Help figure out a relaxing scheldule


New Member
My sister is getting married August 18th. I am currently 8 weeks post. I am really trying to wait until march but I am struggling. Everything was going fine then BAM:eek: . I have about an inch to an inch and a half of newgrowth in someplaces. Well any who.... I want to have a fresh relaxer the week of or the week before her wedding but I don't want to have to relax anysooner than 6 weeks. My question is, should I just bite the bullet and relax now and then every 8 weeks which will according my my calculations would put me relaxing the week of the wedding or should I just stretch each one as long as I can and just relax no matter what the time before the wedding???
Ooh, that's tough, chica. Hmm, I think if you can handle it, to stretch to the 1st or 2nd wk in March and relax, then stretch 12 or so wks out to the week of May 23 and relax, then stretch till the week before the wedding, you'll get in 3 good stretches, ranged between 10-11 weeks each, I think. (Yes, I did pull up my Outlook calendar at work :lol:)

Good luck!
artemis_e. said:
Ooh, that's tough, chica. Hmm, I think if you can handle it, to stretch to the 1st or 2nd wk in March and relax, then stretch 12 or so wks out to the week of May 23 and relax, then stretch till the week before the wedding, you'll get in 3 good stretches, ranged between 10-11 weeks each, I think. (Yes, I did pull up my Outlook calendar at work :lol:)

Good luck!

Gotcha. Thanks. That might actually work. My birthday is may 22 so I could stretch and get it done on my birthday. We are wearing our hair up and I want it to look as smooth as possible with out rushing relaxers. I will go over it again tonight with my calender.
I forgot to mention that you are so much more dedicated to the stretch than I am, b/c I did just relax at 8 weeks on Mon. I'm starting to wish I had waited...Oh well, I'm gonna try again this go 'round.
You can stretch for 2 more weeks!!! Just hold on, tie your hair down with a scarf, deep condition w/ GPB for at least 1-2 hours, and detangle with your beloved Queen Helene's Cholestrol under running water. Your hair is going to be so fantabulous, you will have us drooling like you were Babygurl or something;)
CAPlush said:
You can stretch for 2 more weeks!!! Just hold on, tie your hair down with a scarf, deep condition w/ GPB for at least 1-2 hours, and detangle with your beloved Queen Helene's Cholestrol under running water. Your hair is going to be so fantabulous, you will have us drooling like you were Babygurl or something;)

I wish. Shoot, I would pay big money to have babygurls scalp transfered to mine. I am going to do the mother of all conditioning sessions tonight and push through these next two weeks. It would be fabolous if I could keep doing big stretches till the wedding. I just ordered the boundless tresses and changed up my vitamin regime so who knows where I could be come august.
artemis_e. said:
Hey Girl! :) So how is the stretching coming along for ya?

I had to relax the last week of Feb. It was 8 1/2 weeks. I underprocessed myself though but right now, porosity control really has made such a difference. I am four weeks post now and if porosity control keeps working, I might just go another 5 weeks. I was going to do a corrective but the porosity contol makes my hair much easier to manage and it retains moisture better.