Heat Damage=7 inches gone + pics


New Member
So...I got my hair flat ironed by a family friend who is a hair stylist in December. While my hair looked decent while straight, I got heat damage in the front (she also trimmed a good length of the longest portion of my hair in the back, but I've accepted that and actually like what it's done to my hair). So, I've been holding on tho this heat damage because it hasn't really been affecting my styles or anything...until today. So I cut it off. And when I did, I measure the first and longest portion to see how much it was...measure to about 7 inches... That's a year+ of growth... So while I know there's nothing I can do about it, it will grow back, and it's probably a good thing, inside I feel a little anxious about it...I probably shouldn't have measured.
Lessons Learned:
(1) From this point on, I will be flat ironing my own hair. This experience didn't make me afraid of heat, but rather taught me that only I really care about my hair and what it can and cannot take so I'll be doing any styling that could have a major negative impact on my hair.
(2) Cuts/Trims are not always a bad thing, even if it seems so at first (this I learned from the trim she gave me. I'm not yet feeling this way about my seven inches yet).
(3) It will grow back. That's the mantra I'm playing in my head about my seven inches, so it's a lesson I'm trying to accept.
Now for pictures.
This is a picture showing the difference between the two textures. It may not be as obvious to you in this picture, but I can see the difference and it definitely showed in my twists.
This is the cut piece that I measured. I know that all of the individual strands may not be 7 inches, but it's still a nice chunk of length...
This is me just getting it all out. The people I live with probably don't care and I'd figure you ladies would understand. So, thanks for reading.
Oh yeah its definitely obvious in the first picture. Did she use a hot comb to straighten your hair? That really stinks. At least now your hair is healthy and you can start fresh.
She used a flat iron. I think because I have a lot of hair, giving it a very full, thick appearance, she thought it needed (or could take) a lot more heat than necessary and the front just couldn't take it.
And that's what I keep telling myself about the fresh start...
I'm so sorry this happened to you :( it's depressing to lose all that hair. Don't worry, you will grow your hair back. I'm sure you have some really good hair practices that will nurse your hair back to good health. Keep your head up.
Oh yeah its definitely obvious in the first picture. Did she use a hot comb to straighten your hair? That really stinks. At least now your hair is healthy and you can start fresh.

I've been thinking about pressing my hair. Does the hot comb give heat damage? Wouldn't a heat protectant suffice?
Sorry this happened but thanks for sharing your story. I'm sure it will help someone because een with heat protectant there is always a chance of getting heat damage.
Great attitude you have! We all know how fast a year goes by. You will be right back to where you are next year this time! HHJ!
I've been thinking about pressing my hair. Does the hot comb give heat damage? Wouldn't a heat protectant suffice?

Heat protectants may not be enough. I used a heat protectant on my hair, flat ironed it, and now my 4a curls look 3cish. They are tightening up somewhat in most areas, but others... not so much. It kinda hurt my feelings because I flat ironed ONCE, didn't have the heat on max, took precautions, annnnnnnd still had an issue. For me, it's just not worth me doing it anymore. I'll be roller setting or something from now on.
I've been thinking about pressing my hair. Does the hot comb give heat damage? Wouldn't a heat protectant suffice?

Some folks can get away with using regular heat, even hot combs and marvels with the right protection, other folks may not. It's all about what you think your hair can tolerate.

OP I hope things work out, I'm sure they will!