Help Cleaning Scalp in Braids...please ASAP


New Member
Should I use tea tree oil and rubbing alchohol on my scalp because I have braids(cornorws) and I dont want to wash my scalp to prevent extra manipulation on my hair. I really need help and am worried. I wanna try it tonight to make sure. please answer ASAP
You can do what is called "seeping." It's the same method used when you use individual tea bags in hot water to make tea. What you do is you place herbs in a a bag similar to the tea bags (I think they are called seeving bags (sp?). You boil water until it gets hot but not until the water boils over. If you boil the water for too long,the herbs lose their cleansing properties. Place the bag in the water for several minutes until the herb juice fills the water. Wait for the product to cool and spray on your scalp. This method cleanses the scalp from harmful bacteria. If you cannot find herbs such as lavender,rose hips,etc, go to Go under conditioners you can purchase a jar of mixed herbs for 7.00. Hope this helps.