Has anyone here relaxed with both Affirm & Design Essentials?

I love Design Essentials. My hair feels like silk whenever I have used it. Although I get my touch ups by my beautician because they do not sell the relaxer at any of the stores, they only sell the shampoo and conditioner.
Design Essentials gets my vote. Affirm made my hair feel funny and flat. I get consistent results with Design Essentials.
I use DE Lo-Lye relaxer (1st time in June) and love it. I got more bounce and body then I every had with Affirm (sensitive scalp) and Fiberaguard. My hair is fine and Affirm always made it too straight too fast.
I use DE Lo-Lye relaxer (1st time in June) and love it. I got more bounce and body then I every had with Affirm (sensitive scalp) and Fiberaguard. My hair is fine and Affirm always made it too straight too fast.

Is Lo-lye the same as a no lye relaxer?
My stylist has used both for me and I also prefer Design Essentials Regular to the Affirm Fiberguard Regular. I had more bounce, body and my hair felt more silky.
I concur with everyone on the Design Essentials. The body is unbelievable. I currently have Affirm sensitive scalp and my hair is silky straight but no body whatsover.
From what I remember, Design Essentials was the best for me. Affirm kinda made my hair brittle. I absolutely hated Mizani ( not that you asked) ;)
I've used both but DE makes my hair a lot silkier and it has more body. Affirm is my 2nd choice.
I'm upset that i have a whole gallon full of Design Essentials that maybe be expired...i need to find that thread on how to tell if a relaxer has expired..

because i wanted to start self relaxing at home...and I never been a big fan of Affirm(thts the relaxer that every stylist ive ever been to uses on my hair and i hate it for some reason)....
yes , from two different stylists. the two times with affirm started out great those few days after the intial touch up. then are started seeing breakage, but then it was prolly the stylist error . they seem to be notorious for not rinsing the neutralizer out :nono:. this last touch up i had was with Design and again a different stylist. my hair felt ok, but it felt like she didnt neutralize enough as well. i get ive had design in the past , so i would say that i'd pick this over affirm and the keracare line. it doesnt seem to work too well for me. my stylist now washes my hair w/ design products, and im thinking about ordering some for myself...
Yes. I have relaxed with both DE regular, DE mild w/shea butter, and Affirm regular and Affirm "mild".

Let me tell you, Design Essentials (especially the Lo-lye mild formula w/shea butter) has been the best for my hair. My hair thrived when I was being relaxed with the DE mild relaxer. Years back when my stylist put affirm regular in my hair, my hair always started to thin out! :( My hair had no body whatsoever, and the relaxer was just too harsh IMO.

Then, I switched to DE mild/shea butter and that relaxer was pretty awesome! My hair thrived, my hair was thicker, my edges grew in (I found out that I actually had a mini-widow's peak! something I never knew!) and my hair just felt more moisturized. Well, I switched stylists (silly me) and she SWORE by affirm, so I decided to try it one last time...this time with the MILD formula. Silly me, I thought that all "mild" relaxers were created equal. The same thing that happened with the regular affirm relaxer happened with the mild! At first, everything seemed okay. But then touch-up after touch-up I started noticing that my hair started to get dry, break off, seemed really limp, and just seemed life-less. Did I mention it felt dry?? :lol:

When I told my original stylist what had happened, she said that Affirm has alcohol in it, and so it dries your hair out over time. WEll, I switched back to DE mild, but then to regular, and even then I could tell that DE Regular was a gentler relaxer than the Affirm MILD! So, no....ALL relaxers are NOT created equal! :nono:

I'm going to be switching back to the DE mild however.... I think it was better for my fine hair overall.

Hope this info helps! :)
I have tried them both and i actually like affirm better, the DE dries my hair out and i have less body, and the affirm seems to last longer for me with better body maybe its the stylist...idk
If so, what were your effects with both?

thanks in advance,

hey Tishee i ve relaxed with Affirm 2 months ago. i looooooved the results left my hair very soft but i dont know if its also because i had a black blue rinse applied and deep cond at the salon at the same time. i really thought it was the best i used. i dont know if it was mild regular or super. But now that i m no longer abroad i m due this monday for my first perm at Elia Hairsalon and i m thinking of using either Mizani (my sister keeps raving about it) or Phyto. i dont think my domenican salon carries Affirm. but overall it was a great experience i can only say good things about the affirm relaxer! let me know which one u decide to go with

i never used Design Essentials would love to hear about it:yep:
From what I remember, Design Essentials was the best for me. Affirm kinda made my hair brittle. I absolutely hated Mizani [/B]( not that you asked) ;)

yeah but good to know:look:lollllll i was about to go get that Mizani:nono: but i m stay a lil bit on lhcf to learn which is the best relaxer ok i may not try Mizani thanks for the heads up. hum Design Essentials sounds good i ll see what my hairsalon carries and recommends me too
ekomba I did not know that you relaxed your hair....it looks good

Thanks Tishee! yes i did two months ago. i needed a new start in all domains of my life i think it was mostly cathartic like being a new me and i m not looking back:yep:
how u been girl longtime!!! missed u
My old stylist got me hooked on Design Essentials Sensitive Scalp, then did a switcharoo and used Affirm. That was the last time I went to a stylist for my relaxer.

Affirm left my hair limp and dry. Design Essentials leaves my hair silky, moisturized, and thick. As long as they make DE, I'll always use it! :yep: