hello everyone !need some help please


Well-Known Member
First of all i'd like to say hello to all (im new to the forum). I had my last relaxer in december 2007. My hair has grown but on the left middle side it is shorter than the rest of the head (so i guess its damages) i don't wanna trim again! even though i tool offf a bit last week.

i wonder if its poosible to get to apl lenght (iv reached shoulder length) but some parts seem shorter its gettingon my nerves.

I love reading your advices on hair care and products. Even though i won't find all the products im looking for.... i live in Paris. some stuff missing.

sorry for being long
First of all i'd like to say hello to all (im new to the forum). I had my last relaxer in december 2007. My hair has grown but on the left middle side it is shorter than the rest of the head (so i guess its damages) i don't wanna trim again! even though i tool offf a bit last week.

i wonder if its poosible to get to apl lenght (iv reached shoulder length) but some parts seem shorter its gettingon my nerves.

I love reading your advices on hair care and products. Even though i won't find all the products im looking for.... i live in Paris. some stuff missing.

sorry for being long

:giggle: at the bolded. Girl have you obviously have not seen some of the long post on this forum!

You can definitely achieve APL. Just wait until the shorter part of your hair gets to APL. Once this part reaches APL, then you might wanna think about doing an even hair cut. As long as your ends are fine, I don't think another trim will be necessary. Uneven sections of hair is a problem for many women, me included!

Happy Growing!

And yes, it is certainly possible to reach your goal! You just have to experiment, and go through a little bit of trial and error to figure out what works for you, and what doesn't. :yep:
Everyone's hair is different, so be open to trying new things, but also don't be afraid to cast aside things that are not helpful to you. Eat the fish, cast out the bones. Once you figure out how to work with your own hair from all of the wonderful advice here, you will reach your goal and beyond!

Happy Hair Growing
thank you a lot. I also forgot to mention that my ends semm to have thinned out . And what i reallky wanted was thick hair! i can telle the difference when i do my twists. What i think went wrong is wearing my hair out a lot!!!! and that since bc. i should have done more protective styles. well whouever reads this thread take my experience for example. Don't abuse wearing your afro (i did it even in cold weather) !silly silly me!
You can definitely reach APL. I saw it as a long shot too and now some of my hair is grazing BSL. You can do it. Just be patient and enjoy the process.
Welcome aboard!!!:yep:

Of course you can get to APL. There are so many inspirational stories on this board of people who have beyond APL. You can do it!