Hello, my name is (Insert Name Here)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone in the hair world! I'm Danielle (or you can call me Dani...or use my profile alias...whichever works!) I wanted to introduce myself to you all! I have been a non-paying "lurker" on longhaircareforum for over a year, and I finally decided I've been lurking for too long! I have learned far too much from this forum not to become a member!

Quick overview: I began my natural journey in Fall 2005 (my Senior year of College), did a long term transition, and I am fully natural. I've been experimenting with using no-heat through doing "Braid-n-Curl-outs" (which I am rocking in my profile picture) because I noticed a bit of heat damage from flat ironing my hair too often. I've just become a Henna-addict and I absolutely love low manipulation length retaining hair styles.

You women are so inspirational! Thank you!

-Dani :grin:
Welcome Dani ! I have also been a lurker for a while and just became full member last month ! And yes these ladies are so inspirational ! This is a great place to be and you will probably get addicted , lol . HHG !
Hey Dani, I am Nicole. :welcome2:

May all your hair growing dreams come true. :D

I just officially joined today. I have been lurking since June of this year. I am very impressed at the progress of the ladies on this forum.
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Hi Dani, and Yanira!! Im Niké (Nee-Kay)...Daniella is actually my american name, Dani :grin:

I was a lurker for a few years as well before joining a few weeks ago...

Hi everyone, my name is Tiah. I was a lurker too for a little, but I have just recently started participating more on the board. Nice to meet you all:)
Hey ladies :wave:
Welcome to the board and enjoy your hair journey.
I have been here since 2007 and my hair has done a complete turn around. Just be patient and hang in there and you will all reach yor hair goals!!
Hi ladies, nice of you to join us! I'm pretty new too and to show my appreciation for all the useful info I pay to be apart of it now. I haven't regretted it and I hope you ladies don't either! I'm Arrias by the way, nice meeting you!
Welcome new members! I was a long time lurker here as well. Then one day, said, "self, we should just gone ahead and pay" and the rest is history. Welcome, and HHJ for you ladies!
Hi Dani, and Yanira!! Im Niké (Nee-Kay)...Daniella is actually my american name, Dani :grin:

I was a lurker for a few years as well before joining a few weeks ago...


I watch your YT Channel!!! You're awesome!
Hi! I am a long time lurker as well... my baby sister Gymfreak has been on for years. So I thought awww why not :) looking forward to seeing everyone around! :)
Hey Dani and all the other newbies we welcome you with open arms (okay that sounded so cultish lol) eh well anywho. I've only been here a little over a year. It's such a great place. When I joined my hair didn't have the luxury of lurking because she was in a terrible TERRIBLE group of situations and issues. Now for the most part she's under control. Speaking of henna I did my first treatment today. It was an all day process but I'm glad I did it and couldn't have done it without my LHCF sisters.
Hi, My name is Cina. I found this site a few days ago and I signed up immediately! I will post more often but i'm still trying to learn the abbreviations and get a routine down. It's a bit overwhelming. I look forward to getting to know you all. From what I've noticed, this is a forum filled with very sweet and helpful people! Lovin it!

Hi everyone!!! I'm not sure how long I've been lurking, a few months I believe. My name is Yolanda. I've had some challenges with my hair such a breakage and a ton of shedding. My hair has always been thin but not as thin as it is now. I'm trying to figure out my regimen and will be ordering JBCO tomorrow. I'm still learning the lingo so bare with me and all my questions.

You ladies are a great source of inspiration and are very friendly. I look forward to getting to know everyone and wish you all luck in your haircare journeys.
Me too...Danielle's a popular name. Call me Dee. I just joined this month. My Transition Journey (I hope..pray for me) is just beginning. Hello Everone! Dani you took the words right out of my mouth.