the ends and then just wrap the hair at night. If you only moisturise the ends and leave the rest, your hair will have more swing to it.
If you think your hair needs more moisture dont wet your hair, drink more water
I am trying to figure out some sort of regimen but I always seem to confuse myself. Is this a good regimen?
Clarify 2x a month, dc after, prepoo before, leave in conditioner
Co Wash 2x a week, dc after, prepoo before, leave in conditioner
protective styles daily
and moisturize and seal daily
but what to do to dry my hair if I dont want to use heat