Have you cried or come close to crying?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I want long hair so bad that i just want to cry because it seems as though it is never gonna happen...that's just how I feel at certain times, even though I know it will grow with time, patience and persistence.

For the ladies who have long for the first time ever...did you all go through this? Am I trippin? :look: For the ladies who are determined to have long hair even though it sometimes seems as if it is impossible...do you go through this sometimes?
Wasnt about crying but I definitely had some hair depressed moments...especially right now with the SL/APL huge hurdle and my hair being layered... I still feel like im neck lenght :(
I never cried, but at one time I was like...*** this board. I think it was MApril after I had got serious. I got serious with haircare in January 2008. By March my hair had grown about 1.5 inches, but after that I had a big lonng period of just retaining that length. I thought that was my terminal point. So I was like *** the board, maybe the pictures aren't true. I kept using my same products but really slacked on my regimen. I just washed once a week. Kept doing rollersets, and moisturized every 2-3 days. WELL DANG to my surprise 2 months later my hair had GROWN.

Sometimes taking a break from the haircare and having the attitude that "I'ma let it do what it do baby" can really help you.
I was really about to cry today when I saw someone who bc'd after me but already has longer hair than me, I just reminded myself that I need to stay focused on my hair in 2010:yep:
I haven't been to the point of tears, but sometimes I do feel that a lot of what I see on this board won't happen for me the way it happened for someone else. For one thing, I've had to really come to terms with MY hair and what it will and WILL NOT do. For example, I will NEVER have mega thickness because I have fine, thin strands....my whole life....as a natural when I was a kid, and now as a relaxed adult....so after much prayer and reflection on it I know it grows and can be very healthy, but will never be full, lush, and thick like anothers but it can be full, lush, and thick for my head. I also know that I am not a "grow 4 inches every 2 months" kind of girl. It grows, just not really fast and I will spend anywhere from 6- 12 months at a length before I reach the next goal....even grazing the next level. I mean, I've been NL since Sept. 09, and I'm STILL NL just a longer NL.
What's also helped me is to not compare myself or my progress to another's on this board. As long as I don't slack on my regimen and keep up my vitamins and water, I know I'm doing a good thing. As long as I don't see broken hairs everywhere, I know I am doing a good thing. I just keep on keeping on and say work on hair HEALTH, not length. Prayer helps. I just look at it as a health thing, and if I gain length (which I have) I count that as an extra blessing and keep it moving.
Nah, i was pissed when i started to transition and realised i was practically bald, but a few months later, which was yesterday i realised my hair is growing, slowly but surely. I hope it continues. You just gotta take your mind of it.
First off, OP, this is said with love.

Don't cry over hair. It's not worth it. As long as you are doing the best that you can do, be pleased and happy with the results.

I have had chemical burns, had my hair fall out during my divorce due to stress, had horrible uneven cuts from stylists, looked like a skunk after a crazy bad blond dye job...I could go on and on...

I know it's easier said than done but, in the end, there are a lot worse things in this life to be stressed over. Hair shouldn't be one of them.

Good luck in 2010! I have confidence you'll reach your hair goals.
I think if someone feels so bad that they are at the point of crying due to perceived lack of progress, then it's probably time to take a break from the boards and hide your hair for a while.
Don't cry over hair. It's not worth it. As long as you are doing the best that you can do, be pleased and happy with the results.

I agree. When I started out on LHCF i was very frustrated but I just weaved it up & forgot about it. Just figure out what works for you and what doesnt then stick with it. Patience is a virtue. *hugs* You'll get there, think positive.
I think if someone feels so bad that they are at the point of crying due to perceived lack of progress, then it's probably time to take a break from the boards and hide your hair for a while.

I was thinking this too. May be time to redirect your energy to something that can give quicker gratification.
I've never cried, but I've gotten discouraged when I see people who have made great progress when I haven't (but that was because I wasn't really putting my best foot forward).

Just hang in there. It will get better with time.
Yes, it is very very disheartening and even depressing sometimes to see people in other races whose hair grows with very little effort. Whereas on the other hand, I am constantly worrying about the effects of heat and chemical relaxers....shoot even just combing and wearing my hair out is a cause for concern. Other races don't have to devote nearly as much time as we do and they pretty much can wake up and go. We have a nighttime ritual that is essential to keeping our hair in shape...I hate it. I wish it wasn't so but this is the hand I have been dealt so I have learned to be happy and accept what I have been given.
Sometimes I want long hair so bad that i just want to cry because it seems as though it is never gonna happen...that's just how I feel at certain times, even though I know it will grow with time, patience and persistence.

For the ladies who have long for the first time ever...did you all go through this? Am I trippin? :look: For the ladies who are determined to have long hair even though it sometimes seems as if it is impossible...do you go through this sometimes?

I remember when I was about SL, over a year or so into my healthy hair journey. After BCing, staying natural for a year, than relaxing, I had become a regular bunner by that point. I had taken the "no comb" regimen a bit too far. As a result, my hair matted and tangled something awful. It came out in CLUMPS. I cried in the shower looking at all of that hair. But I nurtured it and it continued to grow. A few setbacks followed but I remained positive from that point on.

Fast forward 2 years, in my 3rd pregnancy. While preggers, I had dream 4b hair: thickness, body, length. I was in love with my hair. Beautiful bouncing baby boy followed. Postpartum shedding became my reality. Shedding that tangled into my ends causing knots then breakage. 18 month post baby, my nape has been broken down to about 2 inches. Hair that I have loved and nurtured to passed BSL with a nape that's been eaten through. My hairline, funny, "what hairline?" Its gone too. Did I cry? No. But I wanted to.

Today, I have a plan. I know it will take time to regrow. In the meantime, I trim and dust and condition and all of the other things we all do. Will I cry? Maybe. But for now I am done whining. I want to protect and enjoy the hair I was able to keep.

All this to say, I understand. :bighug: Cry if you want to. Then, wipe your tears and keep growing.
Don't despair, OP. You will have long, beautiful hair in time.

I've never cried but I do get angry and cuss my hair out from time to time :)

At those moments, I slowly back away from the comb/brush/conditioner and focus on other things in life that are going well.
Doesn't take me much to cry, but I never cried over hair. I been down and upset, then I think to my self...as cheesy as it sounds Rome wasn't built in a day.

Its going to take a long time to even reverse all the bad habits I had. Like 80% of my hair is from my old bad nutrition/bad hair care days. So I'm giving my self at least one year before I start getting real upset.
OP, I know what you mean.

I felt the same way when I kept having to chop off length because of the single strand knots I got when I was natural. I may not have been in tears over it but the frustration I felt about the situation was not minor.
I've never cried over wanting long hair - but I had moments when I was relaxed or waaaaaaaaay post in HS where I would get so frustrated I'd cry over trying to detangle, or get my hair into a pony. Most of the time I would just get mad and then rip through my hair - basically punishing it, and further damaging it.

Since being on LHCF I handle my hair so differently, that I literally never have moments like that anymore. I was doing SO many things that led to those tangles like washing my hair altogether instead of in sections, piling it on top of my head with shampoo like in the commercials (:rolleyes:) using "strengthening" conditioners full of protein when what my hair REALLY needed was moisture and trying to comb my hair out altogether instead of in sections.

I've noticed that the length of my hair doesn't bother me so long as it looks cute ON me, it's healthy and it's generally easy (i.e I've learned the methods needed) to deal with. :yep:

I understand now that more length isn't going to solve any of those other issues I have/had with my hair.
Sometimes I want long hair so bad that i just want to cry because it seems as though it is never gonna happen...that's just how I feel at certain times, even though I know it will grow with time, patience and persistence.

For the ladies who have long for the first time ever...did you all go through this? Am I trippin? :look: For the ladies who are determined to have long hair even though it sometimes seems as if it is impossible...do you go through this sometimes?


Cheer up OP, It's not suppose to be a stressful journey. It's not impossible. Your taking care of your hair now, so the growing comes from within. Your body knows what it's doing, you just have to help retain the production.

Don't be sad. It won't come over night, but it will come, Please just enjoy the way there. Push the tears away so you can see your beautiful with or without Long hair.
Ive never had a problem growing or retaining hair. But the one thing that had me to the point of tears was about a year or so into my last transition and I tried to put my wet hair into a high ponytail. It was NOT happening. My arms were so tired and my hair was just not doing right. I gave up, settled for a regular ponytail and left the bathroom defeated, angry and with my arms burning from holding them up in the air and my head hurting from flipping my head upside down. High ponys on my wet hair are a no go.

For those that are frustrated over hair growth I suggest taking a break and REALLY simplifying your regimen. Hair grows, patience is a virtue!
When I cut 4-5 inches off my hair at the end of November I was close to tears because I was BSL and I cut my hair all the way to SL. This was very frustrating to me because I had never achieved length like that before in my adulthood ! So I essentially had to start over again (due to thin ends). But going forward I hope to maintain length and thickness.
When I had a huge setback a few years ago that destroyed all my progress I had made up to that point I cried. I felt sooo devastated that all I could was cry!
I havent cried because my hair is short but I did cry when I had a huge hair shedding issue. It was a set back that i didnt want.:nono:
I'm with the OP. I'll admit. i'm not there NOw but i've been there before in my life.

I think its hard for others to understand who have always had hair that was average length and grows okay. I was one of those kids whose hair didn't really grow like that.

My hair is the longest its ever been now, its barely past shoulder length but im happy cause it has grown a lot!

my point is, it may seem trivial for someone to cry over hair to you because ur not in the same place as the person. Hair can bring up very painful memories for ppl. PPl have been teased all on accounts of hair, i know i was.

So to the OP, i have been there. But i know that my hair does grow. I now try to think about one of my friend's who is going bald due to chemo. I think about ppl who have alopecia & have to worry about bald spots. My hair may not be exactly where or how i want it to be but its not horrible. It looks nice, looks somewhat healthy lol and i have learned to appreciate it.

it will get better. Follow ur goals and be gentle with it!
I have been really depressed. Three things have helped me so far:

-To realize other ladies progress pics span over months and sometimes years

-To explore other areas of LHCF like OT and the RELATIONSHIPS forums

-And, to decide to join a challenge that will "hide" my hair away from me for awhile (at least 6 months).

:hug3: Be encouraged OP