Has anyone ever


New Member
experienced this:

One side of my hair is growing healthy and the other side looks "tore up from the floor up!" (trying to be humorous about it /images/graemlins/smile.gif)

My current regime is to wash my hair Wed and Sat, I currently use Creme of Nature for fine hair, but I have three other shampoos I have been using, I have decided to stick with the Creme of Nature until I finish and use the others which are Soft and Beautiful Moisturizing Shampoo, Aphogee shampoo for Damaged hair and Shikai (I probably spelled that wrong) for damaged hair.

I use Motions CPR and follow with Mizani Moisturefuse and then apply a leave in either Infusium 23 or Arosci, then wet set adding a little lotta body Creme.

After the wet set I wrap my hair, I have been noticing the right side is thinner than the left and my hairline on the right side is also thinning, could this be because of the wrap? I also sleep on my right side more if that helps.

What can I do to stop the thinning on my right side? Any suggestons would be helpful... /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
I have found that the hair in the middle of my head grows longggggggggggg while around the sides, it's much slower.

I think that this is because I go to the gym often and this is the effect of sweat(So goes my theory /images/graemlins/lick.gif). I have decided to really moisturise the sides and also rinse off my hair after the gym.

I don't really think that sleeping on one side would cause hair to thin unless you are not wearing the right head gear /images/graemlins/whip.gif However, maybe you should switch sides and see if that helps.
Hi dandy,

There was a board some time back that discussed hair wraps and thinning. In my experience, my hair in general did thin out some from being wrapped at night. I have since stopped wrapping my hair.

Some other ladies decided that the best course of action was to alternate the direction that your hair is wrapped each time you wash it. Like wrap to the left one time, then wrap to the right the next time you wash.

I agree that I don't see that the direction you sleep would make a big difference.

Hope this helps!
As for the thinning hairline, vitamin e works wonders. You can also opt for castor oil or a mixture of the two. You will see that area fill in very quickly. Purchase these from a health food store. The vit e should be about 10,000 IU and the castor oil should be cold pressed. These are the ones I have.

actually the side that you sleep on can slow down your hair growth and thin it out. A couple of years Ago the back of my haed refused to grow andmy hair stylists told me that its because I was sleeping on my back. I immediately stoppped and the back slowly is catching up. The problem now is that i sleep on the sides and so they are thinning out. Ive been using nioxin follicle booster so I hope his will help me. maybe you should try this too!
I agree, that sleeping on one side can slow growth. I was told this by my derm a while back when I asked why the sides of my hair was so thin. But, then I could have other things that contribute /images/graemlins/look.gif
Hello Ladies! Thank you ssssoooo much for your responses, I will be taking a quick trip to the health food store for some vitamin e and castor oil, switching up the sides I wrap and sleep on and moisturizing, moisturizing, moisturizing. I appreciate all of the replies they are really helpful. I will make sure and keep everyone posted /images/graemlins/grin.gif