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What to do about ends that aren't split and aren't dry but still look "frayed" as my sister called it. They aren't split or dry but they always look like they are conducting static electricity!!! I don't know what to do besides trim. I trimmed a bunch off myself and plan on trimming some more if they don't get corrected because it is soooooo ugly to me ( I can't stand nasty ends) I did have them in kinky twists for 2 months and I don't know if they didn't get moisturized (never happened before) or because the braiders dipped my hair in hot water along with the kinky hair. I need HELP!! or i'm going to have to cut like ANOTHER inch off!!
Good question. I would like to know the answer to this. I always have the urge to cut when I see this.:look:
Try saturating your ends with conditioner 10-15 minutes before you wash for a while to see if it helps.

i tried a version of this where I concentrated the conditioner on the ends but I didn't leave it on for 10-15 minutes before i washed i'm going to try this but I doubt it's going to work b/c for like a week straight I put moisturizing condishes on the ends (leave in and wash out) then got it rollerset again and it looked just as terrible as before :sad:
i tend to just cut them off ... esp if after i saturated them in my nice creamy moisturiser that fixes everything and they are still there ... off they go
I make sure I put some thick creamy leave-in right before I put a section of hair on rollers. Right now I use Rusk. When my hair dries the ends look like the rest of my hair.
if they appear frayed, then stay away from direct heat. go with what some of the other ladies mentioned, and deep condition for a while... try half an hour or so under the dryer. if that doesn't work, then scissor.
Before you cut, maybe you can moisturize them, seal with oil, and baggy overnight. It may/may not make a difference, but it's worth a try.
On shampoo day, really soak and massage those ends with your best deep conditioner, or mix. Put a plastic cap on, and cover with a heating cap for at least 1 hour, or get under the dryer. The heat will help the conditioner absorb into the ends, and they will be less dry.
ITA with all the other ladies. In addition, when you do trim make certain you are using a good pair of shears that you only use on your hair. Using shears that are not sharp and that are used for cutting other things can cause damage to the ends and make them appear frayed soon after trimming.

Honeydew started a post on this awhile back. I'll see if I can find it and post the link here later. Okay, this isn't the one I had in mind but.......

Here it is:
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Okay thanx ladies!! I think what I will do is for the rest of this week just try to put more moisturizer on them and get under my pibbs and really slather it on the ends and then go get a trim and see what she thinks needs to be cut off and stay away from kinky twists!!
Okay thanx ladies!! I think what I will do is for the rest of this week just try to put more moisturizer on them and get under my pibbs and really slather it on the ends and then go get a trim and see what she thinks needs to be cut off and stay away from kinky twists!!
Do your ends feel dry and a little rough? Do you do hot oil treatments/or oil pre-poos? I know my ends look the same way but not all of them are split. I have splits here and there and I know those need cutting off. I know I can get away with a S&D. Also on the left side my ends looks the same way(a HAM) but after I moisturize they feel kinda dry and rough.....well maybe not dry but a little rough while the right side doesn't. I, therefore, know that the ends on the left side needs cutting and are over processed.