Hello, my name is "ReeseCup", and I am a LHCF Junkie


New Member
Ladies, this may be long, but bare with me. I gotta tell my story. :user:

Honestly, I have no idea how I stumbled upon this site, but I am SOOOO happy I did. Before I came here, I really didnt even care about my hair. Just thought of it as somethin' God put at the top of my head to annoy me.

Washing my hair?? Pfft. Whatever. It was lucky to get washed 1 time a month. I know right? Gross. But I didnt know any better. I would always notice other ladies hair though and wish I had that kinda hair. Then when I moved to the ATL, I was constantly hatin' on chics hair left and right!! I was determined to get my hair game together. I used to try and talk to people - both whom I knew and didnt, and ask what they did to their hair. Who knew people could be stingy with information about how to improve your hair??? With the way I was looking they should have been bustin down doors to get to me and tell me what I could do. :lachen: When I did get info, it was just where to go to get it done, but I didnt have money like that to continously go. Little did I know, my own potential was in my own little 2 hands. :yep:

I've been here for about 2 months...I joined in Dec I think. And I just wanted to say to all of you, THANK YOU. I will post pics soon, but I owe the progress that I've made to all of you - cant pick out names, but all of you have had a hand in it, whether you asked the question I was thinking, or gave the answer. My BF is jealous of this site, because for the last 2 months I've been spending more time on this hair board, or in the bathroom, or in some BSS somewhere. But luckily he understands, and has supported me through all of this - prob cause he know I needed help too!! :lachen:He bought me my first bottle of Mega Tek - actually, he been buying everything (he just wont know it til his statement comes in :look:!!). But I have been livin' and breathin this site, and my hair has had a complete turnaround. I've gotten so much headaches tryin to figure out what all these abbrev. mean...its gotten so ridiculous that one night I was turning over in bed, and I popped up and said, "BSS means Beauty Supply Store!!!" Its crazy but I love it. I think my PJsim is gone for the most part cause I've gotten every major product thats been across this board! I am just now finding what works for me (I'm a 1b, almost neck length, so if you have any suggestions, hit me up!!). I thought Trade Secret was a place for lil ol white ladies to get their hair done - seriously, cause thats all I saw go in there. Now I go there, and love it. My friends think I'm crazy cause everytime they call I'm either in a BSS/Sally's or somewhere doing somethin to my hair OR finding things that work with my skin as well. Didnt know about some many things you could put in a bath....oh my GOD!!! Milk and honey?? Geez...:bath: So its a double dose. I didnt know anything about scrubs, and exfoliating, etc... Now I feel like a lil guru. I think being a stay at home mom makes it worse cause I have too much time on my hands.

But thank you to all of you. I look forward to further communicating on this site, and I look forward to helping some one out there who needs help as well (I know I dont know everything yet...but I DO know that Aphogee 2 Min Recon is the BOMB!!!). BUT I still do have tons of questions, so look out. The archives couldnt answer everything now. :spinning:

But I am enjoying the sisterhood here as well. No drama, you ladies are quick to help, and rarely (if ever) cut down someone. This site has not only helped the look, feel, and health of my hair, but has given me a sort of confidence I've never felt in myself before. Like "its ok, I can do it". :) I dont want to have to want to look like "that girl"...cause I'm "that girl" (in my own way of course) now.

Love you ALL :):grouphug3:
Aw shucks! Thank you and I love your screen name...literally!:grin: You think your PJism is gone...chile please. I just found out about lotioncrafters, or something like that and I think my PJism is resurfacing. I'm a home chemist, need I say more! Welcome and just fall on up in here! You say 1b hair? We now have all kinds! YAYYYYY!(at least that's the first I've heard of a 1b here)
I feel the same way about LHCF.. My BF just sighs when he sees me on the laptop, he already know what site Im on.. I am just pleasantly suprised that with all the women on here, there is little to no drama (a welcomed relief from my workplace).. So Preach On, Sister.. I Love it here:yep:
I went to school with someone nick named Reese Cup but mostly they called her Reese for short. Welcome.
Welcome! I love Reese cups!!!!! My weakness. Well I hope you have access to a computer 24/7 because when the urge surfaces, you have to be near a computer to log on.
Welcome on board. I hope you will love it here as much as I do. LHCF is a PJ's dream. :lachen: :lachen::lachen: Take it from a Professional PJ. :grin:
MMMMMM, I love Reese Cups! :lick: Welcome to the family, sis! I've been on this board quite a while and I guess I am still ignorant when it comes to various hair textures. Like I honestly never realized that anyone with a 1a hair texture would have a difficult time growing their hair long since straighter hair is not as dry as curly hair. learn something new everyday!!!
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies I must agree with ReeseCup! I have been here (lurking for 6 months) and a member for 6 months...lolol I have been using the C&G method for atleast 6 months and acquired quiet a few inches of new growth. I was desparately trying to wait until March before I took my hair down. Got tired of the braids, and bought a wig. Do you that I wore that wig for 1+ week and lost my hairline that quick! I was like "forget this mess!". Anyway I put a no-lye relaxer on my hair (1st time didn't take - hair is sooo strong and healthy now...wow), so I had to do it again 1 week later.

I went to a great beautician who cut my ends (lost about 1" due to braid damage), came home washed my hair, refreshed my perm, put my colour in and BAM! BAMM~BAMM! A sista is "front'n" ya'll....lolrofl (new pics to come in siggy soon)

Now, my hair went from 1/2" short (seems like) to 5"inches long for the year!! I got my
6" this year. Thanks to so many of your tips, and tricks and helpfulness. Now for me, I want the length, but I REALLY WANT THE HEALTHY HAIR FIRST.

My hair is THICKY THICHY THICK! BEYOND BELIEF! My hair hasn't been this thick since I was a child, and this is AFTER THE PERM!....I have to struggle to keep my hands out of my hair.

My sistahs from another mother.... Please keep the tips, tricks and knowlege coming forward so WE ALL CAN REPRESENT PROPERLY. And ohhhhh, did I mention that I have that "swag" too....lolol
Wow, what have you been using/doing?

I hope you tell me something I already have....lord knows I dont need anymore stuff.

One night, these acronyms had me on WebMD trying to figure out what HIH disease was..."hand-in-hair" just in case you ever see it!