Have you been here 2, 3, 4, 5+ years and *still* not found your perfect products?


New Member
I've been on the boards for two years and while I've learned how to retain length and increase the health of my hair. I still have not found those products that I just can't like without.

In fact, new products are often so anti-climactic that I don't even want to try them.The latest experiment was a tub of Miss Key 10 en 1 that I got while in the Dominican :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: Terrible for me. :wallbash: I mean this is by far the WORST conditioner I've EVER used. I couldn't even comb through my hair the two times that I tried it.

How long did it take you to find your "perfect blend" of staple products?What does your hair like/dislike?
I feel ya on this one. There are products that I like -- I mean really like -- but I haven't found the perfect product yet.

I'm morning the loss of my silicon mix. I used to keep a hair journal and raved about the silicon mix twice, then went on to something else because I was a total PJ and because I hated the smell. Since then, I think I should go back to it. Maybe keeping a hair journal will help you.
I', just concluding my staple products. It took me up until this month, so i guess a little over 2 yrs. Since my hair needs more moisture and can't really handle protien most of my products are moisturizing and I get my main source of protien from a reconstrctor.
I just revamped my whole regimen again after being back around here again. its WAY more expensive now too :wallbash:

but I'm loving it and put a cap on it too, thats it for me, for a while! (I hope)

so yeah Ive done this probably a couple/few times over the years, plus added or taken away something many times over, it just keeps getting better

The thing about me though , is that when I do find something I have to 'stock up' and be set with it for a whlie......so its lots of money at once, then I chill:grin:
Less than two years to find the right products, and one more year figuring out how to best use them.
I'm still working on finding the perfect one. I've found several that are pretty darn close, and if I can't find anything better, I might have to consider them 'perfect', but - I think I'll be searching for the Holy Grail of hair products forever, honestly.
i have found som staples, but i'm a product junkie, so i can't really answer the question. i want to buy eluence products, since i got to see how they work on my cousin's clients. i also want to try some creamy, heavy, moisturizing products. i do love Qhemet products though.
I've been on the boards for two years and while I've learned how to retain length and increase the health of my hair. I still have not found those products that I just can't like without.

In fact, new products are often so anti-climactic that I don't even want to try them.The latest experiment was a tub of Miss Key 10 en 1 that I got while in the Dominican :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono: Terrible for me. :wallbash: I mean this is by far the WORST conditioner I've EVER used. I couldn't even comb through my hair the two times that I tried it.

How long did it take you to find your "perfect blend" of staple products?What does your hair like/dislike?

I haven't even been here a year and a half yet, but I just had to comment on that 10 en 1 :nono:. It definitely ain't for everyone, either you love it or hate it (I hated it). I would venture to say I've found my staple products, but being the junkie I am, that doesn't stop me from buying whatever else peaks my interest. I've known before coming here my hair can handle very light protein but I have to be heavy on the moisture. What I did learn is that more products than I originally thought contain some type of protein. Just today I would've been on my way to hair suicide had I not read a post from Just Kiya that made me double back and read the ingredients of a particular product that I had in my shopping cart (thank ya, girl!).

I feel ya on this one. There are products that I like -- I mean really like -- but I haven't found the perfect product yet.

I'm morning the loss of my silicon mix. I used to keep a hair journal and raved about the silicon mix twice, then went on to something else because I was a total PJ and because I hated the smell. Since then, I think I should go back to it. Maybe keeping a hair journal will help you.

Keeping a journal has helped me SO much! I can keep track of what I use, what I mixed together, my personal recipes and the results. Highly suggest doing this :yep:.

I just revamped my whole regimen again after being back around here again. its WAY more expensive now too :wallbash:

but I'm loving it and put a cap on it too, thats it for me, for a while! (I hope)

so yeah Ive done this probably a couple/few times over the years, plus added or taken away something many times over, it just keeps getting better

The thing about me though , is that when I do find something I have to 'stock up' and be set with it for a whlie......so its lots of money at once, then I chill:grin:
I'm hoping this is me too!
I've been here 3 years. the first year I wasnt taking care of my hair at all.

When I first got here I was natural and I started using Scurl. I loved it on my natural hair. It made it soo soft. Then I relaxed and my relaxed hair didnt like it. I'm still searching for the perfect moisturizer.

I suffer from dryness. I've tried Kenra MC, Humectress, Moisturefuse, etc. I think products can only do so much if your pushing out poor quality hair. I went to the salon and they told me my hair was so dry because I dont drink much water. So I am changing my diet and hopefully I'll see improvements.
It hasn't taken me long to find the products that work for me. When I started I knew I wanted to go the natural route, so that cut out alot of products because of their ingredients.

I recently decided that "if I can't eat it, it's not going on my hair/body". That made it wayyyyyyy easier to figure out what products to use. So right now I'm trying to use up all my oyin and giovanni products.

I'm natural and my hair needs moisture primarily. So, when I'm at the grocery store I just look around for things that would help moisturize my hair. It also helps that I'm pretty lazy so I know I'm not going to try things like henna or ayurvedics.

For my hair I like...coconut milk, aloe vera gel/juice, rose water, baking soda/water (for cleansing), coconut oil. I'm planning on trying some honey and creamy shea butter once I use up some other stuff.

I think you should definitely keep a hair journal. That'll help you figure out the things your hair does/doesn't respond well to.
I've been on the board for over five years and I have just recently found the "perfect" list of products for my hair. The perfect is in quotation marks because there are ingredients here and there that I don't like within some of the products but overall the products still work very well for my hair. It's taken a lot of trial and error to find the products that work best for me.
I've been doing the healthy hair thing since 2004 (on and off). It took me until August 2008 to find the right conditioner for my hair. :wallbash: