Help for male pattern baldness?


Hi Ladies,

I figured if anyone would know if there were any help for male pattern baldness it would be you wonderful people.:grin:

I've recently bought megatek which is on its way to me as we speak, and was hoping this would help my brother who is suffering from thinning hair and hair loss, but I'm not sure if it will be the solution for him so he's asked me to pose this question to you all for some advice.

Does anyone know if megatek will help, or indeed if anything will help him?

I've read that saw palmetto helps male pattern baldness. It's also helps improve prostate cancer. It helps block dht from killing the follicles.
Caffeine also helps stop hair from falling. You can search for the coffee, caffeine and tea rinse threads. I've used it and it DRAMTICALLY curbed my shedding but the caffeine dried out my hair. Best of luck.
I am probably biased but I think Tom Hagerty is such a cool and matter-of-fact dude with an answer that might help. He reversed his hair loss with a scalp exercise and some common sense diet/habits which he shares on his website, and in his 70's has a full head of hair. There's also a forum on the site where people share their experiences and support each other. Check it out: (IIRC, he shares his own journey under "MY APPROACH".)
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Thanks Nonie and Guyanesesista, I really appreciate the information. My brother's nearly 41 and has a few bald patches on his head but the rest of his hair is still very nice and thick, and akin to an afro. I've bought some WEN which I'm going to get him to try in order to make the hair he has left softer. And I also bought megatek for him to try too.

He was washing it daily with just shampoo for years till I told him to stop that and I've given him leave in conditioners to use now and advised him to wash more with just conditioner etc (all the knowledgable stuff I've learned off here). His diet is very poor (lots of takeaways, no drinking water, drinking lots of tea and smoking cigarettes), so I'm going to try to get him to address these issues a bit more, but as they say 'you can't teach an old dog...' so it's going to be quite hard.

Again, I really appreciate your advice in helping me help my brother :)

I don't know if you've seen my post about "The Essential Oil for Growth Blend" when I was dealing with alopecia aereta. Granted it wasn't male pattern baldness, but I have seen a post where someone shared before/after photos of someone w/ what I think is MPB showing the same positive results I got from using that concoction. I share my pics in that discussion too, so if you missed my post on LHCF, you can see a shorter version of it in this thread:
there are 3 things that i swear by that really helped me. for one get some Nizoral 2% shampoo. that stuff really really works. it has some ingredient keto something that is anti dht. you need a prescription in the US but u can buy it online from canada without. before you wash with Nizoral 2% use Denerex shampoo with 3% salycilic acid first to remove the dead skin cells then use the Nizoral 2% shampoo. it's drying so i place a very moisterizing very detangling conditioner on the hair and use a pointed applicator bottle to apply the Nizoral 2%. 2 lathers one for each shampoo letting each sit for at least 5 mins. almost everyone on the hair loss boards online uses this stuff so i decided to give it a try and it works. must use 2 to 3 x's a wk for at least 2 months then maybe once a week after this kicks in -> second thing is garlic oil pills. not the hard ones but the oil pills. i tried 2 different kinds patiently and almost gave up. since i would see almost on a daily basis someone being helped by garlic pills i realized most were using the oil pills. i tried the walmart brand and 2-3 wks later i started seeing less shedding. i took 3 a day now 4 sometimes. be ware if you take blood thinners or have a bleeding problem garlic will increase that....the third thing is reduce your carbs. thats right. sounds iffy. but it works. carbs increase androgens in your body which increases dht. i was told to count hairs daily. to see what works. i read some dude who reduced his carbs and it helped him alot. i tried. and it reduced shedding by i'll say another 30%. i thought it was a fluke. until i met someone else on this wonderful board who told me the same thing. so with all three of these i shed 10 hairs aday instead of 100. this is not for everyone. only those who's hair is sensitive to dht. if it's not you won't see a difference. to add my timeline was 2 months used Nizoral 2% **you can get 1% at walmart in the dandruff section until your 2% arrives in the mail** for about 2-3 months. i used garlic oil pills for about the same time. i slowed down the Nizoral 2% to once a week once the garlic started helping. i'm still workin on the carbs thing. i hope that helps you.
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there are 3 things that i swear by that really helped me. for one get some Nizoral 2% shampoo. that stuff really really works. it has some ingredient keto something that is anti dht. you need a prescription in the US but u can buy it online from canada without. before you wash with Nizoral 2% use Denerex shampoo with 3% salycilic acid first to remove the dead skin cells then use the Nizoral 2% shampoo. it's drying so i place a very moisterizing very detangling conditioner on the hair and use a pointed applicator bottle to apply the Nizoral 2%. 2 lathers one for each shampoo letting each sit for at least 5 mins. almost everyone on the hair loss boards online uses this stuff so i decided to give it a try and it works. must use 2 to 3 x's a wk for at least 2 months then maybe once a week after this kicks in -> second thing is garlic oil pills. not the hard ones but the oil pills. i tried 2 different kinds patiently and almost gave up. since i would see almost on a daily basis someone being helped by garlic pills i realized most were using the oil pills. i tried the walmart brand and 2-3 wks later i started seeing less shedding. i took 3 a day now 4 sometimes. be ware if you take blood thinners or have a bleeding problem garlic will increase that....the third thing is reduce your carbs. thats right. sounds iffy. but it works. carbs increase androgens in your body which increases dht. i was told to count hairs daily. to see what works. i read some dude who reduced his carbs and it helped him alot. i tried. and it reduced shedding by i'll say another 30%. i thought it was a fluke. until i met someone else on this wonderful board who told me the same thing. so with all three of these i shed 10 hairs aday instead of 100. this is not for everyone. only those who's hair is sensitive to dht. if it's not you won't see a difference. to add my timeline was 2 months used Nizoral 2% **you can get 1% at walmart in the dandruff section until your 2% arrives in the mail** for about 2-3 months. i used garlic oil pills for about the same time. i slowed down the Nizoral 2% to once a week once the garlic started helping. i'm still workin on the carbs thing. i hope that helps you.

Good Info.
I don't know if you've seen my post about "The Essential Oil for Growth Blend" when I was dealing with alopecia aereta. Granted it wasn't male pattern baldness, but I have seen a post where someone shared before/after photos of someone w/ what I think is MPB showing the same positive results I got from using that concoction. I share my pics in that discussion too, so if you missed my post on LHCF, you can see a shorter version of it in this thread:

Hi Nonie, thanks so much for sharing your experience. I'm so glad the Essential Oils were able to help. I'm thinking about maybe going down this route instead of megatek but don't know where to even start buying these recommended oils. Do you have any ideas? I'm based in the UK.

there are 3 things that i swear by that really helped me. for one get some Nizoral 2% shampoo. that stuff really really works. it has some ingredient keto something that is anti dht. you need a prescription in the US but u can buy it online from canada without. before you wash with Nizoral 2% use Denerex shampoo with 3% salycilic acid first to remove the dead skin cells then use the Nizoral 2% shampoo. it's drying so i place a very moisterizing very detangling conditioner on the hair and use a pointed applicator bottle to apply the Nizoral 2%. 2 lathers one for each shampoo letting each sit for at least 5 mins. almost everyone on the hair loss boards online uses this stuff so i decided to give it a try and it works. must use 2 to 3 x's a wk for at least 2 months then maybe once a week after this kicks in -> second thing is garlic oil pills. not the hard ones but the oil pills. i tried 2 different kinds patiently and almost gave up. since i would see almost on a daily basis someone being helped by garlic pills i realized most were using the oil pills. i tried the walmart brand and 2-3 wks later i started seeing less shedding. i took 3 a day now 4 sometimes. be ware if you take blood thinners or have a bleeding problem garlic will increase that....the third thing is reduce your carbs. thats right. sounds iffy. but it works. carbs increase androgens in your body which increases dht. i was told to count hairs daily. to see what works. i read some dude who reduced his carbs and it helped him alot. i tried. and it reduced shedding by i'll say another 30%. i thought it was a fluke. until i met someone else on this wonderful board who told me the same thing. so with all three of these i shed 10 hairs aday instead of 100. this is not for everyone. only those who's hair is sensitive to dht. if it's not you won't see a difference. to add my timeline was 2 months used Nizoral 2% **you can get 1% at walmart in the dandruff section until your 2% arrives in the mail** for about 2-3 months. i used garlic oil pills for about the same time. i slowed down the Nizoral 2% to once a week once the garlic started helping. i'm still workin on the carbs thing. i hope that helps you.

Hi Prettyfine, thanks so much for this information. My brother was definitely interested in it all and has asked me to see if I can find the Nizoral here in the UK. Hopefully I'll be able to and he can start with that, the Denerex and some supplements like Saw Palmetto to help his hair grow back. Do you wash once first with the Denerex, then do one wash with the Nizorale and then do a deep condition treatment with something like WEN or another moisturising conditioner? Sorry, just want to make sure I understand it right so I can pass this info on to my brother.

I would suggest using Nixion products to prevent any more loss while you find a way to cure his problem. I hear that rogain works but I wouldn't know how well. Prettyfine's Nizoral sounds like it would help.
Hi Nonie, thanks so much for sharing your experience. I'm so glad the Essential Oils were able to help. I'm thinking about maybe going down this route instead of megatek but don't know where to even start buying these recommended oils. Do you have any ideas? I'm based in the UK.


You can get the essential oils at

And if you prefer not to shop online, I believe this gives you a list of places you could find the oils:

Nonie, thanks so much for the info, that's brilliant. Are you from the UK?
I'm going to get these products ASAP and put together a plan for starting from 1st May. Think I may have to leave the megatek on the shelf for the time being. I haven't used it before and have heard all the great reviews but right now I'm too scared to incase I do more damage. I need to figure out exactly how to use it in terms of leaving it in and moisturising etc before I start applying it.

Did you cowash at all during this time. I've been cowashing daily for the last three weeks and wonder if maybe that's contributing to my thinning hairline. Should I drop the co-washing to maybe three times a week instead of every day or can I still cowash daily and apply the oils nightly?

Thanks so much, you are such a star!
Nonie, thanks so much for the info, that's brilliant. Are you from the UK?
I'm going to get these products ASAP and put together a plan for starting from 1st May. Think I may have to leave the megatek on the shelf for the time being. I haven't used it before and have heard all the great reviews but right now I'm too scared to incase I do more damage. I need to figure out exactly how to use it in terms of leaving it in and moisturising etc before I start applying it.

Did you cowash at all during this time. I've been cowashing daily for the last three weeks and wonder if maybe that's contributing to my thinning hairline. Should I drop the co-washing to maybe three times a week instead of every day or can I still cowash daily and apply the oils nightly?

Thanks so much, you are such a star!

No, I am not from the UK, although I did live in the UK for a spell. I just happen to love using Google to find out stuff. :grin:

You sound like me when you say you're afraid to use MT. When I discovered my bald spot (story told in this thread) the bandwagon back then was Surge and I was so afraid of using anything that might have chemicals lest I worsen things. So I never used it.

I didn't cowash. I don't believe in putting conditioner on the scalp and think conditioner on the scalp leads to itching and since my bald patches would itch every now and then, I didn't want to aggravate the situation. The thread whose link I gave in the last paragraph was written around the time I was using the concoction so it'd have more accurate info of how I used it, than if I tried to remember. I just know I didn't shampoo my day daily as the directions suggested. Also, instead of using a towel to keep my scalp warm and promote the absorption of the oils, I just baggied my whole head.
Bumping because I have low density hair in the crown. It may be normal for my head, but I’m looking for tips to preserve the few strands I have left. I’m using a dht blocking shampoo. I’ve started eating some dht blocking foods too. Example: pumpkin seeds.
i had severe thinning in my crown due to pcos and have almost completely recovered from it by the use of saw palmetto 450 mg twice a day stinging nettle 450 mg twice a day and viviscal... i also started using birth control maybe 3 yrs ago and that made a tremendous difference on my crown thinning. stinging nettle and saw palmetto are testosterone blockers. They block the dht from affecting ur hair follicles. i tried rogaine at one point and it didnt help... this was the meal ticket i was looking for but don't use if ur planning on getting pregnant. it can affect a male child.