Has anyone mixed Aphogee 2 min w/Aphogee Hard Core?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has ever done this because when I do my next touch up I try to use a stronger protein treatment (Aphogee hard core or Nexxus...) because that was recommended.

I want to use Aphogee hard core but do not like the way it makes my hair REALLY HARD. So I was wondering if I were to mix the two would I get a stronger protein treatment as rather then just using my 2 min.

BTW, I use the 2 min with every wash already.
I was wondering if anyone has ever done this because when I do my next touch up I try to use a stronger protein treatment (Aphogee hard core or Nexxus...) because that was recommended.

I want to use Aphogee hard core but do not like the way it makes my hair REALLY HARD. So I was wondering if I were to mix the two would I get a stronger protein treatment as rather then just using my 2 min.

BTW, I use the 2 min with every wash already.

I don't think you should mix it...why don't you try nexxus emergencee it always leaves my hair soft as long as you use a moisturizing DC afterwards:lick:
I can't picture anyone mixing Aphogee 2 min w Aphogee Hard core. Aphogee Hardcore is stinky business. Try Nexxus Emergencee or Joico to get away from smell.
I mixed them to reduce the watery consistency of the hardcore aphogee but it just turned out that my hair simply hates the 2 step aphogee, I mean really hates it:nono:!!! It breaks more afterwards than before using it and I only use it after my hair gets too much stretch in it from over moisturizing. I threw that crap in the garbage but I still use the 2 minute aphogee (the creamy one) and I love that one:yep:. I find that Duo Tex work 10 times better IMO.
OK Thanks for answeing ladies. I guess I won't be doing that. I will mix it with either Nexxus or Duo Tex.

Hey, how about mixing the 2 min with eggs?????
I wouldn't do this!!! The Aphogee 2-step is nothing to play around with--it will seriously take your hair out if you aren't careful. This is the one product I use almost exactly as directed (except I follow-up with a better moisturizing conditioner for 2 hours with heat when I use the 2-step Aphogee).
IMHO I would not mix Apoghee with anything. That is why it makes the hair hard the Apoghee 2 min. treatment. I just apply mines on my hair as is as way the instructions says too.