Help for ends


Well-Known Member
So I noticed when I got my relaxer last week that my ends were a bit straggly. So I need some advice....
  • should I increase co-washing? (currently 1x a week)
  • make sure i moisturize and seal everyday?
  • hide my hair more?
My scalp is doing well and my hair is a lot thicker, but my ends could be better.

Any suggestions are appreciated. My current regimen is
  • weekly washes with roller wraps
  • co-wash (try to do it between washes)
  • MN mixture (use daily starting 2 weeks after relaxer)
  • stretch relaxer (9 weeks last time)
  • vitamins (biotin, MSM, b-complex, l-lysiene, multi, folic acid)
Ya'll are welcome!
In September 2007 - I went to a hair dresser to flat iron my hair only ( most people here know I don't go to stylists - and I did everything else ) Anyhoo when she was done - she kept saying that I needed a trim...........

of course I did not let her trim anything.........

I came home - Sprayed a bit of moisturizer - Maxiglided and VOILA - miracalously - no more bad ends....check here....

So - look at your conditioning regimen - your styling regimen, and maybe you are not in trouble like you think!
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Good advice!!!!

I just don't want my ends to be so paper thin you can see through them. I don't like my hair today and it seems that it's not laying right. So I think I'm going to rollerset today and wear it curly tomorrow and see if I like that. If not I'm rocking this messy ponytail that I did yesterday.
My stylist did trim, so maybe that will help this time. It seems I get a trim every other relaxer or so. I didn't get one last time, but he did go through and cut the straggly ends this time.


Man - I remember lots of cutting when I was relaxed.........

If knew then what I know now.....Sheesh.

IMO - lots of cutting every few weeks says:

a. Something is wrong with the relaxer for your hair
b. lack of talent on the stylists part
c. Super Duper loss of moisture in the hair shaft.... meaning the relaxer ( the brand) might be too strong)

I know that one of my hair dressers used the same relaxer for everyone - Well - not everyone can use the same one.
My stylist is the bomb and doesn't overcut my hair. He knows I will cut him...LOL He shows me how much he's gonna cut before he cuts it and if I feel like he's doing too much, I'll stop him. Then he'll hand me a mirror, and show me what he's doing. Usually, it's less than I had envisioned, so I'm more than satisfied.

I haven't had my hair trimmed since November, 2007. And that was after 4 months of braids.

My hair can take a stronger relaxer because of its thickness. I don't burn easily and have had relaxers since age 5. I know relaxers better than most. My hair actually will become resistant to a relaxer so I have to switch brands. I use primarily two, Design Essentials and Essations. They are great on my hair. I used to self-relax when I was broke but I never got the same look as professional relaxers. So I don't do my own chemical services.

Man - I remember lots of cutting when I was relaxed.........

If knew then what I know now.....Sheesh.

IMO - lots of cutting every few weeks says:

a. Something is wrong with the relaxer for your hair
b. lack of talent on the stylists part
c. Super Duper loss of moisture in the hair shaft.... meaning the relaxer ( the brand) might be too strong)

I know that one of my hair dressers used the same relaxer for everyone - Well - not everyone can use the same one.