Hello everyone

Growing My Glory

New Member
Another newbie here!

I've been lurking for a while now thought it was time to say a BIG thank you to everyone. :worship2:I've learned so much from you guys over the past few months. I've viewed many photos of beautiful sisters - with beautiful heads of hair of all lenghts.

My hair is currently just grazing my shoulders. I would LOVE to have my hair full at about the middle of my should blades.

Learning from the best (LHCF) I have improved my hair care habits. Thanks yall! If fact I've got them all down. Only missing one thing. PATIENCE! Does anyboy know where can I buy some?

I think I've calmed down now but in the beginning, I wanted my hair to just spirt out of my scalp and instantly be at my shoulder blades.
It hasn't happened yet!:rolleyes: LOL

Many blessings to you all

HI! Welcome to the site! I've been here since January 2009 and I love this board. It's more like a big family. Anyhow, I hope that you achieve all of your hair goals, and in the process learn about other areas of healthy living!

When you find a store that sells patience, let me know about it so I can buy the whole supply! :lachen:
Thanks everyone.

Magnoliabelle, Nancebotwin, dlewis, and Tiffers You all have very beautiful hair. I have read and learned from many of your posts. Much thanks 2 ya!
Welcome to the forum. Once your hair reaches a certain degree of health, progress will be rapid.
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I'm trying to decide on a challenge to jump into. I cowash a copule of times a week. I d/c at least once a week. I baggy once a week. Perhaps I should baggy more often. I open to suggestions if anyone has thoughts on the current challenges.

your thoughts?

Welcome! I'm a newbie too. I agree with your comments. This is a very resourceful forum and most important, the members are very supportive.