Help! Bangs wont revert!


New Member
A few days ago I straightened my hair with the maxiglide, now my bangs are having a looser curl than the rest of my hair! I dont know what to do. I dont wanna cut them off at all! Is there anyway to make blend them in with the natural texture or get them to revert on their own using some kind of concoction?:perplexed

I hate it! i did this the last time I straightened but the straight pieces weren't as obvious as they are now. I may never straighten my hair again!:sad:
yikes, that nightmare happened to me about a month ago, except it was like a tiny 1/2 inch section (thank gods) in the front of my head.

for the rest of the month i was convinced that i had killed the section of hair because it was straight, dead straight with not a hint of curl left. well a few days ago i was doing my monthly protein, with Nexxus Emergencee reconstructor, well out of nowhere, my curls came back! like as if nothing had happened...

i dont know what the nexxus did, but you could always try a protein treatment on it and see how it goes.. good luck :)
Try the protein. This happened to me and my hair was permanently burned straight. I had to eventually cut it off. :nono:

Did you use any sort of heat protectant? It seems like it shouldn't have been heat-damaged.