Hello from Newbie!!!

I just wanted to say hello to all you ladies out there!!! :wave: I'm so glad I found this site! Where I live there are few black women trying to grow their hair long. I feel like a fish out of water most of the time. Every friend of mine has cut her hair really short. They all have really nice hair styles, but It's weird to be the only one in my circle who is trying to grow her hair long. So it's good to know there are so many of you out there!:)
to LHCF, chocolatesis! :wave: HHG!
Hi & welcome, i'm a Newbie too. I've learned sooo much from all the advice here & I know you will too. You'll have long healthy hair in no time.
Thank you guys so much for your friendly welcome:). I have to admit, I've been lurking for a while so I've already picked up so many good tips :D. I love all the tips and the positive additudes of the women on this site. Let's keep up the good work!!!