Help for weak strands


Well-Known Member
My hair strands are super weak, although at the moment they are quite elastic-ty they are super thin and prone to breakage i need something that is going to really help strengthen them.

Any tips, ideas, suggestions?

I was thinking of some sort of daily strengthener but dunno if their is something like it on the market... maybe I could mix my aPHOGHEE 2min recon with some water and spray that on daily? Do u think that would be too much!?

Help please ;)
It sounds like you need some protein, I would try a mild protein first and see if that does the trick.. HTH
My hair type is 4a and I had the same problem you did: I'm relaxed and I feel like the best protein conditioners the improve the condition of my natural (new growth) and relaxed hair and eliminates breakage are:
  • ULTRA BLACK HAIR: Deep Conditioner
  • Aubrey Organics GPB Conditioner
......they're both protein conditioners and give me the same results for my hair: their usage directions are the only difference & one gives nice slip: ~HTH~
thanx chicas,

I do use protein conditioners quite regularly (more so than I thought) as many of my 'moisturising' DC were in fact protein conditioners i.e. lekair cholestrol & ors pak. I do a aPHOGHEE 2min recon every 4-6 weeks as well.

It seems as I need a protein moisturiser :confused: :lol:, say something like a strengther
Hmm...let's see what I have (my hair is like yours)

Mizani H20 Nighttime treatment
ORS Carrot Oil
Joico Leave-In Reconstructor Spray* (I think you need to buy this!!)
Anything in the Cantu line
Herbal Essences Break's Over leave-in creme
Garnier Fructis Length and Strength leave-in creme

Any of these can help in a daily use capacity till your hair gets it strength together.

HTH :)
hairmaster said:
Have you tried CHI SILK INFUSION or REDEKEN ANTI-SNAP leave in to stregthen the hair.

OMG, how could I forget my CHI????:cool:

Yeah, hairmaster's a smart cookie...both are good recs :yep:
Try some protein...Aphogee 2-minute treatment in a tube. IC has a one-minute protein in a tube as well...ORS Hair Mayo (mix with an egg if hair is really damaged). If those are too weak, then try Nexxus Emergencee or Aphogee Intensive Treatment (this is the big mama of sure to follow directions on bottle carefully).

There are other protein treatments, but those are the ones I am familiar with off hand.

I would maybe try some of the moderate protein treatments and then incorporate henna into your regimen also -- to help strengthen those strands.
