Help!! From mid-back length to above chin length...WTF


New Member
Please help!! I am in tears right now from anger and disbelief. I'm in Indiana visiting my family for a week. When I got here my sister answered the door. I nearly fainted. Her hair is so damaged and broken. The length doesn't even go to her chin. My sister who is 12, had natural hair that went to the middle of her back UNSTRETCHED!! My parents have been sending her to the hair dresser every two weeks for quite a while now. The lady has been pressing her hair eveytime she goes but this is after my parents let this white lady put a box perm in her hair. My sister has fine soft hair. All her hair has fallen out. Why does this lady keep putting all this heat on her hair!!! Can't she see how damaged it is. I don't know what to do but I have to do something. I went to the BSS yesterday and bought a bunch of products so she can get started on a regimine. I told my parents to tell the hairdresser to put absolutely no heat on her hair. My mother is disabled so she can't do her hair. So I'm hoping to teach my sister how to start caring for her own hair. My hair has flourished since being on LHCF. Everyone thought I had a weave because of how my hair has grown, and how healthy it is. I live in Minnesota so I can't be here to take care of her hair. Can anyone please tell me what I should do to help her while I'm away. I'm afraid she'll be bald the next time I visit!!:nono: Please Please Help!! Sorry this is so long.
If your sister is 12, she should be able to start doing her hair herself. She could do co washes. That way she won't have to be too concerned if she doesn't rinse out all of the shampoo with a regular wash. While you're there, you could do 2 deep conditions, 1 protein, 1 moisture, then braid her hair. I think a braided style would work best for her at this time. It will keep the hair protected & unmanipulated for weeks at a time. Try surge 14 or BT or a homemade glycerin, condish, water, oil mix to keep braids moistruized or a braid spray.

Good luck!
Maybe you should "interview" some new hairdressers for your sister. I don't think the current hairdresser knows what she is doing since she is applying so much heat to already relaxed hair - isn't that Hair 101?

Are there any good ones who care for the health of the hair. Maybe you can call around.

Also, teaching your sister to care for her own hair is a very good start. Does she have access to a computer?:grin:

I am so sorry this happened to your sis. My niece's hair did the same thing when my older sis put a box perm on her hair. It is growing back now, my sister gives her much needed TLC for her hair now.
Maybe you should "interview" some new hairdressers for your sister. I don't think the current hairdresser knows what she is doing since she is applying so much heat to already relaxed hair - isn't that Hair 101?

Are there any good ones who care for the health of the hair. Maybe you can call around.

Also, teaching your sister to care for her own hair is a very good start. Does she have access to a computer?:grin:

I am so sorry this happened to your sis. My niece's hair did the same thing when my older sis put a box perm on her hair. It is growing back now, my sister gives her much needed TLC for her hair now.

This is an excellent idea...along w/teaching your sister how to care for her own hair...also put her on LHCF too
I like the idea of you spending the time with her teaching her how to do her hair. Be her instructor, show her what to do and then make her do it herself until she learns. Stick with the basics since you only have a week. First of all, decide what is going to continue to be put in her hair, so is she going to keep getting relaxers, pressing combs are grow it back natural. Does she need to know ho to prepoo, shampoo, airdry. Most importantly for her, how is she going to do her hair for school? Seems like she may need braids to give her hair time to recover while looking good at the same time. However if she has braids, then that is a whole other lessons right there. Seems like chemicals and heat are a no no but now that her hair is burned off, the people who do it only know how to deal with it by adding more heat, so a sad cycle continues. Please keep us updated on what you all decide to do.:)
Please help!! I am in tears right now from anger and disbelief. I'm in Indiana visiting my family for a week. When I got here my sister answered the door. I nearly fainted. Her hair is so damaged and broken. The length doesn't even go to her chin. My sister who is 12, had natural hair that went to the middle of her back UNSTRETCHED!! My parents have been sending her to the hair dresser every two weeks for quite a while now. The lady has been pressing her hair eveytime she goes but this is after my parents let this white lady put a box perm in her hair. My sister has fine soft hair. All her hair has fallen out. Why does this lady keep putting all this heat on her hair!!! Can't she see how damaged it is. I don't know what to do but I have to do something. I went to the BSS yesterday and bought a bunch of products so she can get started on a regimine. I told my parents to tell the hairdresser to put absolutely no heat on her hair. My mother is disabled so she can't do her hair. So I'm hoping to teach my sister how to start caring for her own hair. My hair has flourished since being on LHCF. Everyone thought I had a weave because of how my hair has grown, and how healthy it is. I live in Minnesota so I can't be here to take care of her hair. Can anyone please tell me what I should do to help her while I'm away. I'm afraid she'll be bald the next time I visit!!:nono: Please Please Help!! Sorry this is so long.

I'm very sorry to hear this. I think it's a good idea to show her how to take care of her own hair. Another good idea is to write down the instructions and spell it out for her on paper(but don't make it too tedious or she may not want to do it all together). Kids are used to structure. Let us know how it goes. Best wishes.:yep:
Thanks for the help! I'm sitting here now writing out a regimine for her and I'm going to type it out so it will be easy for her to follow. My aunt knows a lady that specializes in taking care of natural hair, and another that knows how to take care of damaged hair. The obstacles will be getting my father to change hairdressers (he's very stubborn). The other will be helping my sister be able to style he hair in a way she will like. She wants to get cornrows for school, but I want to make sure her hair and scalp will be getting the care it needs while in the braids.