Help? Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion: US to UK


Well-Known Member
I've recently rediscovered this product and realise how awesome it is. I have a bottle that I bought from ages ago. Problem is, it's nearly finished and that website no longer sells it.:(

I've googled and...nada. Found one other online seller and it was sold out on there. Looked on Ebay. Nope.

I saw it on Amazon for an awesome £12.80 + (wait for it) £35.00 shipping!:nono:.

So, basically, I'm looking for a kind US member to buy me a few bottles of the stuff and send it to me. I'll pay for everything, of course. And I know it's a pain to have to ship stuff internationally but pleeeeeeease:pray:.

If you want anything that's specific to the UK I'd be happy to get it for you and ship it to you too.

If anyone can do this please pm me or reply in the thread or something and I'll pm you and we can arrange something.

I've seen a whole load of great products that sell in the US and don't over here. Where I live there a loads of Asian own black hair shops. You should definitely be able to find products somewhere. If not locally then online.

You may not be able to find the curl junkie brand but you will be able to find other good brands like cantu shea and shea moisture.