Have Your Goals Changed?

Have Your Hair Goals Changed

  • Yes, I want longer hair!

    Votes: 41 57.7%
  • No, I am consistent with my original hair Goal

    Votes: 26 36.6%
  • Not Sure/Haven't Developed a Goal Yet

    Votes: 4 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I am approaching my first anniversary here and I have changed my length goals three times. My first goal was APL. I then decided this wasn't enough of a challenge, so then it went up to BSL. So now, I am approaching APL, I am in the 2010 BSL challenge, and I am thinking, "Why not go for MBL?"

Have your length goals changed since being on here? Why or Why not?
I haven't been on a journey long enough to say for sure if my goal will change, but I doubt it. My goal is APL unstretched, whatever that equals stretched :look:. If it changes, it'll probably be shorter rather than longer. I just can't fathom dealing with that much hair on a regular basis :lol:. I think APL length would be utterly awesome, and I could do a million things with it. We'll see though, which is why I didn't vote yet...
yes my goals have changed. at first i just wanted APL. once i got there i wanted bsl. now my hair is at the top of bsl and i want to see if i can make it all the way down, not only past bottom of bsl, but the top of MBL since it would be just a few inches inbetween the two.

I think we see other people making those goals, and we are starting to wake and be like "hey if she can do it, then why can't I". when we use to be like "black woman hair don't grow *neck rolls* ". LHCF changes the way you think. Its a great thing.
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Look at us!! We want longer hair! I think they key moment is realizing that you can meet your goal, and then you set higher ones!
I`m not sure i have a lenght i want to achieve. I had relaxed hair since i was eleven and with relaxed hair i love to have it short (above the ears) Now that i made the big chop, with natural hair, i want to have it long ... but i'm not on a hurry, i mean, i will love to have long hair in a two year period or something, but i',m just going to handle it with care and hope it grow untill it wants to.
My goals have kept changing. I came here at SL and wanted APL, then BSL then MBL then WL. Now I'm back to wanting MBL hair but really thick MBL hair because I am in love with my blunt BSL look. So my thinking is 2" longer with mega thickness and I'd have my dream hair:yep:.

I started out wanting tailbone, I still want tailbone. :lol: I can't imagine going any longer, so that might be why it hasn't changed. :lachen:
My goal for longer healthier hair is about the same. However the way I got about getting it has changed. I've come across a love for natural ingredients that my hair loves. I did start out wanting BSL and now I want MBL and then I think i'll stop there. :)
I Just want my Hair to be Back to The Healthy, Full, Thick Mop I had B4 It All Fell Out!:ohwell:

If I can just get it Healthy Again.............I will worry about the Length Later.:look:

Right Now, I just want Hair Health.:rolleyes:
Yeah, it has changed a lot a lot. I have not even been here that long!

My first goal was to have hair long enough to sit on. Then it was BSL. Then it was "definitely" waist. I wanted hair that is pretty when it is long and straight, then pretty in its natural state, then pretty with as many styling options as I can manage.

Now I want to see how long my hair will grow, so an "open goal", but right now I need to cool it with the "ultimate" goals because I am still struggling to get it to my shoulder. I still want to explore all sorts of styling options and have made myself more amenable to styling options for straight and natural hair, but I want to cool it with getting technical until I have a set regimen. I just want healthy hair, overall. I am in love with it no matter what it does, even if it is the most frustrating thing in my life right now.
ehhh I selected no.. i'm consistent with the MBL unstretched, however as I sit and type this I think my goal has just changed to maybe BSL unstretched, only because I know me, anything longer and I'll be half tempted to cut itoff.. Either way This is a goal is a LONNNNNNGGGG term goal..lol..so who knows I might go back to wanting MBL unstretched hair... we shall see
I still am working towards my original goal of BSL. The only factor that may have changed is when I am going to get there:driver:...full Bsl is looking more like feb of 2010 vs dec of 2009...but ill see.:ohwell:
Nope! I've wanted WL hair since day one! I lurked the site for a few weeks before joining and was amazed at all of the gorgeous hair around here! All different lengths and textures and from all different parts of the world. I figured if they could do it, why not me?
Most definitely!!! If u would of asked me two years ago I would of said by 2010 my hair will be reaching WSL relaxed!!! But look at me now. Ive chopped my hair off and given up relaxers....my length goal will never change though!!!
my goals have changed . i've been a member for so long lol . and i didnt really have any goals at first . then when i big chopped 5 years ago , the goal was to just figure it all out . no length goals and to keep my colored hair healthy . now , just this year i have made a goal of mbl and then wsl in a year or two or three lol .

...when i joined i just thought i'd be overjoyed if i could get to APL since i have never been that length to my knowledge (i dont remember how long my hair was as a kid). now that i'm APL, i've gotten hair anorexia and i am hoping BSL will cure that. i even came up with this crazy idea that i can get to WL (APL unstretched) sometime in the next year or 2. being on this board around all these beautiful heads of hair will sure change the way you think about your hair, i'll tell you that!
When i started out I wanted BSL hair... But now that i am a few inches past APL and i feel my hair is really short, I changed my mind to WSL.