Hard curlies :(


New Member
Curlies, what do you do when you hair feel like a hard brillo pad after even after deep conditioning and moisturizing?

I recently bought some KBB hair milk and I was nice on dry hair but when I used on wet hair it made it feel hard. I tried to compensate by putting other moisturizers and that did not work. So now my hair is hard and greasy. :nono: It feels the worst on the crown of my head. The only place that feels smooth and soft is where my bangs were cut :ohwell:

Any suggestions?
Clarify, and start again with a product that you know works for moisture. Preferably a deep conditioner, then a good leave in.
I used banana brulee as my deep conditioner. Is there any moisturizer that works good on wet hair or should I just wait until dry to ad my leave ins?
On my wet hair I use vegetable glycerin and aloe vera gel. I don't know of any commercial leave in's that are good on natural hair. I'm sure that there are plenty, but I haven't used any.
Wait, sometimes I will use a tad of vo5 Moisture Milk as a leave in, even though it is regular ol' cheapie conditioner.
Maybe some more ladies will chime in.

I would suggest that you allow your hair to get dry or at least 80%-90% dry and then add your deep conditioner.
When my hair is not it's best on the moisture, this does the trick.
For some reason it works waaaay better then adding the dc on wet hair.
It brings the softness and moisture back everytime.

ETA: I *think* that the dc on dry hair works so well because when the water has completely dissolved, and the hair is dry, the conditioner soak directly into the strands.
I believe this is because the strands are not full of water.
I hope that makes sense.

In other words, there isn't a load of water blocking the conditioner.
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Are you moisturising in sections and really making sure that the extra dry strands feel moisturised before you move on to another section of hair? This has helped me when my hair has felt drier in places
^^I agree. Definitely use a clarifying shampoo to remove the product then DC with a condish that you know works for you, followed by a good moiturizing leave-in.
Are you moisturising in sections and really making sure that the extra dry strands feel moisturised before you move on to another section of hair? This has helped me when my hair has felt drier in places

Oh yea, I detangle and then separate in sections to condition.