Have you ever wanted to ask someone.....?


New Member
:lachen: Since joining LHFC a while back I'm more "hair" aware and WHENEVER I see someone with a "phony" or a "bun" I want to as them why they have it? and do they wear it as a protective style...
has this ever happen to you?
In the past I did want to do this. Nowadays when I see a woman with a protective style, I think "Is she with LHCF?".
Story said:
In the past I did want to do this. Nowadays when I see a woman with a protective style, I think "Is she with LHCF?".

:lachen: yesss... I want to all the time but I'm sitting here like.. "i don't want to embarrasses her if she isnt":look:
I also always wonder when I see someone with their hair in a bun if they are doing it to protect their ends. My sister swears I have a problem.
Same here, i wonder the same thing. I don't feel to ask but i do wonder if they're wearing their hair a certain way to protect their hair. Then i start thinking hmmmm i wonder if they know about LHCF.
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.
dlewis said:
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.

:eek: aw thats so cute! hahha...
My lil sisters are in braids and the teenager is also (got my mom to let them go nautral a lil bit with a lil bit of perm to "mange" it)
dlewis said:
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.

Haha. Since learning about LHCF, I've developed "PJ tendencies." I have my products in a small, glass-enclosed bookcase. Just last week my younger sister asked if I could put together a "mini salon" :lachen: for her so that she can take care of her hair when she goes away on her mission trip (for 18 mos).

AND, after watching me wash and co-wash and moisturize and seal and everything else I've starting doing, she finally starting getting curious about why I use certain products (moisturizers, conditioners, protein, etc.). She even wanted me to moisturize and seal for her.

To get back to the OP, I am now ALWAYS looking and wondering about other women's hair:
  • What products does she use?
  • Did she moisturize?
  • I wonder how long she's stretching?
  • Does she deep condition?
if its a cute style I do wanna ask if she is with LHCF or BHM...maybe we can have a secret sign. I haven't been here long enough to know all the LHCF secrets yet, just in case the secret signs exist...lmao
I've known about braidouts etc well before LHCF. While they are very popular on the board for being "protective," they just were like a cute style to me.

Now when I see someone rocking a tight behind bun I am just itching to ask them if they are a LHCF Diva!! :lol:
Yeah I wonder that too when I see weaves and braids. I know I wear them to protect my hair. But I'm sure other people think I'm just baldheaded. :lol:
I'm always tempted to ask people who wear protective styling if they are part of LHCF (only because there are many ladies from my city on LHCF), but I won't because I'd be so embarassed if they weren't :eek:.
I saw a Black woman in Whole Foods MArket the other day. I was so tempted to ask her if she was a member!!!!! I looked in her basket, and she had : yogurt, MSM powder, and she was looking at oils and stuff. I think she was a LHCFer, and she looked at me kinda wierd when I was looking at the essential hair oils:lachen: :lachen:
Sometimes I have these moments when Im in the beauty supply store and I see people pick up certain produts or when I see people with healthy hair in protective syles

I am convinced there are other LHCFer's at my school
I stumbled upon a LHCFer this way. I was doing a stage play and one of my castmates mentioned "stretching" her relaxer. My eyes lit up, but I didn't say anything to her about it. Later, she mentioned that she had seen me on the board and that she was on LHCF. :eek: I cracked up laughing and told her the story about how I suspected her after hearing her speaking of stretching. It was quite amusing. :lol:
Divine Inspiration said:
I stumbled upon a LHCFer this way. I was doing a stage play and one of my castmates mentioned "stretching" her relaxer. My eyes lit up, but I didn't say anything to her about it. Later, she mentioned that she had seen me on the board and that she was on LHCF. :eek: I cracked up laughing and told her the story about how I suspected her after hearing her speaking of stretching. It was quite amusing. :lol:

Wow, I would feel so "exposed" if this happened to me. I like to keep my LHCF life and real life kinda separate. :look: The other night I went out with my hubby and saw an old friend and my husband starts telling her about LHCF and I'm like... :eek: :lol:

Anyway, at church I've got a "hair idol" that I've pretty much convinced myself she's a LHCFer. In my mind I've named her "Sylver" as she resembles Sylver2 a little. She has taken to wearing her BSL hair in cute side buns which always leaves me thinking, she gotta be on here lurkin'!! :lachen:
dlewis said:
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.

Too cute.:lol:
Story said:
In the past I did want to do this. Nowadays when I see a woman with a protective style, I think "Is she with LHCF?".

:lol: :lol: ....that was me on the train the other morning...staring at two chicks with buns. This one chick had the bomb diggity APL hair...I almost followed her off the train..I was clocking so doggone hard..:eek:
Priestess said:
Wow, I would feel so "exposed" if this happened to me. I like to keep my LHCF life and real life kinda separate.

I did feel a little exposed, but I was excited to meet someone in person from LHCF. I had met other ladies at LHCF meetings, but meeting a member in another setting was interesting and fun. I'm actually scheduled to do coffee with her next week. :)
Divine Inspiration said:
I did feel a little exposed, but I was excited to meet someone in person from LHCF. I had met other ladies at LHCF meetings, but meeting a member in another setting was interesting and fun. I'm actually scheduled to do coffee with her next week. :)

That does sound cool. Whenever I read on here LHCFers who know each other in real life, I'm like awww... that's cool to have a hair buddy. :D
dlewis said:
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.

This is cute too cute Dee!!
There's a girl at work who is rockin buns and sew ins. I want to ask her soooo bad if she's an LHCF'er.

There's also another girl at church whose hair is to die for! It's natural and she's probably a 2 or 3a and she got it flatironed or blown out and she was stuntin hard at church on sunday. Her ponytail is probably BSL. I think it's genetics cause her mom has great hair too.
dlewis said:
My 6 year old daughter has heard me talk about hair so much she came to me Thurs and said she wanted to keep her hair in a bun for awhile so that her ends wont be messed up. So she's doing the donut bun now with a ribbon. It's cute.

That's too cute:lol:
JustMeSteph said:
if its a cute style I do wanna ask if she is with LHCF or BHM...maybe we can have a secret sign. I haven't been here long enough to know all the LHCF secrets yet, just in case the secret signs exist...lmao

That would be cool, "a secret sign".
Yes! I saw a thirty-something woman a couple of months ago with relaxed (I believe) BSL hair. My husband, sister-in-law, nephew and I were at a Washington Wizards Basketball game and all I could to was stare at her hair. She was just about arm's length from me and I did manage to compliment her. I even followed her into the bathroom to try to nonchalantly ask her what her regimen was, but I couldn't discreetly get a sink next to hers! :lol:
MeccaMedinah said:
I thought that the secret phrase for when you believe that you have encountered an LHCFer was "Are you Nikos cousin?"

Are you serious???:lol: :lol: :lol: It would be cool to have a secret question...
bmoreflyygirl said:
Yeah I wonder that too when I see weaves and braids. I know I wear them to protect my hair. But I'm sure other people think I'm just baldheaded. :lol:

Same here my friend can't stand my wig and on top of that he says he's accepting me baldheaded or not. Ha i'll fix him he'll never see my hair until I reach my goals.