Have you ever seen a bad spirit leave someone?


New Member
I know this sounds like a morbid thread and I don't mean to bring in controversy but I know the Bible does speak of demons possessing folks and getting cast out on several occassions.

I haven't told this to very many people because the FEW people I did share this with looked at me like an alien but I wanted to recall this experience with you all.

About 9 years ago...I had an experience where we had a young lady at our church was very angry and backbiting and just well...mean. She would have her nice sweet moments but you could tell there was something plaguing her...bringing her down.

We all decided (recalling this to the best of my recollection) to do a 24 hour prayer chain - not because of her but because we were led to do so at the time. It was actually organized by someone I didn't know well - Tonia Price but it was a great experience.

I believe there were 10 or so of us and we took turns praying without ceasing for 24 hours. We had written a list of things to pray for for the country, the world, individuals, ourselves and anything that we felt led by the Spirit to pray for.

I cannot remember the length of the "shifts" we took praying but someone was praying for the entire 24 hours.

The next Sunday (I want to say it was Sunday but it may have been a Wednesday bible study) there were maybe 4 of us in the sanctuary talking or chatting after service.

The angry girl showed up and she asked us to pray for her.

So we got in a circle and put her in the middle of the circle and we began to pray.

I prayed with my eyes closed and someone else led for what seemed like 15 minutes. Then the angry girl in the middle - her name is on the tip of my tongue but I cannot recall it right now....she began to scream and violently throw herself around the room and then she vomitted A LOT of black stuff onto the floor. It was liquid black stuff and it was thick. She didn't smoke so I had no idea what that could be. I mean there was a lot of it. She seemed to be fighting our praying but the leader just prayed louder and ya'll - I was scared. :blush: I was only 20 or so at the time and I thought what on earth is going on!

We continued to pray for her and then she fell out and someone got the girl some water and after a few minutes she came to.

After that day, she was a totally different person. :ohwell:

We always felt I think that we had experienced a demon leaving her but I don't think any of us ever voiced it out loud. It was a very humbling experience for us who was so young.

I recall this because I was looking at my Bible recently and one of the things I remember is that Tonia Price (one of our prayer partners) way back then bought me this bible. She didn't know me well but she ordered it for me because I adored her concordance and the ease of finding things in it. She paid 100+ for me to have one from a CBD catalogue - I think it was called Christian Book Distributors. I have kept it as my main book ever since and it even has my named on the front cover in leather and on the leather case she bought to go with it.

I always wonder if I'm the only person that has ever experienced something like this and if maybe what I saw was a demon or if it was something else.

That is the only time in my life I have ever witnessed anything like that.

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Never experienced anything like that, but I have been in the presence of some people who made me feel extremely uneasy and very, very anxious.

And there are some folk that I feel a peace come over me when I'm around them. Almost as if I want to be in their presence as much as I can.

You all literally saw the power of God answered as you prayed for this dear girl.

When you bow down on your knees, please remember me.
I have never seen one cast out but I have definately seen it manifest itself in someone:nono: IMO drug use is a form of demonic possession. The actual chemical effect of drugs/alchohol leave the body after 72 hours, yet it "possesses" people much longer than that. This was further confirmed for me when I was reading www.sagewisdom.org a site that talks about Salvia, a new legal hallucenogen that is popular with the youth right now:nono: If you look at the site, notice that it says this herb is used in "divination." Coincidence? I don't think so. IMO there's a reason they call it "Wines & Spirits." Sorry drinkers, don't mean to offend:look:
I experienced something similar when I was in college. I wasn't part of the prayer chain (not even sure if there was one), but there was this lady in our church who had an evil spirit in her. The church I attended had Bible study Tuesday and Wednesday night and "Joy Night" on Thursdays. Bible study nights were sort of laid back and of course we could ask questions or comment. On those nights this lady would stand up say something to the pastor. I cannot remember what the lady said to him, but I remember it was nothing bad. But I could tell from my pastor's demeanor that her spirit did not sit well with him. On Joy Night (this service was sort of like a regular church service) when it was time for the prayer a lady named Antoinette started speaking in tongues. She did this quite often, so it was nothing out of the ordinary. What was unusual was that while she was praying out loud in tongues, the other lady began talking in tongues over her. It was like she was competing with Antoinette. The next thing I know my pastor approached her and his prayer warriors surrounded the two of them and began praying for her. This went on for a good 20 - 30 minutes. At one point my pastor got out of the circle, but they all continued to pray for her. Later on he explained the reason he got out of the circle was because her spirit was trying to feed off of his spirit. Apparently, this woman dabbled in witchcraft and my pastor knew this, so they prayed that spirit out of her.

There was another night where the entire church was praying and a lady fell out in the spirit and when she was trying to get up she vomited. Pastor said that she was being purged.

Reading back over this I know it might sound a little bit off, but I've really seen these things for myself. My prayer partner says she seen a woman start foaming at the mouth. So, there are definitely evil spirits out there.
I grew up as PK, so I have witness it all...
I have seen them casted out and everything, I witness my father pray for a man, that had 15 demonic spirits in him...
I have seen IT ALL, and I know they exist!
Stories like this were no of the reasons I didn't want to accept my gift of intercession for a long time. I didn't want to be put into the situation of trying to pray/cast a demon out of someone.
I have never seen in personally but my aunt tells stories about stuff like this and other things she experienced via my grandfather when he was alive. He was a Pastor and apparently came upon all kinds of things. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if he were alive now that we are old enough to understand this stuff.
I have seen someone be "purged" as well, and to see them coughing up this black stuff the 1st time was very shocking. Purging is very real.
I've never seen it happen in church but only at home prayer meetings/bible studies which tended to be more intimate/intense and everybody's usually on the same accord.
After that I began to understand spirits better and understood why saints were so protective over the children in the room when praying spirits out cuz it was said that the spirits would leave the afflicted and enter the kids if not careful.
I'm still extremely funny about who touches me especially in church. I belong to a large church and there are several ministers who I won't allow to lay hands on me.
this happened at my church when I was younger. This is one of the reasons why I believe in bad spirits getting into some people and making them do the things they do.
bumping....very interesting. I remember when my church used to go to Eagle Iyre (sp?) mountain in Lynchburg, VA for a youth retreat every year....they always talked about the time when one of the girls there was exorcised. Everyone was in the auditorium for a praise service but then all of a sudden everyone was sent out. The ministers stayed and prayed for this girl and prayed over her. The demons said their names. There were three of them. Everytime I think of that story I get creeped out.

Do ministers/intercessors normally ask the demons to identify themselves?
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I have seen someone be "purged" as well, and to see them coughing up this black stuff the 1st time was very shocking. Purging is very real.
I've never seen it happen in church but only at home prayer meetings/bible studies which tended to be more intimate/intense and everybody's usually on the same accord.
After that I began to understand spirits better and understood why saints were so protective over the children in the room when praying spirits out cuz it was said that the spirits would leave the afflicted and enter the kids if not careful.
I'm still extremely funny about who touches me especially in church. I belong to a large church and there are several ministers who I won't allow to lay hands on me.

I don't like people to pat on me or lay hands on me suddenly. We call it the pat of job. I'm very particular about that.
Stories like this were no of the reasons I didn't want to accept my gift of intercession for a long time. I didn't want to be put into the situation of trying to pray/cast a demon out of someone.

I was like this before but believe me not accepting the gift is not going to help you. God has a way of getting your attention anyway :look:. Don't be afraid! You have the power and authority through God to cast devils out and send them right back to hell! :grin: And with intercession a lot of it is just prayer. God will not put you in a situation that you are not ready for. :yep:
I was like this before but believe me not accepting the gift is not going to help you. God has a way of getting your attention anyway :look:. Don't be afraid! You have the power and authority through God to cast devils out and send them right back to hell! :grin: And with intercession a lot of it is just prayer. God will not put you in a situation that you are not ready for. :yep:

I truly do believe this. Plus, when I am tempted to shy away I just think about the people of God being in bondage. It stirs up a holy anger in me. How dare Satan try to oppress and keep in bondage people that God has made free! At that time I am ready to cast all demons down to hell. But I understand how God has to grow you in these things, so I don't go out seeking things I can't handle. But that which God has given me authority over I exercise my freedom to rebuke devils.
bumping....very interesting. I remember when my church used to go to Eagle Iyre (sp?) mountain in Lynchburg, VA for a youth retreat every year....they always talked about the time when one of the girls there was exorcised. Everyone was in the auditorium for a praise service but then all of a sudden everyone was sent out. The ministers stayed and prayed for this girl and prayed over her. The demons said their names. There were three of them. Everytime I think of that story I get creeped out.

Do ministers/intercessors normally ask the demons to identify themselves?

I think this can be common. Some things you have to call out by name (Jesus called some spirits out by name--Mark 5: 1-9; Luke 8:30; Mark 9: 25-29). I am not yet at the level of intercession where I've confronted a demon in someone and commanded it (in Jesus name) to reveal itself, but I know it happens. When I pray for people I usually rebuke the enemy in general and sometimes God will allow me to see what to rebuke specifically (ex. rebuking the spirit of lust by name).

I just wanted to remind people that God has given every believer the power and authority to rebuke the enemy in the name of Jesus (Luke 10:1-3, 17-20).
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I've witnessed demonic possession in church when I was younger. There was a woman who I remember the pastor praying for at least a couple of times because she would get in the prayer line and start speaking in a demonic voice when it was her turn for prayer. I don't remember what was said or if it even made sense. All I knew was I didn't want the demon hopping over into me. :nono:
what exactly does that mean? like when job was cursed?

The pat of job - transferring of spirits.

I am even leary about ministers touching me because they struggle with certain spirits and before you know it you are tempted in something you never dream of.
The pat of job - transferring of spirits.

I am even leary about ministers touching me because they struggle with certain spirits and before you know it you are tempted in something you never dream of.

wow. this is deeper than i thought. so can anyone do this? or only people who are in the ministry?
wow. this is deeper than i thought. so can anyone do this? or only people who are in the ministry?


Just depends on if there is an opening in you spiritually. The bible say don't give the devil a foothole and to pray without ceasing. Yea, its deep.
When I was new in Christ, I witnessed this at my church and it scared the daylights out of me.

We had a guest speaker. A woman with the most beautiful voice. She was a powerful speaker. At the end, she looked in the back of the church at a young man who was very busy in the church. I never knew his name, but he was always there helping out. He was very kind and very quiet.

So I was shocked when she pointed at him. She told him to come to the pulpit. She said he had the spirit of suicide all around him. I was thinking, no not him. He is so nice and sweet.

She and the pastors formed a circle around him and she began to rebuke the demon. All of a sudden, he started convulsing violently. Then he started vomiting tons of white foam. It was as if he was foaming at the mouth like a rabied dog.

She told the congregation to get back. She said if you are not grounded in Christ, get back because we don't want this demon (talking about the foam) to jump on one of you. Some of us started running.:lachen:

Then they were meticulous about who cleaned up the white foam and how they got rid of it too.
My best friend wrote about this in her book. Everytime I read about it it gives me chills. To this days she would tell me strange sheyet that happens to her.

The scenario was similar to the OP scenario. She said that her aunt was preaching and kept stopping to look at one of the kids. She finally stopped and told them to all stand together, hold their bibles in front of them and whatever happened to not put them down.

The preacher kept saying..."you still don't want to come out? Then I will make you come out!" So she tells them to start praying...they all pray including the kids. She said this went on for a very long time and she was starting to get tired. A girls voice standing next to her started to change and when she looked up she said her face wasn't the same...unrecognizable. The voice out of the girls mouth said..."we are here to gain souls" (i freaked after hearing that).

At that point my friend jumped up and started running towards the back of the church. She said she saw everything from the back of the church. The adults were all standing around this girl with their bibles. This poor girl was rolling on the floor uncontrollably roaring and making strange loud noises. The preacher said not to touch her. There was some holy water involved and the demons would argue and say they weren't leaving and her body was theirs, no God lives here, etc. After that she said that she saw one demon come out, look around the room and the preacher said DON'T MOVE. The demon ran out of the church. All in all she said she saw and counted a total of 21 demons come out of her and run out of the church in what she described as a spiritual cloud. Each one of them looked different and were different in height. She also described the stench too.

I wouldn't have been able to sleep after seeing that.
I don't like people to pat on me or lay hands on me suddenly. We call it the pat of job. I'm very particular about that.

I completely agree. You can't let every one touch you. You don't know their intentions of what they are transferring to you. Also what they can be taking from you.

The first time I saw anything of this nature was at my church for a Helen Baylor (the one that sings, "I Had A Praying Grandmother") concert. But for some reason we kept noticing this one chick that just had this weird look; like you couldn't help but look at her. She looked like she had no energy slumped over in her chair but then all of a sudden she's jumping up and down and growling. At first I just thought she was "special or handicapped" and that she was brought to church to healed. Nothing abnormal about that. However she came out into the aisle and ran up to the stage which wasn't allowed in the church (bc the preacher had been attacked before) but for some reason no one would get near her. They just made a human link at the bottom of the stage/altar and started praying. The girl started crawling back and forth and kept singing and while singing she would yell out PRAY FOR HER YALL. IT'S COMING. IT'S COMING. IT'S COMING.

Suddenly the chick jumped up, like leaped over the men standing there and landed on the stage. Everything stopped. She stood several feet from H. Baylor. The chick started growling again and made physical actions of scratching; like a dog at a door or a person scratching a chalk board. Well started screaming and shaking and ppl tried to hold her. When they turned her around to take her off the stage her entire back was bloody and her clothes ripped. When she left the stage the chick immediately passed out. When she got up she was 2 shades darker. Like she went from shade Lisa Raye to shade Oprah and she was smiling.

The church went off rejoicing but you know for sure the concert ended.
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I completely agree. You can't let every one touch you. You don't know their intentions of what they are transferring to you. Also what they can be taking from you.

The first time I saw anything of this nature was at my church for a Helen Baylor (the one that sings, "I Had A Praying Grandmother") concert. But for some reason we kept noticing this one chick that just had this weird look; like you couldn't help but look at her. She looked like she had no energy slumped over in her chair but then all of a sudden she's jumping up and down and growling. At first I just thought she was "special or handicapped" and that she was brought to church to healed. Nothing abnormal about that. However she came out into the aisle and ran up to the stage which wasn't allowed in the church (bc the preacher had been attacked before) but for some reason no one would get near her. They just made a human link at the bottom of the stage/altar and started praying. The girl started crawling back and forth and kept singing and while singing she would yell out PRAY FOR HER YALL. IT'S COMING. IT'S COMING. IT'S COMING.

Suddenly the chick jumped up, like leaped over the men standing there and landed on the stage. Everything stopped. She stood several feet from H. Baylor. The chick started growling again and made physical actions of scratching; like a dog at a door or a person scratching a chalk board. Well started screaming and shaking and ppl tried to hold her. When they turned her around to take her off the stage her entire back was bloody and her clothes ripped. When she left the stage the chick immediately passed out. When she got up she was 2 shades darker. Like she went from shade Lisa Raye to shade Oprah and she was smiling.

The church went off rejoicing but you know for sure the concerted ended.

What in the world?
Ya'll got me looking at people at work wondering why they touched me and if they got demons or not!:look:

Now doesn't everyone have demons? So if we are all standing and praying, why would one person's demon(s) come out and not other people's demons?
I think some ppl are just more perceptible to the manisfestation of demons then others. I don't want to call them weaker vessels but some ppl are. I also don't think it's about the ppl themselves that have such profound demons but who the demons are actually trying to go after. For example, only showing themselves in true form to a certern preacher or person (like the Helen Baylor concert incident), or at a certain activity/event (bible studies) or something like that.

...and I do think that we all have some demons. We are flesh so something is creeping under the surface but a lot of us don't do things that project them.

But I don't let everyone touch me anyways! Germs and cooties! :grin:

Don't that pysch chick that Montell Williams always have on look like a demon!? :blush: Sorry, that's not nice. HA!
I think some ppl are just more perceptible to the manisfestation of demons then others. I don't want to call them weaker vessels but some ppl are. I also don't think it's about the ppl themselves that have such profound demons but who the demons are actually trying to go after. For example, only showing themselves in true form to a certern preacher or person (like the Helen Baylor concert incident), or at a certain activity/event (bible studies) or something like that.

...and I do think that we all have some demons. We are flesh so something is creeping under the surface but a lot of us don't do things that project them.

But I don't let everyone touch me anyways! Germs and cooties! :grin:

Don't that pysch chick that Montell Williams always have on look like a demon!? :blush: Sorry, that's not nice. HA!
Sylvia Brown IS rather odd looking.:perplexed