Hello WEAVE-WEARERS, your help is needed......


Well-Known Member
I have been wearing braids on and off for about 3 years, but now i'm interested in getting a sew-in weave. I have had partial weaves in the past, but never a full one. I'm interested in getting one done primarily because it's less stress on your hair (your own hair is cornrowed and the tracks attached) and also i think it would look alot prettier on me than braids. Can you still wash and condition your hair while in the full weave? Does it cause any damage to your hair when you take it out? Any input is welcome, both positive and negative. Thanks in advance.
I trust weaves far more than braids to be honest with you. And they're simple to do, I don't have to pay anyone to put it in for me. If the cornrows aren't really bulky, then shampooing shouldn't be too much of a problem, although you will find that you can't get your scalp as clean as you would without any extensions in your hair. I personally don't apply conditioner when I'm in a weave. I may put some liquid-leave-in down there, but rarely that. I just shampoo. Garnier's shampoo is really good for me when wearing a weave because it lathers nicely and rinses clean.

Weaves have never been the cause of any damage to my hair. The only thing I will say is that if you have scalp issues with dandruff, weaves can be your nightmare.
You can't shampoo as thoroughly, which can lead to dandruff build-up. The last time I wore a weave, I hadn't prepped my scalp at all. I left it in for 4 weeks, and my scalp was a mess by the time that thing came out. But I had lots of growth though.
Well, I was the weave queen for two years. And my down fall was that I didn't "take care" of my hair while I had it (ie: sew-in for 6-8 weeks, take it out, perm, wash and put it back in) The minor damage that I suffered could have been obsolete had I have known a thing or two about protein treatments, deep conditioners, etc,. But amazingly though, now that I think about it, that is when my hair THRIVED. I went from shoulder length to bra strap in one year although I had to get 4 inches cut off.

As far as washing goes I tried that once, but I must have not have done it right, because I lost a WHOLE LOT of hair when it came time to take te weave out. I went to a proffesional from there on out.

But really, to me a weave is the best route to go if you really want to grow your hair long BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE SUPERB CARE OF IT!!!!!!!! I cannot empasize that enough.

I'll give you two examples:

The girl who did my weaves has aslo been wearing sewn-in weave her self on and off for the last 2 years. She started out with nape length hair and She is now bra strap or maybe a little longer. and lemme tell you, her real hair is somewhat the same quality as the weave. In other words it's sooooo healthy. I asked her what here secret was because we had been pretty much wearing the same weave for the same amount of timeframe, yet I was the one who had suffered the damage. She told me that she NEVER kept it in for more than 6 weeks and she ALWAYS went to a salon to get it treated and deep conditioned. She still wears the weave and her hair is thriving!!!!

Then there is the case of my roomate. she's always had a weave since I've known her and I hadn't seen her real hair until January of this year (I've known her for 5 years) When I did finally see her hair, it was relatively thin and the length was right at the nape of her neck.

well, she put the hair back in and she's been suging and drinking carrot juice religiouly (My suggestions to her from the board!
) and when I saw her last night, she took out the weave, permed and rinsed her hair black, and not only was it noticebly thicker, but it was 4 INCHES PAST HER SHOULDERS!!!

So if that doen't make u a beleiver, I don't know what will...
I have been wearing weaves for about three years and I like them much more than braids (especially on the hairline). The biggest problem that I have though is that I haven't figured out how to hide the tracks without leaving hair out. But I wash and condition my hair just as I would without the weave.

My hair grows like an inch/month in my weaves. Just becareful when taking them out, but if you keep it moisturised, it shouldn't be a problem
