Hello from a newbie


New Member
Hello ladies,

I'm yet another newbie coming out of lurk-ville. The info/tips shared on this site is priceless! I've learned so much over the last year (yes I have lurked for that long) and just wanted to thank all of you.

Some background- I am a stay at home mom of 4-year-old triplets (2g/1b). Since I'm at home, you would think that I had plenty of time to take care of my hair but that is certainly not the case. Really, everything and everyone else is taken care of before me. So in September I decided that I would finally do something for myself and commit to taking care of my hair.

I'm 4a/b and about 8 months post relaxer. I plan on relaxing around the first of the year. Below is my very first 3 month comparison. I'm not sure if any of you can tell but I do have a little growth and I think my hair looks so much healthier! My hair is obviously growing in a v shape, but I don't want to cut it off yet.

Even though I am happy with my results so far, I would like to ask for some advice on thickness. For as long as I could remember my mom and every stylist that I've had told me that my hair was "so thick." I feel like I have a lot of strands but you can see for yourself that my hair isn't thick at all.

I have been using JBCO for the last month and I love it, but is there anything else that I can use in conjunction for thickness?



That is great progress!

I don't have any suggestions for thickness, but it looks like your hair just needs more time and growth to thicken up at the ends. It's normal for a blunt cut to turn into a "v" as it grows out. :yep:

on the thickness, maybe you should let your hair grow out a bit more then slowly cut it more even, because when all your hair is around the same length, it's thicker.:yep:

your kids are very cute btw
Welcome :)

feels good to leave Lurk-ville dont it?! lol Your kids are soooo cute!

Low Manipulation helped me to regain thickness, how about giving it a rest for while via braids or weaves?

Just got a full sew-in last night, loooovin it!
:welcome3: Of course you have no time to do your hair. Gurl you have triplets at home!!!! It's a wonder you have time to post on this board. Good luck and healthy hair growing.
:welcome4: I'm glad you joined! I know for me stretching my relaxers and protective styling have helped me gain some thickness...but its taken me almost a whole year to really see the difference. Just be patient and I'm sure the thickness will come soon after. :yep:
Welcome :)

feels good to leave Lurk-ville dont it?! lol Your kids are soooo cute!

Low Manipulation helped me to regain thickness, how about giving it a rest for while via braids or weaves?

Just got a full sew-in last night, loooovin it!

It does feel good! Yeah they are cute ...you want one?? :look:

Braids may be a good option for me. I've had them on and off in the past with good growth results, but I didn't take care of them so I had alot of breakage afterwards. Now that I know how to take care them I definitly will consider getting them again.
Welcome girl!

Hello ladies,

I'm yet another newbie coming out of lurk-ville. The info/tips shared on this site is priceless! I've learned so much over the last year (yes I have lurked for that long) and just wanted to thank all of you.

Some background- I am a stay at home mom of 4-year-old triplets (2g/1b). Since I'm at home, you would think that I had plenty of time to take care of my hair but that is certainly not the case. Really, everything and everyone else is taken care of before me. So in September I decided that I would finally do something for myself and commit to taking care of my hair.

I'm 4a/b and about 8 months post relaxer. I plan on relaxing around the first of the year. Below is my very first 3 month comparison. I'm not sure if any of you can tell but I do have a little growth and I think my hair looks so much healthier! My hair is obviously growing in a v shape, but I don't want to cut it off yet.

Even though I am happy with my results so far, I would like to ask for some advice on thickness. For as long as I could remember my mom and every stylist that I've had told me that my hair was "so thick." I feel like I have a lot of strands but you can see for yourself that my hair isn't thick at all.

I have been using JBCO for the last month and I love it, but is there anything else that I can use in conjunction for thickness?


LOL i would love to take them all but DH would prolly :spank:
my stats: two little girls, five dogs, two kittens lol

if you do decide to go with braids search the C&G method. HTH!