Have flakes but hair isn't dry. Help?


New Member
In fact, my hair is nice and moisterized since I changed from Care free curl gold to Hollywood carrot creme.

Since last relaxer I've had this combination of big flakes but nice moist and very silky hair. We have a whole house water filter which covers everything in our house including the showers.

Outside of changing from CFCG to the carrot oil, I now comb my hair maybe every other day instead of every day, more or less as an experiment to see if I can do it. But I woudn't think that would be the cause of the flakes (would it?)

Scalp isn't itchy or anything either so I don't know what to think.

I can't use SLS based shampoos so I don't even know where to start even!

could it be build up? Do they feel waxy between your fingertips and smear or melt a little if you rub it between your fingertips?
ThursdayGirl said:
could it be build up? Do they feel waxy between your fingertips and smear or melt a little if you rub it between your fingertips?

No,but the flakes are kinda soft if that makes any sense. They don't seem to melt or anything.

Last time I combed my hair I did see some buildup but not a lot, And last time I washed my hair i used a bit of vinigar in the shampoo to help remove it. But I do wonder if the hollywood carrot oil is causing that. Have you had any experience that particular creme at all?

Arcadian said:
No,but the flakes are kinda soft if that makes any sense. They don't seem to melt or anything.

Last time I combed my hair I did see some buildup but not a lot, And last time I washed my hair i used a bit of vinigar in the shampoo to help remove it. But I do wonder if the hollywood carrot oil is causing that. Have you had any experience that particular creme at all?


I have not, no. Sorry. I think I would try a clarifying poo though. I do vinegar fairly regularly and its not always enough. If you can get a hold of some kenra clarifying poo, try that. Its not as harsh as a lot of the other clarifiers that I have tried. Just an idea. Hopefully someone else will come along with another suggestion or two.
When I was relaxed sometimes I'd get flakes after coming out the dryer and my hair was JUST washed...it used to baffle me until I started washing my hair myself and realized that the stylist wasn't fully washing the conditioner off my scalp so it'd flake up once my hair was fully dry. Maybe that is what's happening to you. Clarifying might help, but also check your scalp after washing while your hair is still wet to make sure it is clean. You could also use a paddle brush to scrub your scalp while using whatever shampoo you use. HTH!
I used to get flakes when I'd use a relaxer w/o basing my scalp.

I know the cause of dandruff is supposed to be from overly oily scalp. It causes the skin on the scalp to stick and not wash away properly.
Arcadian said:
No,but the flakes are kinda soft if that makes any sense. They don't seem to melt or anything.

Last time I combed my hair I did see some buildup but not a lot, And last time I washed my hair i used a bit of vinigar in the shampoo to help remove it. But I do wonder if the hollywood carrot oil is causing that. Have you had any experience that particular creme at all?


That is one reason why i no longer use hollywood carrot oil nor hollywood olive cream. It left a built up in my hair it looked flaky like i had major dandruf issues!:perplexed
That Hollywood carrot cream is EVIL! :mad:

At least it was for me...it left so much buildup on my hair it wasn't even funny. And yes, it was flaky and gross. That's why that stuff had to go...and I haven't had the flake problem since.
nadine1977canada said:
That is one reason why i no longer use hollywood carrot oil nor hollywood olive cream. It left a built up in my hair it looked flaky like i had major dandruf issues!:perplexed

Amen to the Hollywood olive cream !!!

It gave my hair moisture at the 1st application. But later that day stiffness !!! :lol::lol::lol:
oh wow I didn't even know anyone had that kind of issue with it (makes me want to cry because it makes my hair so soft and luscious!!!)

So if I stop using the carrot oil how long would it take before I noticed a difference? I'll also take a look at the kenra shampoo and see if its something that I can use.

I'm going to give my hair a break from the carrot oil and see if it helps. dunno, maybe I should start combing again on a daily basis? Not combing daily does seem to help my hair but maybe its just not the best thing for my scalp!

BTW, my scalp is pretty naturally oily. I don't add oils directly to my scalp, just to my hair because putting oils directly on my scalp does quite a bit of damage (I get scalp pimples, which is just gross!) I also can't go to crazy with extra oils on my hair because it can make my hair pretty hard but the hollywood carrot oil seemed to be totally different and didn't make it hard..that was a first .

Talk about being back to the drawing board!!! *sigh*:whyme::(

Many thanks to everyone for your suggestions and comments even though you told me something I didn't really want to hear.

If your not putting the carrot cream directly on your scalp then I don't know how it could have caused your scalp to flake up. I think it may be just a build up of conditioner, or maybe your scalp is shedding, :lol: , j/k but seriously I would either massage some EVOO into my scalp every fews (very lightly so it don't over due it) and maybe you could incorporate Flaxseed oil into your regimen, it helped keep my hair and scalp moist/oiled.
I do take plenty of fish and flax oils on a daily basis and have for many years for overall health reasons. I've tried evoo on my hair before as well as other oils as a prepoo (was a no go, was really diappointed) and have also tried other oils with success as long as I kept them in extremly small doses.

I've been using use what may be the equivalent of 1/16th of a teaspoon of the carrot creme daily applied to my hair. But could be that its too much for my scalp if its getting on it.

I don't doubt that some oils get to my scalp just from manipulation, which is quite natural and I don't suffer to much from that. I do try to just avoid direct contact as much as possible, and that seems to work out just fine. I can get CFCG on my scalp and it dosen't bother it at all..but diretly applying oils really makes my scalp act up something fierce!

Tomorrow I'm going to see if I can't find kenra clarifying shampoo around here and just use the CFCG... Hopefully it won't just sit up there and laugh at me:perplexed
